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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by B00M

  1. 22 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    What has Donald Trump done in his life that gives us reason to believe a single word he says?

    Which is why it's funny that we're taking what he said in the wake of meeting with putin as evidence of ANYTHING. He's an idiot that rambles ignorantly, lies, and mis-speaks constantly. We have years of evidence proving that parsing his words is a fool's errand. His actions are worth debating. His words are a waste of everyone's time.

  2. 11 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    That had nothing to do with what I referred to. I was talking about Schumer's scolding of the Congress over Maxine Waters' "push back" order.  He, in typical pussified leftish fashion played the "go high" card, when in reality it is perfectly reasonable (and frankly expected) for the public to engage their elected and appointed government officials in public over issues they feel compelled to talk about.  Don't want no shit?  Don't work for the government.  

    200 years ago they'd be tarred and feathered, but for some reason we now have to be "civil" even though the right act like fucking pigs.  Nope.

    I thought waters wanted push back over trump's immigration policies? 

    I think Schumers call for civility is extremely respectable. I wish you'd be more specific and less emotional like you used to be.



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  3. 32 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    You have confused things. 

    (1) you can hold adults more than 20 days under the law;

    (2) courts have interpreted the existing agreements and laws as requiring that children cannot be detained in a "secure" facility with adults (i.e. jail) more than 20 days;

    (3) there is in fact no requirement that anyone be detained at all. Like many crimes, especially other misdemeanors, detention prior to trial should only be done if there is no other reasonable way to ensure attendance at the hearing;

    (4) A previous trial program of ankle monitors resulted in a 90+% attendance rate. 

    (5) The humanitarian crisis was created by an administration that (a) had no plan for ever reuniting families as required by law; (b) in fact appeared to try and actively make reunification impossible; (c) made is impossible for migrants to claim asylum through proper channels; (d) required every migrant be detained in jail regardless of whether they had a potentially valid asylum claim and regardless of whether jailing was at all necessary to secure attendance; (e) held children in absolutely horrible conditions and intentionally moved them as far from their parents as possible. 

    In short, you know nothing and got nothing right.

    Thanks for chiming in, sincerely. Do you think the best solution is one where families are interviewed and if they're legit, they get ankle monitors and are released? What specifically needs to change today to end the 'slide into authoritarianism' and create a nominally sustainable border situation? 

  4. Ok so I watched an MSNBC round table discussing Schumer's lack of outrage and I was amazed by how closely it mirrored many opinions expressed in this forum. 

    Essentially, they didn't want any discussion of civility until there was no longer caging or separation of families at the border (& accessible health care for all & NO poverty.. but she was rolling), and anything possible must be done to make the right (white nationalists) uncomfortable in order to stop the "current slide into authoritarianism". They did mention that all the right wants is "lib tears", which seemed fair.

    It appears the crux of this really is what's happening at the border. There was no solution or details discussed. Just outrage. No talk of how you process so many people in a timely manner (20 days was the acceptable limit under Obama before they had to be released), or keep them safe while doing so, which i believe is the entire point of the cages. Trump ended his indefensible policy of separating, by default, real families that had committed no other crime... So if i'm understanding this correctly, the left is fine with the 20 day detention limit, but extending it beyond that, so it's feasible to process/deport/grant asylum to so many people, represents a slide into authoritarianism that requires the harassment of all repubs. 

    Have i over simplified? There should be a limit, there should be a mechanism in place to expedite, but .. why was 20 dats agreeable? If 20 days isn't feasible, what's an agreeable limit beyond 20 days? Does this debate really represent the end of the republic Jimmy?



  5. 2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Your "both sides" is noted.  You're wrong.  I don't care, be wrong, but if you think the left hasn't tried way too hard to be conciliatory FAR more often than the right, then you're just not paying attention.  Christ, look at Chuck Schumer's shitshow last week.  It's just all too common.

    I really don't want to google "Schumer shitshow".. can you be a bit more specific? I thought he was going to do everything possible to resist anything the right put forward. The fact that this amounts to putting sensational headlines out there to rile up the base isn't really his fault.

  6. 31 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    The left has been philosophically and politically ineffective for several decades. 


    I think this statement is accurate, especially when you consider that Bill Clinton's presidency was arguably in the center of today's spectrum. The debateable part is whether or not this is the fault of the politicians and tactics put forward by the left... or that the ideas just haven't been particularly sellable to the American people.

