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Paul Wesley

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Posts posted by Paul Wesley

  1. 1 minute ago, hookem48 said:

    pretty sure this ump closes his eyes, strike zone is all over the place

    Normally when I watch baseball, I'm pretty sure what's a ball vs strike, but tonight... no idea.

  2. I have Spotify, but I send a lot more time listening to apple music -- most things that I want, I download to the phone on the apple music app.  I don't stream very often.  

    I use apple music a lot like a notepad.   For example, last week I was hanging out with some musicians, and one told me he thought I'd like Dan Baird's 90's solo records.  Grab the phone... boom.  Those are downloaded.  Later, someone talked about seeing Nada Surf recently.  And I realized that I'd heard references to that band for 15+ years, but I didn't know anything about their music.... boom, downloaded.  

    I'll circle back around to all of it, and depending on what it is, either listen to an entire album, or add a song to my library and it will pop up when I have it on random play.  

    Been a long time since I compared services.  Apple music is $9.99/mo, I think.  Not sure if they reimburse the artist at different rates, but I'd put that in the calculus if I ever switch.  

  3. Great thread.  

    Got to agree on most of these.  I read the Morrison biography when I was about 15, which portrays Morrison as unmitigated genius.  Briefly, I believed he was unmitigated genius.  Now I find his music completely insufferable.  

    U2 just makes me sad.  I don't think the fans (e.g. me and Seasick Sailor) who loved the first 6 or 7 albums were wrong.  Those were great records.  

    Then Bono started wearing those wrap-around shades like a dickhead, and they did Zooropa and the PopMart tours.  Their sound totally changed too.  Used to be songs that had a lot of space -- simple bass lines pedaling 8th notes, strat-through-vox with heavy delay and reverb.  Texture and open space.  Worked perfectly on "War" and "Joshua Tree."  I suppose that a pedaled bass and a strat with dotted-8th delays -- that's a pretty small and confining formula to make music.  I guess they had to evolve.  But what they evolved to are these albums with nine layers of dirty guitars with all the subtlety of a chainsaw.  The songs have no arrangements, no memorable melodies, and no memorable musical parts.  U2 since the early 90's occupies pretty much the same sonic space as Nickelback.

    Aerosmith seems like they're not even trying.  Been mailing it in for 30 years.  From "Dream On" to Diane Warren ballads.  You can't fall much further than that.

    I was never a huge Weezer fan.  But I was a big fan of Nerf Herder, and they were Weezer fans.  If you find this song entertaining, check out "Portland" or "The Girl Who Listened to Rush" from the same album.  



    • Like 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    Btw just checking in, but everybody here is cool with FBI spying on presidential campaigns?  

    If the intelligence agencies are surveilling foreign spies, and then numerous members of a presidential campaign are in regular communication with those spies, then yes.  

  5. The absurd justifications she uses to excuse supporting an immoral man are shared by millions of party-over-faith evangelicals.  

    And, as already pointed out, it's extremely fucking stupid to pretend that being "crass" or using bad language is what's objectionable about this president, and not the systemic corruption, the treasonous behavior, the financial crimes, the collusion with our political enemies, the alienation from our global allies, and perhaps worst of all, the undermining of faith in our elections ("rigged!"), false claims of massive voter fraud, the war on our intelligence agencies, the war on our judicial branch, our free press, our law enforcement, etc., etc.

    And yet, she celebrates the guy's entire catalog.   

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I think we might find the results of such scrutiny rather appalling.  Perhaps not Trump-level, particularly as concerns the participation/knowledge of the candidate, but appalling nonetheless.

    Enough with the "both sides" already.  

    No, we don't have a long history of executives funneling vast fortunes through their thoroughly corrupt private lawyer (Cohen), or setting American public policy based on half a million dollars in undeclared foreign money (Michael Flynn), or setting American policy based on laundering millions of oligarch money (Manafort), or conspiring with foreign powers to build billion dollar luxury high rises around the globe (the entire shitty Trump family), or conspiring with sheiks while maintaining interest in a shadow army worth a billion dollars (Erik Prince), or campaign officials conspiring with foreign intelligence services who are hostile to our interests and actively trying to subvert our democracy (Stone).  

