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Posts posted by bullzak

  1. I just love all this. Been having to field client questions about crypto for years and we told them it isn't our thing. 

    Always have felt its a greater fool theory deal. Yes, like beanie babies. Problem is when the last fools in the chain get left holding a bag of dogshit there aren't many fools left. 

    BTC will probably survive because how else can criminals launder money with no rules in place? 

    At least there aren't many left to tell me its money, a store of value, or an inflation hedge anymore. Thats all bullshit. 

    But hey, if youre long it, and you like it, go for it. Just dont cry on anyones shoulder when all that shit goes to money heaven. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  2. 9 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    As seedy as his business was, it seems like he shoulda been capped by now.

    Its been a week. Give it time. 

    Saylor is my favorite knucklehead. How about when MSTR went from 1400/share to 90 in six months back in 2000 after a bunch of accounting fraud? And yet there he is, no shame at all, flogging for crypto. 

    Amazing that guy hasn't seen the inside of a jail cell. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Wally Fairway said:

    35 years ago today - Black Monday a true market meltdown, it was the end of the financial system if the SEC, Fed and others didn't step up and make changes. Everyone knows that the markets fell over 500 points or 20%, but it was the commodity/futures markets that almost didn't open on Tuesday was where the real crisis was eventually averted. And there was no internet, so I heard it driving from my office in Greenway Plaza downtown for a lunch. 

    In today's market that would be a one day decline of  6,000+ points in the Dow - there are no memes to properly reflect that 

    I was a young punk so thankfully didn't have any money to lose but imagine that now in our nonstop media world. The 2008 crash was bad enough but at least that was slow motion relatively. 


  4. Branagh is just stellar in this film as he is in everything. I have watched it a couple of times and it is so chilling to see them discussing the entire process like they are building pickup trucks. Hard to believe all of this was such recent history. 

    I would guess most of the actors had a lot of stage training because there were some long complicated dialogue scenes. I dont recall a lot of scene cutting but I need to see it again. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. WWI was such a ridiculous slaughter. I have read that 1/3 of French men 18-25 died in that war. Wiped out a whole generation. 

    At the Somme the British had 60,000 casualties the first day. 

    Battle for Passchendaele is believed to have caused 500,000 casualties total and moved the line a few hundred yards before giving it all up. Horrific indifference to human life. And all it accomplished was to set the stage for the next one 20 years later. 

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  6. Seems like the biggest issue here relative to normal civil litigation is Delaware Chancery. I haven't paid that much attention but if they have a rocket docket and can get to finality much faster than you can in regular court, Musks leverage erodes in a hurry, aside from all the legal arguments. 

    I am tangentially involved in Tribune Bankruptcy that is finally on life support after 12 years and having only gotten into procedural maneuvering with no discovery etc. Last count a few years ago the legal bills were a quarter of a billion. 

    On paper he is screwed. His only real leverage is the financial torture of long term grinding litigation but that may not be in play here. Surely Skadden advised him of that and he ignored them. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    edit to add - i just actually went and read a bunch of the reviews (from both critics and normal people).  the most common thing from critics was, "why waste time on this when you could just be watching the godfather?"  the most common phrase from normies was "the critics got this wrong, this show is great."

    IMO the making of the greatest movie of all time is just as fascinating as the movie. There were so many obstacles to Coppolas vision its amazing this thing ever saw the screen. 

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