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Paul Wesley

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Posts posted by Paul Wesley

  1. 7 hours ago, AnotherUTFan said:

    I commented that I like the N3's in my Tele, Paul said he couldn't get used to them. He has a better ear than me, must be annoying as fuck. :)

    You're funny.  

    Sadly, I've heard other people play them, and they sounded great.  I can't allow myself to come to the obvious conclusion.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Grandioso said:

    Perfectly reasonable question. My case for G&L:

    1. First, I don't vouch for the Tribute stuff. I'm talking about the handmade guitars made by legit luthiers in Fullerton, California. It is totally a small scale mom and pop operation. Phyllis Fender, who is like a sweet old grandma, is literally still a chairperson. I don't think they publicize their staff much because they poach dudes from Fender. I know the dude that designed and builds a lot of the Dohenys was the manager of Jazzmasters at the Fender Custom Shop.

    2. They are incredibly well constructed. I have put my ASAT Special through hell over the course of 11 years and I only had it serviced once to change out the saddle. And mind you, it was probably 10 years old already when I bought it! Now, the drawback to it being a tank is that many models are heavy. My semihollow 2015 Fender tele with a tummy cut feels like a feather in comparison.

    3. Their necks feel so good. They are just fast enough without feeling like a dainty little thing.

    4. They have so many customization options. I bet the Fender Custom Shop couldn't top them. And if you buy a custom guitar, you just pay whatever the dealer would sell it for. I.e., there's no charge just for "uh, yeah bro we need an extra $200 cause, uh, this is custom." There is a new Doheny for sale on Reverb right now with all the options I got on mine: painted headstock, rosewood fretboard, pearl dots, vibrato, quirkly pickguard. It is the exact same price as the one I had them make for me. And when they sent mine, they included a fancy black and silver packet captioned "Custom Build Specifications."

    5. Leo's post CBS innovations are all G&L property. And there are fucking good ones. And even the dudes who inherited R&D kept improving on Leo's stuff. Read about their dual fulcrum vibrato. I have one on my Doheny and it's simply insane how good it feels and also keeps the guitar in tune. It stays in tune like a fixed bridge. Other good shit: Saddle lock bridge. So simple and effective. Fender would steal the design if they could. And I don't understand pickups very well beyond the fact that they are just primitive microphones, but G&L makes awesome ones - the MFDs and the Z-coils. 

    6. Even the American ones are so reasonably priced. A handmade guitar that looks even better than most fenders? For $1,500 or so? Cannot be beat. This is the Classic Bluesboy and my favorite G&L. I don't have one (yet) but it's simply perfect. $1,599.00. And if you get a bunch of bells and whistles, you're not going to break $2,000 unless you get it made out of some kind of crazy wood. 


    Bottom of the barrel Fanos are $1,900. Grosh's and Tom Anderson's are a little more. Suhrs start at $2,100. 

    7. They don't have a ton of huge artists that play them (Jerry Cantrell, Jake Cinniger are two notable ones though) but they are a working man's guitar. Even if Keith Richards doesn't play a G&L, he definitely knows about them.

    8. Just look at these:

    9. Finally, I think G&L is a loyalty kinda culty thing. People who stumble on them LOVE them and become fanboys. My obsession all started with looking at a rack of telecasters and saying to the store clerk - "whoa, what is that?" The rest is history.


    TLDR: G&L Rocks and we should all each buy a custom version of our own favorite model.


    Hell of a post, G.  

  3. Oh, and there were some eyebrow-raising revelations for me.  Like Priscilla talking about seeing him onstage around 1969 and mentioning that it was the first time she had ever seen him perform live, and her being stunned at how good he was.  

    Which seems crazy considering that they had met in 1959 and been a couple since around 1962.  Makes you realize how his entire post-army career was pissed away by a manager who used him like a carnival barker would use a medical freak in a sideshow.

  4. Was about to start a thread, but I saw this one already exists.

    I just happened to catch this on HBO last week, and it was one of the better music documentaries I've seen in a while.  Very highly recommended.  It really humanizes Elvis in a way that is rarely seen.  He's just become this icon known for being a fat drug addict doing Vegas-style schlocky nonsense that is devoid of artistic merit.  

    But this doc does a great job of exploring his musical roots, the genres he was exposed to as a kid, the gospel, country, and black artists who influenced him, etc.  Part 2 looks at Elvis in Hollywood, and his complete isolation from the musical revolutions of the 60's.  

    I don't think I've ever bought anything Elvis recorded, but I really enjoyed this documentary.  And yeah, Tom Petty narrates a lot of it, and you can tell that Petty really knows and understands Elvis's music.  

  5. On 5/1/2018 at 6:43 PM, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Cruz is a debate champion. 

    I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. 

    We've been hearing about this high-IQ, constitution-loving, oratory genius for the past decade.  But in 2016, Cruz couldn't separate himself intellectually when put on a stage with mental featherweights like Trump, Perry, aww-shucks idiot Huckabee, and mumbling Ben Carson.  

