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Posts posted by Clob94

  1. Just now, DiceHands said:

    Didnt vote for hillary.  But keep trying you russian troll.  

    Russian..... right. I was born in west Texas, Dice. I was educated here at UT. 4th generation Texan. Anything else you'd like to add to the discussion? 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    When you are a partisan hack, you view everyone else is as a partisan hack I suppose. 

    Sorry my man. I didn't vote Trump. I'm the objective type. You should try it as often as possible. We can strive to be objective and see both sides and discover where the truth lies (usually in the middle) or you can continue to project your partisan views on me. Honestly I can't stand either side of the fucking isle right now. Term limits for all. 

    • Fuck You 7
  3. 5 hours ago, Chrispy said:

    The Russian population is in the middle of a serious decline, that’s for sure. The USCB estimates that by 2050, the population will shrink by 20% to a mere 111 million people. They average 15 deaths per 1,000 people per year, while the world average is 9. I was stunned to discover that the life expectancy of a Russian male is only 59 years old, alcoholism being the main culprit. Combine this issue with low birth rates, high abortion rates, and very minimal immigration and you have a disaster on your hands. 

    Russia is a paper tiger. They don't want war with us because their only shot at retaliation is an option that they just can't afford to do. 

  4. 1 minute ago, FondrenRoad said:

    The problem is that they undoubtedly hacked Trump and are holding him ransom with his dirty laundry.

    So by that rationale, even if Hillary were to have been elected, Putin had dirt on her as well. So this is a moot argument. Regardless of who was elected, Russia has the dirt. 



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  5. 1 hour ago, DiceHands said:

    He will say what ever pleases the crowd he is front of.

    In front of Putin?  I believe Russia.

    In front of US congress?  I believe our intelligence agencies.

    He is a fucking treasonous traitor.

    He hasn't committed treason. Period. And every time there's an overblown reaction like yours, it simply comes off as hyperbole to anyone listening to objectivity. 

    We get it. You don't like him. You don't like him because he beat your girl. But ask yourself This -- 

    If the Russians were responsible for the DNC hack, what exactly did they do harm To? Donna Brazzile colluding with CNN to give Hillary debate questions? The DNC giving Bernie the shaft? Are you more angry about the Russians hacking the DNC and possibly Hillary or ate you more angry that certain people inside the establishment were exposed for the lying liars that they are? 

    Would you have the same contempt for Russia had they hacked Trump and exposed his dirty laundry? Can you objectively answer that for me sir? 

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  6. it's not treason. 

    stupid and ill advised, yes. 

    Treason is when you give actual aid to your enemy. Some would say a plane loaded down with money being flown into a hostile enemy combatant's territory and unloading said dolla bills to them constitutes treason. 

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  7. 45 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    america is full of pure scum

    Dude..... we aren't perfect by any stretch and there are shitbags of all race, creed and gender in this country..... but you think THIS is bad? I was in budapest last October on a guys trip and four of us walked into a club just off the Danube river. They were not about to let my buddy in because he was black and they expressed that he could be a terrorist from east africa. After I calmed down, I showed the dude my buddies passport and assured him he wasn't a terrorist. After the guy finally relented, I told him to go fuck himself and that we'd spend our money elsewhere. 


    Leaving a crappy note and no tip is a Shitty thing to do...... but not letting a guy into a club because he could be an east African terrorist??? Whole other level. 

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  8. On July 15, 2018 at 8:03 PM, SKJ said:

    You know, you COULD just also grow up a bit and type s-h-i-t... Or hell, even fuck. Or pussy.

    Ass, too

    Yes, I COULD assume that my language won't offend anyone or I could use a modicum of civility and not not cuss like a sailor until I knew it wouldn't offend people......

  9. 18 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

    Which party are you waiting on to pull their head out of their ass?

    The first one to do it. There's some sh!t I'm conservative about and there's some sh!t I'm progressive about. Which leaves me with no "tribe". The left is, in my opinion, becoming too radicalized. Don't agree with their opinion on %100 of the issues? Then you're a nazi. 

    The right, for all their bullsh!t about cutting spending and lowering our massive debt, is acting like a 16 year old that stole her dad's credit card. 


    Though I know there will NEVER be a legitimized 3rd party in this country, there should be. 

    The first party to fully back TERM LIMITS will no doubt be where I hang my hat.

    • Like 1
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  10. 18 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

    Which party are you waiting on to pull their head out of their ass?

    The first one to do it. There's some sh!t I'm conservative about and there's some sh!t I'm progressive about. Which leaves me with no "tribe". The left is, in my opinion, becoming too radicalized. Don't agree with their opinion on %100 of the issues? Then you're a nazi. 

    The right, for all their bullsh!t about cutting spending and lowering our massive debt, is acting like a 16 year old that stole her dad's credit card. 


    Though I know there will NEVER be a legitimized 3rd party in this country, there should be. 

    The first party to fully back TERM LIMITS will no doubt be where I hang my hat.

    • Like 1
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  11. 18 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

    Which party are you waiting on to pull their head out of their ass?

    The first one to do it. There's some sh!t I'm conservative about and there's some sh!t I'm progressive about. Which leaves me with no "tribe". The left is, in my opinion, becoming too radicalized. Don't agree with their opinion on %100 of the issues? Then you're a nazi. 