  7. While you're recovering you should have plenty of time to read and begin to implement: 8 steps to a pain free back by esther gokhale

    It's readily available in multiple formats and gets great reviews because long term, it works. You can learn how to passively strengthen your core and ass to turn this cycle of pain around. In the mean time, you need quality massage, frequently, to pull yourself from the brink. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. I do absolutely miss the way Obama carried himself. Reading his tweets since the election is a breath of fresh air even if I disagree with some of his politics. Since Trump 1st gathered momentum, I feared his longest lasting impact would be democrats getting another super majority. He's utterly embarrassing. I voted against him when Cruz still had a chance to lose to Hillary, and ultimately flushed a texas vote on the GJ believing they could crack 5% and get FEC funding. Of course they didn't.

    I'm moderately pleased with the SC justices. Recognizing Jerusalem seems good.

    The repubs managing to pass one substantial piece of legislation (tax "reform") while controlling congress is inexcusable. Their unwillingness to address the deficit after 8 years of screaming about it is outrageous. It lookd like the differences between DJT's 4 years and HRC's theoretical lame duck 4 years will be relatively superficial (despite folks like jimmy claiming it's the end of the republic, lulz), and then the pendulum is swinging back with authority. 

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  9. 16 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Kind of what I was thinking. 

    Some dude with a really tiny dick, like really tiny, we are talking probably less than 6 and 1/2 inches, wanted to see the other guys lose a little bit. 

    Lulz, I gotta ask. What in the actual fuck do you think a circumcision removes that reduces the length your ass has to take? ...or, just how meaty and nasty is your fuckin foreskin bro? Please PM your repy to derka 

    • Fuck You 1
  10. "Reliable" also felt like code for white guy.

    His film is fun to watch. Based on his interview, he broke his leg a year+ ago, so if my timeline is right, his ridiculous speed after recovery is encouraging to me.

  11. 10 hours ago, R2D2 said:

    If you don't agree with me, say so. This august, wherever you are. Post from an unshaded park bench outside at 12am. We'll argue till dusk. All the math and graphs and studies etc.

    It is vital that you be outside. Call me an alarmist. I'll call you an ambulance for your heatstroke. Good luck!

    Lulz, 12am. It'll be a hellish 75 deg F

    This thread is going exactly as expected: local weather is the main talking point and no source of information is legit


  12. 50 minutes ago, Doc Holliday said:

    give me some pine tar and a new birth certificate and I will be happy to go throw a few

    When Nico relieves you, and allows all the inherited runners to score, he'd look like a flamethrower 

    • Fuck You 3
  13. 4 minutes ago, PvilleStang said:

    We have a house in our neighborhood that has about 4 or 5 muscle cars that have gutted their exhaust (straight pipes, no cats, mufflers, etc) and tuned them.  Usually, wouldn't care too damn much, but these dumb asses are driving through the hood in 2nd gear revving the shit out of the car, shaking houses 2-3 blocks away, and we've even gotten notice in our HOA newsletter last week about people "racing" through our neighborhood.  This is especially fun when it's 10 in the evening, and my pregnant wife is awakened by a fly fart in the other side of the house.  Snitches get stitches, so how do I get this shit resolved without calling Greg?

    You're a car guy so I'm sure you could impress them, befriend them, then ridicule their cars for being louder than they are fast... but that will be time consuming, and i'd rather stab myself in the eyes than have to hang out with today's car culture.

    Alternatively, spend about $1k on electric cutouts and leave the not so subtle hint at their front door? They're probably just poors with speed addictions. I would have installed a free e-cutout when i had open downpipe after turbos as a teen. You risk them just reselling the cutouts, but how much is your preg wife being asleep (and quiet) worth to you? A lot, i bet.

    • Fuck You 2
  14. 12 hours ago, bluto said:

    Uoft post... that's a hard cringe and one of those posts on this thread that sounds more fit for marriage counseling as opposed to lulzy batshit wife. 

    Fuck off with that judgy bullshit. This thread is therapy for men that clearly don't need marriage counseling.

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  15. Shane played a lot as a confident true fresh and had his confidence shaken by some huge hits and injuries (shoulder). Then the offense he succeeded in was replaced by one where he was no longer a great fit. His 1st experience in that O was a punishing sac and a humiliating loss. His soph season started and ended with injuries (ankle) and off season surgery (hip) thanks in part to a terrible OL that hasn't improved much yet. Are we surprised that his confidence and deep ball accuracy are down? 

    Sam played a lot as a confident true fresh and had his confidence shaken by some costly mistakes and injuries (head)... if the OL sucks ass again in '18, it doesn't take much imagination to see his confidence dwindling and his development stalling or regressing like Shane's. 

    RS the Fr QBs at almost all costs

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