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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. Good lord, that’s fucking horrible
  2. Who are you even talking about? There’s a forum for politics. This isn’t it. This is like your 50th account here so I know you know that.
  3. Here’s the article…
  4. Yeah, it feels like Carvana’s car vending machine. Neat. But why?
  5. Russia is hammer fucked in this war. Fuck Putin for the idiotic decision making that is going to lead to nukes in the hands of a bunch of random assholes as Russia breaks apart into the many different nations it should be.
  6. Noticed earlier today that Rehi hadn’t posted a video in a few weeks. I hope/assume he’s honeymooning. Nice to see him bring a high quality thread
  7. I fucking love Pete. I don’t think he helps Kamala win as a VP because bigots but he can be her attack dog for the next few months
  8. So what weapons are the plebeians allowed to own, sire?
  9. I think she was the first to criticize the 60 day timeline for the secret service report. In general, AOC stood out as one of the most rational, intelligent people allowed to ask questions … so of course everyone is shocked because fox has managed to convince us all that she’s just a dumb (hot) waitress.
  10. Will the father face charges for failing to secure his firearm?
  11. Harping on the AR15 is so transparently political. It’s embarrassing how both sides are using this to try to score points. We’re lucky he had an iron sighted AR15 instead of a well used hunting rifle.
  12. She’s taken responsibility, but she’s not going to announce her resignation during this hearing. I’d wager she will resign once the investigations conclude. It’s not the director’s job to review security plans so honestly this isn’t her fault, but she must resign for the sake of public trust in the secret service.
  13. This is a message board man. Take your time and support your position
  14. Based on what? I’m listening but I’m not live so maybe I’ve missed a bombshell… Almost every question so far should be directed to the FBI, not her. It was a bad look when she made it clear there’s no one person that reviews the security plan, but I imagine she inherited that procedure.
  15. When you have to resort to this level, you’ve lost the argument and you’re simply embarrassing yourself.
  16. Yeah … it’s probably for the best though given how the noobs just keep inexplicably finding this thread! It’s SO weird!
  17. Is the secret service in charge of security at these events or are they just attached to Trump? Basically, was the incompetence on the part of the SS? or Trumps staff?
  18. Our society is so quick to jump to conspiracy theories. We’re so fucking stupid.
  19. You can probably sell your mouth hole for like $20 an hour
  20. I stopped reading here to say your relative is fucking useless and I can’t wait until AI has them submitting applications to Wendy’s
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