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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Yeah this contract just blows my mind. I like Brown but he will NEVER be the best player on a championship team, so thats a lot of money to give to a "role player" Browns contract is DOUBLE what Booker got and 90 million more than what Luka got. That shit is INSANE.
  2. Durkin looks like he is super stoked to run some kids to death after this picture
  3. That is a pretty tough schedule. Sucks to be without your coach for that murderers row.
  4. yeah they are definitely more concerned about the lying than they are the burgers. It is kind of amusing that Harbaugh would rather take the 4 game suspension than admit to lying.
  5. Supposedly getting a 4 game suspension for buying burgers during recruiting visits. What a joke the NCAA is. Michigan should throw all of its weight behind getting the big ten and SEC out from under the NCAA. Tennessee gets a slap on the wrist. A&M gets a scolding and Michigan gets their coach suspended for 4 games for buying some burgers.
  6. CJGJ no structural damage, expected to be day to day and ready for regular season. HYPE TRAIN BACK ON
  7. This is about as lions as it can get. Team looks solid, the hype is there, sign a big time playmaker and he gets injured.
  8. Can someone tell me if the final season was good, or not good? It is hard to tell.
  9. The rumor here was that he was asking for 9 years 80 mil. so 4 at 31 I am good with.
  10. Yeah at a super reasonable price. I am pretty shocked and happy right now.
  11. As a wings fan, I thought Yzerman was going to turn it around very quickly. 5+ years in and it looks like another underwhelming offseason. Even if they do pull off a deal for Debrincat he isn't going to put them over the hump to competing. I guess we will see what they do next year.
  12. This is pretty spot on from my experience with AB. He actually came to a practice of my brothers (with Louis Delmas, guess it was the western central connection) and he was legit the happiest most engaging person. Went around and signed everything that any kid handed to him, caught balls from the kids, threw balls to the kids and ran around on the field letting these kids (middle school) try and tackle him. I think the burfict hit legit knocked a screw loose because before that he was a super happy guy.
  13. I think I was set up for success when i started on ABC, I was like this is fucking trash it has to be somewhere else. So ESPN was an upgrade over that.
  14. Two top 15 NBA picks and hunter dickenson and misses the tourney..... tough
  15. I found this out about midway through the 1st but ABC was family focused and speaking on "the journey" and espn had the actual highlights and breakdowns of picks.
  16. Juicy

    USMNT 2023

    Dude, i love you but, you have to realize the irony of a dude with over 50,000 posts talking about what a waste of time commenting on message boards are. That is the whole point. We arent going to go protest at the fed, so we get on here to bitch about sports.
  17. Juicy

    USMNT 2023

    Pefok saw the pitch in the past? I kid I kid. Im pretty much here, hopefully GGGGGG watched the past few games and saw what could be. I wonder if we will see him sunday night. Doubtful but why have a placeholder if you have your guy.
  18. Juicy

    USMNT 2023

    The craziest thing about bringing greggggggg back is that the team has looked MUCH better (albeit against worse competition) with his assistant coaches running the show. That says a lot, get out of these players way and let them play. But apparently the fed don't watch their team.
  19. Change it back to the lions. Lets go part 2
  20. Juicy

    USMNT 2023

    It is so crazy. Like lets showcase the sport and get people excited about it. Nah, lets put it on in the middle of the night instead.
  21. Exactly, but it wasnt a sign, it was just some idiot.
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