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Posts posted by KeysPhoneWallet

  1. Big fan of sand. Just changed mine for the first time in 5+ years, pool still looked good but 3-5 yrs is good life for sand. DE filters require too much cleaning if that's your thing or you can drop some coin for new ones. Just too much maintenance for this guy compared to sand.

    From what I’m seeing you just backwash them once a month during the hot months then put more de in the skimmers to recharge. During the cooler months it’s once every 2 or 3 months.
    Then once per year you take them apart and inspect/wash the sleeves.

    Was that your experience with a DE filter?

    I was constantly battling algae with sand and it didn’t help that it couldn’t filter the stuff that well
  2. Then today they had the deck boards in and started working on one of the rock walls that will become flower beds or somethingcae346c7a7171e05368bb855f396fe4e.jpg

    Also, Gonna trade out the sand filter for a DE filter. Supposedly it will help me keep the pool clean and algae free. Was told it “Takes the maintenance out of the water and brings it to the filter system. “ hopefully that’s true bc the chemical fight was a pain with the sand filter. Anybody know if swapping the sand filter for a DE filter for $700 sounds about right?

    • Drool 1
  3. Did Jahdae play many downs yesterday??
    Bobby was frustrated on the OTF live watch during the 1st qtr -- he said that the Texas defensive plan added a LB, and took the nickel off the field.
    Bobby was frustrated that Texas did not have one of their best defenders on the field, but hell the defense certainly shut baylor's putrid offense down.

    They were going to take that outside zone run play off the table

    I didn’t like seeing so much taafe so early…not when Kitan or Lewis could have been out there
  4. You were right. I’m running out of things to worry about. Execution continues to improve significantly across the board and the most likely outcome is this team continues to pickup steam as they roll through the big 12.

    The next two weeks will be tough matchups. Be worried about the team playing flat and the refs throwing their thumbs in the scale and losing games we should win.
  5. Given the width of that top step I think the builder made a good decision. If would be my preference as well seeing my inlaws use theirs with bad knees, the need to comfortable put both feet on same step as they get in/out.

    We put it in primarily for my mother in law bc she has bad knees and balance these days. I agree with you, they just see someone trying to use the wrong side without looking.
  6. So I talked to him about replacing the sealed joists with pressure tested and we’re going to work that out.

    And today they did the replastering, and they finished installing the new drains and the things that hold the jets, and the hand rail, and now the pool is filling. They will put in the light and the jet eyes once the pool is full I guess? But the quartzscape is supposed to stay west I think.

    The thing is the hand rail isn’t centered. I think he did it on purpose bc the top stair isn’t too wide so if we center it there won’t be much on either side, but the wife and MIL worry about people trying to get in on the wrong side and getting hurt and so they want it centered. What do people think?


    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. I would have been observing from the side, softly mumbling corrections after others made grammar mistakes.
    [mumble] “I’m sure if Nahlin would have taken you up…” [/mumble]
    My friend closest to me would have elbowed me, because even if he couldn’t completely understand what I had mumbled, he would have heard the grammar mistake as well and would have known from years of knowing me that I would have been unable to just leave an error alone.
    I would have found a way to avoid a physical confrontation and then rehashed the events in great detail later when retelling the agro event of the evening. 
    It would take many years before I could manage to silently correct other people’s grammar in my head or in message board posts. 


    • Haha 3
  8. So it looks like the deck joists are not pressure treated lumber. I’m told this is a critical issue and I need to take it up with the guy. I’ve done some research and if untreated wood is the only option given the budget, then I have a few things going for me: (1) the deck shouldn’t be exposed to too much water bc of the roof, (2) the joists are a few inches above the ground, and (3) untreated spoiled needs to be prepared with some chemical and then sealed every so often.

    I’ve read that a pressure treated deck will need maintenance in 10 years but untreated may need maintenance in 2-5 years.

    I’m also feeling some regret bc I probably could have done a slab instead of deck but at this point the materials are bought.

  9. Love it, keep'em coming. I hear about redo's all the time but never really see them. It seem there are builders that know how to do them and others that don't...but pretend to. This looks great so far.

    I hope so, just kind of took him at his word for it…couldn’t find any online presence for his company.
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