    The right, for all their bullsh!t about cutting spending and lowering our massive debt, is acting like a 16 year old that stole her dad's credit card. 


    Though I know there will NEVER be a legitimized 3rd party in this country, there should be. 

    The first party to fully back TERM LIMITS will no doubt be where I hang my hat.

    • Like 1
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  12. 18 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

    Which party are you waiting on to pull their head out of their ass?

    The first one to do it. There's some sh!t I'm conservative about and there's some sh!t I'm progressive about. Which leaves me with no "tribe". The left is, in my opinion, becoming too radicalized. Don't agree with their opinion on %100 of the issues? Then you're a nazi. 

    The right, for all their bullsh!t about cutting spending and lowering our massive debt, is acting like a 16 year old that stole her dad's credit card. 


    Though I know there will NEVER be a legitimized 3rd party in this country, there should be. 

    The first party to fully back TERM LIMITS will no doubt be where I hang my hat.

    • Like 1
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  13. 18 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

    Which party are you waiting on to pull their head out of their ass?

    The first one to do it. There's some sh!t I'm conservative about and there's some sh!t I'm progressive about. Which leaves me with no "tribe". The left is, in my opinion, becoming too radicalized. Don't agree with their opinion on %100 of the issues? Then you're a nazi. 

    The right, for all their bullsh!t about cutting spending and lowering our massive debt, is acting like a 16 year old that stole her dad's credit card. 


    Though I know there will NEVER be a legitimized 3rd party in this country, there should be. 

    The first party to fully back TERM LIMITS will no doubt be where I hang my hat.

    • Like 1
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  14. 18 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

    Which party are you waiting on to pull their head out of their ass?

    The first one to do it. There's some sh!t I'm conservative about and there's some sh!t I'm progressive about. Which leaves me with no "tribe". The left is, in my opinion, becoming too radicalized. Don't agree with their opinion on %100 of the issues? Then you're a nazi. 

    The right, for all their bullsh!t about cutting spending and lowering our massive debt, is acting like a 16 year old that stole her dad's credit card. 


    Though I know there will NEVER be a legitimized 3rd party in this country, there should be. 

    The first party to fully back TERM LIMITS will no doubt be where I hang my hat.

    • Like 1
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  15. 18 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

    Which party are you waiting on to pull their head out of their ass?

    The first one to do it. There's some sh!t I'm conservative about and there's some sh!t I'm progressive about. Which leaves me with no "tribe". The left is, in my opinion, becoming too radicalized. Don't agree with their opinion on %100 of the issues? Then you're a nazi. 

    The right, for all their bullsh!t about cutting spending and lowering our massive debt, is acting like a 16 year old that stole her dad's credit card. 


    Though I know there will NEVER be a legitimized 3rd party in this country, there should be. 

    The first party to fully back TERM LIMITS will no doubt be where I hang my hat.

    • Like 1
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  16. 18 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

    Which party are you waiting on to pull their head out of their ass?

    The first one to do it. There's some sh!t I'm conservative about and there's some sh!t I'm progressive about. Which leaves me with no "tribe". The left is, in my opinion, becoming too radicalized. Don't agree with their opinion on %100 of the issues? Then you're a nazi. 

    The right, for all their bullsh!t about cutting spending and lowering our massive debt, is acting like a 16 year old that stole her dad's credit card. 


    Though I know there will NEVER be a legitimized 3rd party in this country, there should be. 

    The first party to fully back TERM LIMITS will no doubt be where I hang my hat.

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  17. On July 13, 2018 at 10:18 AM, Bat Guano said:

    He needs to get Ted Nugent. Although if he got Mitch McConnell I'd get Showtime.

    Is that what this is all about? "Getting" people? Is that the game we've chosen to play in this country? Don't get me wrong, I could give two solid sh!ts about Nugent or Palin, but if the goal here is to try and humiliate one side or the other, that's a zero sum game. As a true centrist and constitutionalist I fail to see how playing "gotcha" with people helps anything. Is this what we've become? A nation divided into two tribes that only care about keeping score of slights? What about those of us with no tribe? I can't join the right because I don't care who marries who and I feel a woman's body is her own damn business. I can't join the left because I refuse to cave on gun registration that could one day harm law abiding citizens AND I see the left careening toward full blown socialism. 


    So as I sit here only hands waiting on one political party to pull their head completely out of their a$$es, I must also be subjected to the daily artillery of "gotcha" tactics. It's childish and beneath us. 


    People need to grow the fvck up. 

  18. 3 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    It's an educated guess based on the Paul Manafort indictment, the Michael Cohen investigation, and the president's refusal to release his tax returns.


    Manafort is a POS and has been for decades. Anyone that's done any significant amount if business in Africa knows the stories about Manafort's involvement in the some if the civil wars going on over there. Between he and Kay Bailey, they armed a large swath of sub Saharan Africa. Look at the Angolan civil war. But hiring or being associated with a POS doesn't mean you've broken the law. When Manafort goes down, it's 99% likely it will be for some sh!t he did a decade ago---- and deservedly so. 

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