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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornbri

  1. Tom and Jerry’s will work as well and thats fine with kids.
  2. Christmas Eve Dinner last night. 2.5 pound Ribeye, overnight mac and cheese that is amazing and green stuff that makes pee smell funny. I was really happy with how this came out using reverse sear. I little more cooked than I would like but cooking for the fam.
  3. Another vote for stuffed, but i need to try out Texas Sausage Company
  4. No fucking way, the athletic department is in great shape and we won back to back directors cups. No matter what happens with these two coaches CDC is safe for awhile.
  5. No, I think this ends badly for him 99% of the time. But until we give him a chance to defend himself or we see some physical evidence I am not convicting him.
  6. Exactly, a twitter reporter, pulling info from a police report that is already 2nd hand information to him. Then repeating it with his own slant and no details. No one can draw any conclusions from that.
  7. To be far - It says, she said, he bite her. No where have I seen it say there were pictures of bite marks.
  8. I mean the 15 year old daughter heard Dad and girlfriend having rough sex, the cops are called and they arrest him. It’s all a misunderstanding.
  9. I have a friend who loves his blue star and really tried to sell me on one too. It is a sample size of 1 but it is a positive.
  10. Just found this link, this is a pretty great spreadsheet. Thanks for all the time it took to put it together.
  11. Exactly - this is working exactly as the FED is intending it to (in this area at least)
  12. That is great to hear! It is a good day to not have a drink, I will join you.
  13. I feel like we have played bad, but then i look at the score and we are still ahead….
  14. That’s what everyone thought with the 4 team playoff but while we saw it at first, those games made a comeback when teams realized a early season loss did not eliminate you from a 4 team playoff. Now that it is a 12 team playoff it hurts even less.
  15. hornbri


    Just tried this out for the first time. This sucker heats up fast, that is impressive. I was worried the bowl size looked a little small but a bowl in session mode did its job.
  16. hornbri


    I bought one of those Pckt a couple weeks ago and it was DOA, waiting on the swap now. It does look promising. I also got the VMAX V3 Pro, from POTV on their Black Friday sale to replace my ArGo that just died, looking forward to trying that. And here is a picture of some Alien Labs Y2K I brought back from Cali last week
  17. I am convinced he is just either playing Brewster’s Millions by himself OR he has some weird plan where he is going to bankrupt twitter to take the capital gains loss to offset billions of dollars in Tesla sales. This might have been the only way for this to get that much money out of Tesla.
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