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Everything posted by SpiralOut

  1. Beat me to it. Been buying my glasses there for years. You choose your frames. You choose what options you want on your glasses. You can get customizable stuff like your name engraved on them or w/e if you're in to that sort of thing. If you know your prescription (which you should), you don't even need an optometrist's go-ahead. Just plug and play your blindness stats and off you go. Just bought a new pair this past week. Total cost? $34. Free shipping.
  2. Yeah, it ain't just kissing someone on the head. This dude is a serial groper. From grown women all the way down to prepubescent girls. On top of all his other flaws. He does have a great website though! https://joebiden.info/
  3. His most "touching moments!" My sides!
  4. Told ya. Biden is a #metoo disaster waiting to happen. Don't see how in the world this far-left Dem party would even consider a guy like him anyway. Old. White. Creep. Male. History of racist gaffes. Boring, middle of the road, corporate sellout Democrat. He's Hillary 2.0.
  5. I think it's time to let go of that rope, buddy. Glad to know Trump is just a buffoon and a con-artist and not actually in Russia's pocket. If the Dems are smart they'll sweep this under the rug as quick as they can and pivot to real issues. But from all the Aggy talk I've already seen, I'm guessing that's not going to be the case. And folks really should read that article by Taibbi. Dude just ruthlessly lays out how fucked this whole thing was from the jump. If you think Fox News and the national AM radio hacks like Limbaugh and Levin are the only propagandists living in this country, you're sadly mistaken. The leftists who think they're so much better/smarter than their conservative counterparts got taken for a ride by their media overlords. https://taibbi.substack.com/p/russiagate-is-wmd-times-a-million Also, glad to know that even though he never should have had any in the first place, Hugo's credibility is now somewhere far, far south of zero. Thousands upon thousands of posts screaming about how the commander-in-chief is a Russian agent. For this? Nothing? Nada? Just Trump being who we always knew he was: a self-obsessed narcissist. If Hugo had any shame he'd banish himself. Instead, he's still here desperately trying to walk it back and spin it as best he can. Sorry Alex, but the jig is up. The alien-human hybrids and psychic vampires aren't real.
  6. You've finally said something I agree with! From what I've seen so far, most of the Dems have decided to join Donald down in the muck. That's home field advantage for him. He was born in the muck, they merely adopted it. /Bane I can easily see the Dem nominee trying to tag Donald on his nonsense, trying to play his game, and failing miserably.
  7. Haven't we figured out by now that there are certain rules for normal politicians and then a different set of wildly less strict rules for Trump? Biden's shtick is that he's supposed to be a (somewhat) charming politician and a reasonable, statesman-like dude. That's going to fall apart once a couple of young girls come out talking about how Mr. Creepyhands and Doesn't Understand Personal Space sexually harassed them at the White House during Obama's tenure. And of course there's the Mt. Everest high list of semi-racist and downright dumb gaffes he's made over the years. A total I'm sure he'll easily add to after a year on the campaign trail.
  8. Yeah, you'd think this would be a layup for w/e Dem wins the primary. But then you remember that these are the Democrats. And the thing they're best at is shooting themselves in the dick. Warren went from respectable to trash with a quickness. Biden has #metoo scandal written all over his goofy ass. Bob O'Rourke is the charismatic Obama type you'd think could pull in all the mouth-breathers but now we're finding out he eats dirt, plays turd pranks, and that whole DUI business. Plus he couldn't even beat the Zodiac Killer for a Senate seat. Bernie isn't ever going to be allowed to win shit and his ideas are awful so that's not a bad thing. And the rest of Snow White's little dwarves are even more irrelevant and/or have bigger skeletons in the closet. Plus, let's not forget that Trump will have more money, more infrastructure, and more experience this time around. And he'll also get the same BILLIONS of dollars worth of free air time from CNN and the rest that he got last election cycle. He's also an incumbent. They tend to win. Oh, and when Mueller's report says he didn't collude with Russia he then has a legitimate talking point all the way up until the election. If you think Trump has no chance in 2020 I'll just remind you of this and say history has a way of repeating itself.
  9. Surprise, surprise. Little Jimmy is a liar. Bottom left, buddy. https://imgur.com/IbiZ3fD
  10. Dude. Denny. My boy. C'mon. You've had your fun. The charade is over. S'all Good, man.
  11. I don't like Trump. I didn't vote for Trump. I just found Hillary losing to him the most wonderful schadenfreude a person could ever ask for. So if you think I'm Team Trump, I ain't. I'm just also not Team Pants on Head Crazy like Dennison and Hugo and the rest. And their shtick has gotten rather old after two plus years, ya know?
  12. Then can you quit being such a salty bitch and negging people?
  13. Huh? Pointing out his malfeasance? If Mueller has nothing on Trump it fucking saves his ass for 2020. Yes, his base is going to support him no matter what. But there are a lot of people who voted for him and not Hillary who might have switched to someone else this next go around because of this Russian shit. Now they're being told "Nope. Sorry. Trump's an asshole, but he won fair and square and didn't do anything dirty with Russia." Trump is going to run with that shit. Any Democrat that goes up against him in a debate is going to get hammered to the fucking ground with how they pushed that "Trump-Russia" narrative and that it turned out to be bullshit. This is a guy who got caught on tape talking about how he grabs women's pussies and he won the Presidency. You don't think the Teflon Don is going to be able to squeeze the Mueller nothingburger for some serious juice in the next campaign cycle? Trump being a lying asshole is a known quantity. People knew that about him and still elected him in '16. That dog don't hunt. Him being a legit traitor would. Except now, after promising that's what we'd all find out and he'd be run out on a rail for it, instead he's being vindicated. And this doesn't worry you a bit? Especially when, with a booming economy, his only real political rivals for 2020 are steering as hard left as they can? Trump just got thrown the world's biggest life preserver.