    I can't recall a single point that Cruz scored based on intelligent reasoning, and he delivered his self-righteous blather with a big spitball glistening on his lower lip.  He later showed us how "principled" he was by staffing Trump's phone banks after Trump insulted Cruz's wife on numerous occasions and also accused his father of participating in a plot to kill an American president.  

    It kind of pisses me off when I still hear people talk about Cruz being  either a debate champion or a principled conservative.  He is neither. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 5/5/2018 at 7:22 PM, RayDog said:

    Dems are running +8% nationally at the moment. If that happens in Texas it will be more than enough to put Beto over the top.

    Not sure what poll that is, but there seems to be a pretty big gap in Texas between the feelings of:

    A)  adults of voting age, and

    B)  likely voters  -- especially likely ***midterm*** voters

    If turnout is embarrassingly low, as it usually is in a Texas mid-term, Beto has little or no chance.  

  7. I shopped around for an auto-wah last year, and this was where I landed.   I mentioned it in the other thread... company is called 3Leaf Audio.  

    It's essentially a meatball clone (meatball heard on U2 "mysterious ways" and Edie Brickell "what I am" solo).  Except it's a modded meatball, so it takes the same circuit and makes some very clever tweaks for additional control.  BTW, "meatball" is one of those crazy expensive old pedals... like $600 for an old one.

    This video is version 1 of the lovepedal.  There's a version 2 that has an input for an expression pedal, so instead of the auto-wah, you can control the filtering the old-fashioned way, but you can set it up to have exactly the right amount of quack/sweep/resonance/release/tone, plus you can add back some dry signal... and that makes a big difference, because when you get to big sweeps with lots of resonance, the signal gets thin and nasal-ish.  So you can bleed back in some dry signal so you get something very "effected" that still retains some low-mid heft.  

    I really liked this company.  Pedal built very solid, had really slick paint job, etc.  


    • Like 1
  8. Pretty sure that Edge used a Lovetone "Meatball," which sell for over $500 used these days.  

    I got something very similar - 3leaf audio "wonderlove."  As I understand, the dude who makes the wonderlove is a bass player/engineer who used to make meatball clones, then started modding them, and later just started selling them.  

    It's a pretty freaking fun toy... can't say that it's useful on tons of different songs, but it's a fun change-of-pace pedal, and a very high-quality build and reasonable price.  

    Analogman makes one too, which I've also played around with.   Only has three knobs (compared to tons of knobs and switches on a wonderlove), so less versatile, but the thing it does, it does amazingly well.

    (edit... whoops, probably should have put this in the pedal thread).

  9. 12 minutes ago, XR4ticlone said:


    And as much as the left seems to think that there is this Christian theology...I don't see it.   

    I am trying to wrap my head around your pronouncement that "the left" mistakenly thinks that there is such a thing as Christian theology.  

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  10. 4 hours ago, JBJ said:


    I'd give these reasons for Clinton being a terrible religious candidate:

    The majority (60%) of Americans believe religious liberty is on the decline.  The GOP does a good job of echoing that concern.  The Democrats have: the Little Sisters of the Poor, "clinging to religion," "deplorables," suing churches and ministers to force gay marriages, the list goes on... Clinton even launched her campaign from Four Freedoms Park and left out the "second freedom" from her speech.

    Any amount of humantarianism she has is seen as secular progressive.  The village to raise a child, works-based salvation, her views on abortion of course.

    Her campaign didn't perform religious outreach.  She hired an outreach coordinator very late in the campaign, she cancelled her St Patrick's day event, speeches at churchs or conventions?

    Its not just Hillary.  Part of it is her constituency.  After her father died is one of the rare times she talked openly about her personal religious views.  Her base blasted her for it.  That might be why she left it out of her campaign.

    Obama and the DNC also left her a terrible legacy. There is very real hostility toward religous freedom on the Democratic side.

    Apparently there is no topic, including faith and guiding principles, where "But Hillary!" is not immediately deployed.  


    As for the post above that I replied to...

    Topic of the thread:  "Why do the people who claim to adhere to the teachings of Christ so vehemently and vigorously support and defend a man who is the antithesis of those values?  It's the very definition of hypocrisy."

    JBJ:  "Well, Hillary made some strategic mistakes during the campaign!"

    Do you hear how stupid and utterly irrelevant to the topic that is?


    This fable where Hillary once talked about her faith, but was ubiquitously "blasted" by "her base."  What the fuck are you talking about?  Link to this "blasting"?  I've never heard that story, but it smacks of Hannity/Rush-style bullshit that has no basis in fact.  But here's the thing:  It doesn't even matter if it's true.  **IF** it happened, here's the logic you'd be using to support Trump:  "I am a Christian, but I had to support person A, who is thoroughly un-Christ-like, because person B was once criticized by person C."  

