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Posts posted by washparkhorn

  1. 10 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    you're a fake.  prove me wrong.

    Interesting coming from you - who told us about the frogmarch that would soon be coming out of the Bush II Oval Office. 

    Now Bush is Michelle O's favorite and he hob-nobs with Ellen Degeneres. Another one of your breathless hot takes I suppose. 

    You are not worth the effort. 

    And I wonder if you actually work for the Dirty Tricks department of the Republican Party - since you rally Republican support for odious Presidents so well. 

    Check yourself. 

    • Haha 1
  2. We are sleepwalking into a Biden disaster in the 2020 election. 


    There was never real gray area here. Either Trump is a compromised foreign agent, or he isn’t. If he isn’t, news outlets once again swallowed a massive disinformation campaign, only this error is many orders of magnitude more stupid than any in the recent past, WMD included. Honest reporters like ABC’s Terry Moran understand: Mueller coming back empty-handed on collusion means a “reckoning for the media.” 

    Of course, there won’t be such a reckoning. (There never is). But there should be. We broke every written and unwritten rule in pursuit of this story, starting with the prohibition on reporting things we can’t confirm.

    • Like 1
  3. On 12/13/2019 at 6:08 AM, bernorange said:

    So yesterday the Fed announced that they will be injecting ~$500B (yes, half a trillion US dollars) into the repo market over the next 30 days.  I expected them to take some drastic action if necessary, but I expected them to be reactive and not proactive.  They must know just how "healthy" the banking sector really is.

    Bailouts for the wealthy; Austerity for the rest.

    Sincerely, why lend to a risky bank when the Fed will just let the banks sit their cash for 1.55%. The Fed created this damn issue and now the banks are hooked on the heroin - err, free money. What a racket. 

  4. The States were designed to be laboratory experiments in democracy.

    California is doing its thing. Colorado is doing its thing. Texas is doing its thing. . . .Some are doing it better than others, especially in the (. . .) states.  

    California saw a problem. Not only with lack of healthcare, but the general unique nature of the gig jobs. These employers can be a drain on the economy and rely on public subsidies for their bare-market employment opportunities. They are protecting their labor from exploitation, requiring employers to cover the externalities of their business operations, and saving Californians tax dollars. The flip side is whether that will cost jobs. 

  5. 5 hours ago, workswithseed said:

    Are you that retarded kid?

    We used to say ignore the troll. But, I suppose we need to understand more. Because there lies the possibility that Hayduke will contribute, whatever his perspective. Information is strength. So with all humility, let me try to reword your pointed but direct question in response to Hayduke's contribution thus far.

    GW Hayduke - Are you having difficulty understanding the flow of this discussion?

    If yes, go back to the release of the Inspector General Report that found 17 significant errors when the FBI prepared its FISA warrant application for a U.S. Citizen with full Fourth Amendment rights.

    This is a secret process to surveil American Citizens amended after the 9/11 attacks under the Patriot Act.

    We have been assured by Congress this process would use foolproof safeguards to protect U.S. Citizens from Fourth Amendment violations.

    The FBI/DOJ in this one known instance used methods that violated those standards. This is the first FISA Warrant Application to be publicly reviewed, so it is signifiant to Fourth Amendment jurisprudence.

    More importantly, in this one case, the application for the FISA warrant with the errors was filed with a Federal Court with exclusive jurisdiction to issue these warrants.

    That Court has ordered the FBI/DOJ to explain how this happened and to fashion remedies to correct this error, including new procedures to ensure the accuracy of such warrant applications in the future. 

    The Inspector General will now review FISA Warrant Applications submitted in other cases. 

    Bigger picture - This matter falls within the scope of a broader now-criminal investigation by U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham.

    Durham is tasked with investigating US Government and foreign governments investigating and gathering intelligence in 2016 directed at associates of the Trump Presidential Campaign. See, June 10, 2109 DOJ letter to Rep. Nadler re scope of investigation at  http://cdn.cnn.com/cnn/2019/images/06/10/2019-6-10.doj.review.of.intelligence.activities.-.nadler.pdf.