  14. What the fuck? So now you're backpedaling even further to "Well, Trump really is a Russian agent who stole the election, but the guy I swore up and down would nail Trump for it and expose it all and who also happens to be the greatest American since John Kennedy or Abraham Lincoln actually can't nail him because it would be irresponsible? More irresponsible than leaving a traitor who stole the election in the highest office in the land? Or can you just admit that you're a blowhard whose narrative has folded like a cheap fucking tent?
  15. Take a breath. Go back. Re-read my post real slow. Then realize I absolutely don't want four more years of Trump. But you folks screaming "Russian agent! Traitor! Impeach! Impeach!" at the top of your lungs since he got elected have basically guaranteed that.
  16. You've been screaming since the day Trump was elected that he was a traitor to these United States, completely in Putin's pocket, and that Mueller was going to nail him to the fucking wall and he'd be impeached. Now you've moved the goalposts to "Well, maybe he's just a moron?" We all know he's a fucking moron. Plenty of people have pointed out (myself included) that Trump was too dumb to collude with Russia and was using the DNC "hack" like the shitbag opportunist he is to fuck with the Dems and Hillary. Yet you and the goon squad went straight to "Trump is a secret Russian agent! He deserves to be hanged from the tallest tree we can find!" So I'm gonna call bullshit on your backpedaling. Own it, you one man propaganda mill. If Mueller doesn't indict anyone else and Trump gets off scot-fucking-free because he didn't do shit, you look like a fucking reactionary, Aggy nut squeezing idiot. This is fucking awful for you if Mueller's report is full of nothing. Consequently, it's awful for the rest of us too, because you and the people like you in the media have spent the past two years promising that Captain America-Mueller is going to find out all the evil shit Trump did with Putin to steal the election and Scooby-Doo his ass to jail. Now Trump is going to be vindicated and average yokel voters across the country are gonna lap his shtick up for the next 18 months. Prepare thy anus for four more years of the Cheeto.
  17. Yeah, that's true. It just makes me scratch my head because sociopaths are usually fairly smart. This gal seems at least somewhat smart. Hell, you have to have at least something going on to snow under all those people, even if they're giving you an edge through their greed. So don't these smart sociopaths think to themselves at some point, "Hey, there's absolutely no way I can keep all these plates spinning indefinitely. I've been flat out lying from the jump. I'm only a few years into this deal and my company is making no money, I'm having to spy on my employees, threaten reporters, and I'm putting lives at risk to keep this fraud going. Shouldn't I fucking bail?" I think that's where I see the confidence part. They just don't seem to have the capability to process consequences like a normal human being.
  18. You gotta admire the confidence of sociopaths. Me, as a normal, sane person might think about ways to make myself look/seem more professional and in charge. Thinking about wearing black turtlenecks so I seem more like Steve Jobs? The first thing that would go through my brain is "No, dummy. They'll see right through that shit. You'll look ridiculous and people will laugh at you." Changing my voice? "No, you fucking idiot. That will never work!" This gal just says fuck it, rolls with it, and people actually buy that shit. Not to mention the absolute balls of having no way to actually deliver on what you're promising and bilking a bunch of rich and powerful people out of hundreds of millions of dollars. Bald face lying to people like Warren Buffet, Henry Kissinger, etc.? I'd have never had the stones to get the damn thing off the ground, much less getting it to a point where I had all these ultra-rich dumbfucks begging to give me all their money. Of course, I'd also not be looking at 20 years in prison for fraud.
  19. Hell, I thought the first episode was a banger right out the gate. The Dump was great. Three Robots was really funny. Suits was great, too. I was surprised how none of them were awful and they all managed to be entertaining. A few were definitely a cut below the best, but nothing crazy. Definitely worth watching if anyone is wondering. Though there wasn't much "love" in Love, Death, and Robots. Lots of death though.
  20. If you ever want to cure yourself of flying again, watch those Air Crash Investigation shows. Shit is nightmare fuel when you realize a bunch of these crashes come down to morons in the cockpit, morons working on the planes, or arcane designs in shit like the autopilot. Like when some Russians flying an Airbus decided to let the pilot's kids sit at the controls while the autopilot was on. Kid pushes the yoke and turns the autopilot off. Well, sort of. It turned off the autopilot control of the ailerons. It just didn't turn off autopilot control of anything else. Pilot and his co-pilot freak the fuck out and manage to stall/corkscrew the damn plane and 75 people into a hillside. Turns out the plane actually has an indicator that lets you know that the full autopilot isn't running, but the Russians were used to audio cues and not visual ones. Derp.
  21. Goddamn, America has the best schadenfreude. I love this fucking country. Every day it's some new nonsense to laugh about.
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