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Paul Wesley

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Posts posted by Paul Wesley

  1. 19 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    There are no "right-leaning" networks.  There's Fox, which is alt-right-falling-over-shitting-itself, and everyone else, none of which tilt right.


    Right-leaning =/= favoring Trump in any way shape or form.

    Agreed, Fox is now essentially official state news, i.e. "Pravda."

    But there's Fox Business, One America News, and hundreds of national and local a.m. talk radio programs.

    Sometimes they ignore big stories (such as a cabinet-level departure, a Scott Pruitt ethics scandal, etc).  But sometimes they're too big to ignore (Manafort guilty), so you pretty quickly get an idea of how news is going to be spun.  

    I wish I had a dollar for every time tomorrow on a.m. radio the hosts use the two words, "NO COLLUSION!"  (ignoring, obviously, that the first Manafort trial wasn't the "collusion" trial, and we all knew that).

  2. I like to listen to the right-leaning networks immediately when a news story breaks.  

    Very clearly, they were ready to pronounce "NO COLLUSION!" the instant the verdicts were reached.  I mean, they just drove that home over and over again in a way that seemed very obvious that these were ready-to-go talking points.  

    .... and as I was typing that last sentence, Trump gets off a plane in West Virginia, walks to a Fox microphone and repeats that talking point pretty much verbatim before ad libbing some "witch hunt!" 

  3. Fox News analyst right now on this verdict (paraphrased):

    ”no evidence of Russia collusion”

    ”strengthens president’s hand to not talk to Mueller.”

    Then when the host (Cavuto) summarizes the news at the end of the hour:

    ”Once again, not about collusion, just about cash!”

    Just so you guys know what your parents are hearing in case you chat about politics tonight.  

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Huckleberry said:

    Not a legal expert (obviously) but the concerns upthread about the jury having Trumpkins or Trump-haters is why I think he'll be guilty on some counts and not guilty on others. With the verdict on each count having to be unanimous that leads to a bargaining situation in the jury deliberation, I would think. I see almost no way he's guilty on everything or not guilty on everything.

    Huck, that’s how I read this too.  

    Bet there are some jurors lobbying for all guilty and some for full acquittal.  

    Who knows where they’ll land, but I think there’s almost zero chance of all guilty verdicts.  

  5. 3 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Please STFU.  What other country can you get sued for any significant amount of money for shit outcomes?  I'll standby.  CYA medicine drives up costs.  Fucking moron. 

    Dude, you've offered nothing at all to this discussion except bragging about your "amazing living" and personal attacks.  I'm thoroughly unimpressed with you, even though feel the need to boast and to put "doc" in your user name.  FYI, there are a lot of experts on these boards that don't feel the same need to advertise themselves.  Draw your own conclusions.

    Other countries get the same outcomes for significantly less money.  When I pointed that out, you started your replied with "Let me tell you something..." like you're THE fucking authority on this topic.  Then you tried to dismiss me by quoting "blah, blah, blah."  Which is pretty dickish.   Then you told a fucking anecdote of your in-law who didn't get timely surgery.... like that's how science works (it's not, doctor).

    Now you're trying to change the argument to "But American doctors might get SUED!!!"  Which is true, but you're just pointing out one of a hundred reasons why our system is wasteful and inefficient.  It's hardly an argument FOR our system, is it?  

    Again, if you want to argue for the merits of the American system, then step up and do so.   Alternatively, since the facts are overwhelmingly against you and you've dug yourself in on the losing side, you could pretend to be *the* authority, tell us all a little anecdotal story, and then resort to name calling.  

    So far, that's all you've got.  


    • Haha 1
  6. 12 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    SIngle payer would forever bury the health care industry without any hope of recovering, ever

    First of all, every other western democracy does it, and they spend WAY LESS and get the same outcomes.   I don’t know about you, but that seems like a pretty good deal to me.   I would think conservatives would be interested in getting the same outcomes for 30 or 40% less cost.  