    And by the way, Hillary Clinton has spoken of her faith countless times, in countless interviews, and in forums that include the pulpits of numerous churches.  Now I'll agree with you that she was a bad candidate who ran a bad campaign, but I'd bet a year's salary with zero hesitation that the former Sunday school teacher can pronounce "Two Corinthians" and that she is capable of naming a verse that actually appears in the bible, something Trump has failed to do over and over and over again.

    Maybe do a simple google search with her name and words like "faith," "religion," or "speech," or "interview," and you'll see quotes from all kinds of places to demonstrate that your "rare times" argument is profoundly dishonest (whether you realized it or not when you parroted it).  

    You even managed to squeeze an "Obama" into that post.  Bravo.

  11. 6 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Why then, do nearly 7 in 10 white evangelicals prefer Trump to a presumably more Christian person who would have the same positions on the policies that they pretend (sometimes even to themselves) motivate them? It's his cruelty against those they deem to be the "other." 

    Sadly, I think this is true, and I think it's why his approval didn't go to zero (as it should have) after he spent a considerable amount of time and energy repeatedly mocking and attacking actual blood-spilling patriots like John McCain and the Khizr Khan family.

    It should have also gone to zero for mocking Serge Kovaleski:  "Have you seen this guy?" (cheers)  Contorts hands, imitates physical deformity.  (laughter and cheers).  

    Later, Trump tweeted at Kovaleski to "stop using his disability to grandstand."

    Exuberantly cheering for a person who relentlessly displays that kind of cruelty... it's deplorable.  

    It's certainly not very Christ-like, is it?

  12. 15 hours ago, utee94 said:

    Another one from the Visionquest soundtrack, the video maybe wasn't anything special, but the song is just so freaking cool:



    Such a cool song.

    I remember hearing a radio ("Rockline"?) interview with Tom Cochrane where he said he heard of the death of John Lennon on his way to the studio to record the vocal.  

  13. 3 hours ago, Fozzz said:

    Only the US would protect farcical levels of bribery as a constitutional right. 

    Fucking this, man.

    Third-world countries struggle to pull themselves up because they're saddled with low-level corruption at every level of every government agency.  

    In America, we may not have that problem, but bribery how we make national laws.  Corporate America greases up the congress, has their lawyer draft a bill and hand it off for a legislator to sponsor.  Everybody gets a steak dinner and a life of ease, the legislator has a $5-million-a-year lobbying job waiting in the industry that bought him, and the corporations get a government finger on the capitalist scales and/or massive privatization of tax dollars.  

    And it's all legal.  It's exactly how the system works.  

    • Like 5
  14. All genres suffer from wannabes with little or no talent.

    I think modern country bothers me the most, because they've got a monstrous amount of corporate money and machinery that they could put behind anyone they choose, and they choose to put it behind hacks that are aiming so laughably low that the music is a parody of itself.  

    • Like 3
  15. I might otherwise feel self conscious about putting this up right after the nekkid girl in a metal video, but HenryJames blazed the unabashed-love-for-suspiciouly-androgynous-music trail about three pages back.

  16. It's hard to get more "80's" than this song and this video, but I still freaking dig it.  Like in Lebowski, where the narrator says, "Sometimes, there's a man."  Well, sometimes, there's a cheesy Canadian in big shoulder pads, singing a synth-based ballad, and acting out a video that morphs from live action to cartoon and back again.  


    "A criminal mind is all I've ever had,

    Ask one who's known me if I'm really so bad.

    I am."



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  17. On 4/28/2018 at 4:40 PM, jimmyjazz said:

    Figured this one would already have popped up, maybe I missed it:



    It's like you took the most embarrassingly overdressed wannabe from every wealthy white high school in 1986, told them to wear their very nicest outfit, and posed them for a photo.

  18. On 4/27/2018 at 5:44 PM, utee94 said:

    Same here, never saw Femmes videos on MTV.  I knew about them from my "indie rock" friends, you know the kind of folks that decided they hated a band the moment anyone had actually heard of them?  I guess they were hipster pioneers or something?  Anyway, obviously once anyone else had heard of the Femmes, they abandoned them for Skinny Puppy or somesuch.


    Now here's a video that I'm surprised hasn't already been mentioned (or maybe I missed it?).  It was absolutely in about an hourly rotation in the very earliest days of MTV:




    On 4/27/2018 at 3:28 PM, utee94 said:

    Speaking of English (and girls in videos I fell in love with):





    I was in Maggie Mae's one night, and apparently Bad English had just played the Erwin Center.  

    Place was pretty crowded.  Cute waitress walks by balancing tray of drinks.  John Waite standing a few feet away from me, says something leering/creepy to her.  She turns around and sneers at him with one of the most "fuck you" looks imaginable.  Waite doesn't want to be the loser of this exchange, so as she's trying to carefully pick her way through the crowd, he follows right behind her, mocking her and making a sneering face at her (even after she wasn't paying attention to him anymore).  It was one of the most dick-ish things I've ever seen in a bar--not just from a celebrity, but from a person.  Total piece of shit.  I hope he's broke and suffering ass cancer.

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