    I could go on.

    • Like 3
  7. 6 minutes ago, retread said:

    Begging the NATO rep to give him credit. So creepy.

    Bashing previous presidents, blah blah blah.

    It's unbelievable.  He says an incredible amount of moronic, stupid shit every single time he opens his mouth.   He can't spell, he doesn't understand basic grammar, and he has all the diplomacy and decorum of an old racist with moderate dementia.

    The only thing he's capable of is relentless self-congratulations and criticism of everyone else.  Apparently, in an idiocracy, that's all it takes.  

  8. Is Trump ever going to fire back at Avenatti?  

    I mean, for years, whenever Trump thinks he's been slighted by a minority (Ken Frazier) or by a woman (Megyn Kelly), he goes after them on twitter within the hour.  But Avenatti just calls Trump out for treason and financial crimes on a daily basis, and.... nothing.  Not a word.  

  9. Worst thing that you're able to pull up on your car radio, right this moment?  Christian modern country.  

    I know it exists because I was home for Mother's Day and got to hear a bit in the car.  

    Grid perfect, absurdly hyper-tuned, thoroughly unoriginal, repetitive, highly-polished, excessively bright and squashed.  

    Like a fucking chainsaw came to life and wanted to whisper a secret right in your goddamn earhole, except a chainsaw probably less monotonous and more musical.  


  10. 3 hours ago, dcbc said:

    On envelope filters:

    Money no object:  TruTron 3x

    Money sort of important:  Trutron/Mutron Microtron or Analogman Envelope Filter (early run used NOS MXR boards).  I'd include the 3Leaf stuff, but I have no experience with it.

    Less expensive but sound good:  80s Boss T-Wah


    Any of these will get you that Jerry Estimated Profit quack. 

    I've played with the Analogman filter for a day, shot it out side-to-side with mine.  They're both great.  Analogman is much simpler... three knobs compared to six knobs plus three switches.  But the thing analogman does, it does really well.  

    I think you can say that about all the analogman stuff.  Their chorus doesn't try to do every possible chorus, same for gain structure in their overdrive pedals.  Each pedal just does one thing pretty perfectly.  

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Aphelion said:


    I'll assume that you also won't attempt an actual counter argument.

    You want me to argue with absurdly false thesis statements, like "evangelist is a pejorative term invented by pollsters to demonize Christians?"  

    No, thanks.  

  12. 3 hours ago, Aphelion said:

    The idea that Christianity is anti-science is a recent meme that is based on a complete disregarding of history. 

    This thesis statement is even stupider than your post where you said the term "evangelical" was a term invented by political pundits to unfairly group christians together.  

    It's an interesting posting style -- boldly state something laughably wrong, then go on to "explain" how you're correct and the rest of the world gets it all wrong.  Your posts remind me of those forwarded emails that explain how it's actually the **left** who are Nazis, and not the self-proclaimed, self-described Nazis at an ALT RIGHT rally wearing Nazi uniforms and chanting Nazi slogans.    

    Read WhatTheBuck's reply above.  He has more patience with nonsense than me.

  13. 13 hours ago, Aphelion said:

    I’ve never heard someone self identify as an evangelical.  Typically folks will say they are Christian and if pressed give the denomination they attend. The term was developed to lump large groups together for political demographic purposes.  People now use it as a pejorative to reference what they believe to be a monolithic group of hateful nationalists whose sole purpose was to get Trump in office.  They often have some crazy uncle or father in law that they can give an anecdotal reference for what all evangelicals must be like.  Similar to how entire races of people must be like the few representatives you know. 

    You think the term "evangelical" was "developed" (your word) for political demographic purposes, and not because those denominations' foundational doctrines call for believers to... you know... evangelize?

    Interesting theory.  


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