    Great Britain, Australia (both Five Eyes nations) and Turkey are the most likely foreign governments. 

    As part of the warrant application for surveilling Carter Page (a known FBI/CIA informant on Russia at the time), the Federal Court was given information from the Steele Dossier, a document produced by C. Steele.

    Mr. Steele is cooperating with the Durham investigation. 

    I hope that helps, sincerely, and would love your perspective. Every perspective is a data point and I doubt you have an "outlier perspective." There is a broad swath of Americans with very little information on the subject. That lack of information falls under a broader failure by media providers both in the run-up to the 2016 Election and beyond. 

    btw, I don't think you are that kid. 


    • Haha 1
  6. It would be refreshing if he just came out and said,

    "Hey guys, I was just kidding when I said I care about you. I don't. Ya see, Billionaires support me. My old job put me up as an empty suit so I could make sure those billionaires become godzillionaires! Isn't that great?  Yarrrgh!  I have no fucking clue what I am doing. I am a meat puppet.  Thanks, Thanks - I love the BUUUU, BUUUUS - my last name is difficult to say, so "BUUUU" is GREAT!  Yarrrgh! See ya!"

  7. 2 minutes ago, freyguy said:

    Hey, it's Finland.  What do they really do anyway?

    Well - hopefully the new PM doesn't invade Estonia. 


    Estonia's nationalist interior minister has narrowly survived a confidence vote triggered by uproar in the Baltic country after he mocked the new prime minister of Finland and her Social Democratic party.

    On Tuesday, members of the 101-seat Riigikogu, Estonia's parliament, voted 44-42 to remove Mart Helme from his post.

    However, the motion failed to receive the absolute majority of 51 required for passage.

    In an interview with an Estonian radio talk show on Sunday, Mr Helme, 70, took a swipe at Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin, 34, saying 'a cashier' was now leading Estonia's close neighbour. This was an apparent reference to Ms Marin's past, when she worked at a department store.



  8. 11 hours ago, TexasHooch said:

    Good version, but Is it a cover if you wrote it? 


    You are right. From what I understand - Bruce wrote the music but couldn't come up with the lyrics. Patti got a demo tape of Bruce and penned the lyrics. Great song. And for Patti - the punk rock poet laureate - her only hit - not that it matters. 

    And I love Natalie Merchant's voice . . . 

  9. Progressives fighting Progressives is not helpful at this point. I like Liz - always have. Don't like what Obama and Dodd-Frank did to her with CFPB.

    The Neoliberals are going after the Progressives. I hope they stand tall together.

    A repeat of 2016 would be catastrophic to the Democratic Party. Establishment Democrats cannot beat Trump. And frankly, I think most Democrats prefer progress rather than a re-entrenchment of the Republican-lite policies of the past. It is time to move forward. 

    • Like 2
  10. Cool Jimmy. We stand in an honest intellectual disagreement about whether neoliberalism is fraught with problems. I respect that stand. Galbraith over at the LBJ has done some good work on the divide.  But until another day. This is the wrong thread for it anyways.


  11. 8 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Are you just spewing words for the sake of spewing words?  My understanding of "neoliberalism" is that it has jack shit to do with progressive policy, and it shouldn't be ascribed to progressives.

    You're seriously just trying to hang a boat anchor around the necks of the naive, aren't you?

    Jimmy with all due respect - sincerely - progressive policies - such as MMT - stand in DIRECT opposition to neoliberal economic policy. It is not a controversial take. That is the divide between Establishment Democrats (who have adopted right wing neoliberalism since the days of Clinton and his Third Way Movement) and progressives (who reject neoliberalism and its austerity for the masses). 

    Would you like me to point you in the right direction?  