    Second, your statement implies that our insane health care system has an expectation of “recovery” in its current form, which is laughable.

    Finally, let’s all be really honest with ourselves and acknowledge that our broken system has zero to do with capitalism.    It just kills me how Republicans think the current (broken) system = capitalism, and single payer = socialism.   Neither is true.   You can have a single payer system that has enormous power to reward cost-effective innovation.  

    tl,dr:   you’re scared of the wrong thing.


  7. 2 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    I think Donald Trump is the death rattle of the modern GOP.

    I don’t know, man.  I think putting Palin on the ticket was an open embrace of what can only be called defiantly proud anti-intellectualism. 

    Trump is the racist Phoenix from those ashes.  

    • Like 1
  8. Just found a set (neck plus bridge) of TV Jones pickups that I had forgotten about.   Silver color.

    They retail for about $130 each.  

    Anybody interested for $100 (for both)?

    I can send you a photo of what I’ve got - you might have to supply mounting screws.  

  9. 2 hours ago, hullabelew said:

    I LOVE the very last part of Watson's solo that happens at 2:50.  



    OK, so I watched that solo, and I agree that it's pretty great.  

    But then I kept watching and they have a long shot of the goofy-ass keyboard player hunched over his synthesizer.  And I just thought, "Yep.  They all wanted to punch him in the face."  Was I projecting based on my own garage band experience?   Or is it more universal?

    Weren't we all in the band with the goofy keys guy, who one day announced at band practice, "Hey, guys.  I'm getting a keytar so that I can stand out there with y'all!"  

    Yeah, um, no fucking way, man.  Also:  button up your fucking shirt.  

    And quit wearing that fucking hat.


  10. He’s a lying, vile, immoral piece of shit.   

    Trumpkins will increase their support for him and parrot the outrage for having “their side” unfairly persecuted.   Of course, their side includes this lying, vile, immoral piece of shit.  

  11. On 8/1/2018 at 12:12 AM, AnotherUTFan said:

    If Paul wont, somebody needs to turn me onto this record.

    Lemme dig out some mp3's and I'll post them.  

    jimmyjazz and hulla are too kind.  

    (edit to add:  My record is at the iTunes *store* -- album is titled, "When I Let Go."  It's not on Apple Music though, so likely you'd have to dust off an old app to get it to your smartphone.  

    Open to suggestions of easiest place to post mp3 files.)

    • Like 2
  12. I won’t bother to recount the evolution of who hired Steele and why, but in NO WAY can it be characterized as working with “Russians.”  It’s the opposite of the truth, and it’s fucking stupid.

    Would be like if you hired Red Adair to do a fucking task and I said, “Oh, you’re colluding with oil well fires?”

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  13. 7 hours ago, the idoit said:

    I just wanted to post here that Paul Wesley is a fucking rock star. Here’s an abridged version of the email I sent him:

    “Finally unboxed it. Wow. It looks and plays like it came straight from Sweetwater. Just gorgeous and silky with fresh 9’s on it. Haven’t plugged it in yet but I’ve no doubt it’s got some versatility and crunch. I can’t begin to tell you how pleased I am.... ”

    Holy shit, guys. I LOVE this Epi gold top. Yeah, TTIWWP. I’ll get some pr0n up by this evening.

    Rock on, Surly. Rock on, Paul.

    Thank you, my friend.  Hope it serves you well!

    • Like 1
  14. On 7/21/2018 at 9:42 AM, Mojo Hand said:

    What did you think of the Duesenberg? Paul's given me a itch for one. 

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Topics I would most like to see Donald Trump debate an expert on:

    1.  science (any kind)

    2.  economics

    3.  history

    4.  oh hell, anything

    Would you settle for a 4th-grade spelling bee?

    protect our "boarder," "no colusion," "played no roll,""loose big to Hillary," "unpresidented," etc.

    (all real, btw)

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