    A lot has changed in the political landscape since Nixon. If you missed a moment of it, the political world is a very confusing place since Establishment R's and D's are essentially the same thing these days.

    The old terminology does not work anymore in reality based political discussions.

    Really, no offense intended. A lot of older Americans have been fed so much pablum they don't know which way is right, left, up or down. But they can catch up, but first they have to let go of old, wheezy terminology. 

  12. 1 hour ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    Yeah the problem is, life will get better for them if they come out.  Life would get better for them if they shut up, because them speaking out in this hypocritical way is actually making it *harder* for them to ever be able to live their lives honestly.  And to me that's the real shame.  If there really is a heaven, do you think God's going to kick you out for being gay, or is he going to kick you out for consistently and with no repentance continuing to break the Commandment against lying for your entire life?  If the answer is both, then one might as well be happy while alive, and they'll be happier as a person who is living in truth.  

    Amen. The first commandment - love one another. And I was taught there is only one way to salvation - through the simple acceptance of Jesus Christ as your savior. There is no sexual orientation litmus test for entry into Heaven according to my Christian faith.

  13. 18 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The thing about neoliberalism is no one really goes around saying they’re a proud neoliberal so the nomenclature is elusive and I’d argue masks deeper problems in our contemporary political culture such as consolidate corporate power and influence operating under the guise of an ideology. 

    What you are seeing today with Mayor Pete is progressives taking it to a neoliberal. Progressives understand Modern Monetary Theory and understand if we can bail out financial interests today (a half-trillion for the teetering Repo market this year) and $17 trillion for the 2008 crisis - plus and expanding military budget - we can afford to take better care of the 99.999%. 

    The Pete Peterson scare words about the "debt" is a scam. MMT recognizes inflation is not an impediment to raising all boats - not just the super luxury yachts. . 

  14. 15 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

    Are you a fan of neoliberalism? 

    No - as an economic policy, efficiency may be an ideal, but one must account for humans in the final output. Neoliberalism has no plan for humanity other than to further enrich the wealthy extreme. The consolidation of wealth in the hands of the very few has led to the political chaos we now see playing out in the world. The ever widening wealth gap between the top .001% and the 99.999% will lead to trouble - and rubble. A new consensus is needed before we sink into the depths of tribalism. 

    • Like 1
  15. Hugo - as tuned in as you are to politics, you should understand the widespread implementation of neoliberalism as a policy matter. At the retail level of politics, understanding the policy structures behind the campaigns is helpful. Let me know if I can help point you in the direction. It is murky out there. 

  16. The FISA Court's Order is a huge step in the right direction. That is a rare public rebuke. It has accused the FBI of misleading it and demands they propose changes. It calls into question whether the FBI has been reliable in other applications. The ACLU has suggested appointing a third party to analyze whether the government's case for a wiretap. 

    The effort to reform the FISA process is a rare instance of bipartisan agreement, with Sen. Blumenthal joining Republicans in calling for reform of the FISC Court. 


    • Like 2
  17. 7 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    i agree that this is the main issue. so many people are tethered to jobs they hate because of healthcare. i'd be willing to bet the number of entrepreneurs is artificially low in america for that one simple reason.


    "Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today."  


    Well said. It's the tie that binds. 

  18. 10 minutes ago, achooloco said:

    Maybe but hypocrisy is a choice. And I hate hypocrites. They could have said nothing at all. They could have refused to persecute other people. And for that hypocrisy, I’ll roast them every chance I can get. 

    Agree. Another would be to teach the concept of Christian love to this poor soul - Christ's command that we love everyone. And according to Christian theology (some sects), the only way to God is to accept Christ as your savior. Judging another, for instance, on their sexual orientation is not the Preacher's job; only God judges.

    We are all hypocrites in one way or another. I am. My point was more directed at marginalizing a person based on sexual orientation given how difficult it is for non-straight humans to this day. The hypocrisy for this poor soul extends to his violation of the basic commandment to love one another. 

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