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Posts posted by Shmitty

  1. 37 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    My expectations are low in yr 1 of the Kelly regime.  But they skyrocket from there.

    Chip is going to do very well at UCLA, I could see him pushing for the pushing USC and UW for the conference title as early as next season.  

  2. 9 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    you mean The University of Deseret, whose first Board of Regents was organized by.... wait for it.... Briggy!

    ... and founded in 1850 by the legislature of The State of Deseret whose leader was.... wait for it.... Briggy!


    Yes!!!  FUCK'EM.

  3. Their fans think they out-recruit BAMA, and no one can touch their blazing speed.  

    Their fans are obnoxious and odd.  

    The state itself sucks

    Their rude people make it a shithole

    With their coeds, you might as well be at North Siberia State U

    Their chili spaghetti is a nasty abomination

    Urban Meyer is one more "health scare" from another coaching gig.  

    and they burn couches in Columbus

    What am I missing?

    (Hopefully, I didn't just jinx them into winning the 2018 national championship but I feel I just did, in that case fuck me....)

    • Fuck You 4
  4. 15 hours ago, relapse98 said:

    I've said it all before on the other thread.


    I'm glad you had a great time, but remember it is a park almost completely operated by children. From the very top of the leadership structure on down. What the Henry's and Schlitterbahn need more than anything is a management company to be brought in and do a 360 review of the company and force them to implement the necessary changes.



    Isn't it kinda late for that?

  5. On 7/27/2018 at 8:49 AM, Knoxtnhorn said:

    LOL.  Growing up, this was one of those magic places that we never went to because we were the poors.  When I moved my own family back to DFW last summer, this was one of the first places I was going to take them.  Looked it up online, and I'm not sure I've ever seen a place so completely destroyed by reviews.

    Another disappointment (and place I always wanted to visit as a kid) - was called Trailhouse Steakhouse.  I think that's the name.  Place where they cut your tie off or somesuch.  It's closed now.  

    Traildust in Mesquite.  Went there for my dad's 40th birthday.  They had that 2 story slide as well.  

    On 7/27/2018 at 9:57 AM, Al_4_ISU said:

    Big Mac sauce?  Fuck that shit.  Thousand Island needs to die in a fire.  Ketchup + mayo is hell.  Pure hell.

    Out west, they call that "fry sauce" and it goes great with.... fries and onion rings and even on a burger.  

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    There’s no reason to believe that.

    Explain.  That 2007 LSU defense was loaded.  

    10 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    over the years one thing has become apparent to me- the mythology of 2001 Miami far exceeds the reality, while 2005 Texas is actually somehow still underrated. nobody outside of Texas realizes that we sent 5 DBs, four D linemen, three o linemen, and a TE to the NFL, which isn't even mentioning VY, Jamaal Charles, Ramince Taylor, and Selvin Young. Our team was STACKED.

    But not as stacked as that 2001 Miami team.  That team was absolutely dominant against arguably, a better schedule.  

  7. On 7/26/2018 at 1:55 PM, Goo Punch said:

    08 Texas > 08 Florida

    Hard to say since transitive properties don't apply but it would have been a different ballgame though.  

    On 7/26/2018 at 3:55 PM, hpslugga said:

    2007 LSU over 2002 Ohio State. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Obviously I take no issue with 2005 Texas being at the top, but that list completely falls apart after that. And I have to jump back on the first thing I said: I cannot take seriously anyone who says that a 2-loss team, who only got into the BCS MNC game because Kansas had a stupid loss to Missouri at the end of the season and cost themselves a berth in the Big 12 CCG, was better than perhaps the greatest defense of the BCS era. Hell, it's arguable that LSU wasn't even the best team in the SEC that year.



    Ohio State had a solid defense no doubt but even that 2007 LSU defense was better than that 2002 Buckeye defense.  And no way in hell is that 2002 Ohio State defense as good as the 2001 Miami defense, and it's not even close.  2003 and 2004 USC defenses might have been just as good, if not better. 2003 LSU had a better defense even.  

    23 hours ago, RC Horn said:

    I have no problem with the 2005 Texas football team being on top. However, if  Michigan QB Chad Henne does not throw that last second TD pass vs Penn State then the Niittany Lions go to the BCS Championship game that year against USC,  It would have not matter one bit that we defeated Ohio State on their home field that year. 

    No, Texas and USC weren't giving up their spots unless they had a loss.  Plus ESPN was going to do all they could to put both in the title game one way or another.  It's a prime example of how college football is rigged in favor of big schools who draw the bigger ratings, (not who is actually the better on the field see last year with UCF).  

    21 hours ago, CastHorn said:

    2001 Miami had 11 first round draft picks. And over 30 drafted. They even had some pro bowlers on the 2nd team. Their QB was nothing special but I think they have as much a right to #1 as any team on the list. Texas was a great story and Vince is the best college player of all time but I don’t know if we beat ‘01 Miami. Maybe we do. 

    2001 Miami (due to their defense alone) was probably the best team of the BCS era, the 1995 Nebraska team might be the best of all-time, though.  I see no way that 2005 Texas team, even with VY beats that Miami defense and with the way USC was running up and down with Lendale, Miami with Clinton Portis wouldn't have been any different.  

  8. On 7/28/2018 at 10:09 PM, HenryJames said:

    You sound poor.

    How?  Brookshire's was the only option growing up in Hunt County and up here in Frisco (yep, the most well off part of the state) there are no HEB's go figure.  It's Kroger, overpriced Tom Thumb, etc.  

  9. 4 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

    You kidding?

    Is that supposed to be common knowledge?  Because I had no idea.  Besides only living in Texas off and on since high school, I may have been out of the loop.  I had no idea, well plus I've never been to a central market, but from the sounds of things I might just go next Saturday for milf-watching.  

  10. On 7/27/2018 at 4:41 PM, Greg Focker said:

    No, not joking. In a sport where an undrafted rookie can win the rushing title, its not outside the realm of possibility that the #1 overall pick could turn out to be not complete dog shit.   In the NFL all kinds of weird shit happens.



    Meh.  manziel  by comparison to Mayfield is really lazy. Mayfield will work hard and put out 100% effort every day and his teammates love him.  Manziel was known to show up to practice late and hung over, didn't study film, acted very entitled and wasn't all in. Completely different guys in that respect.  Sucks for manziel cause he has more natural talent than Mayfield does, but Mayfield's effort and drive definitely separates him from the pretenders.




    Manziel was more entitled?  What planet are you living on?  I've never seen a player with more entitlement, who acted like a whiny bitch then Mayfield.  I see no difference between the two except Mayfield is just outspoken about his douchiness and Manziel was more of a team player than Mayfield was.  

  11. On 6/1/2018 at 2:25 PM, mr. sunshine said:

    This right here.  I've never been a big bread fan, especially white, but I'll be damned if just a slice of Dave's by itself doesn't make a nice little snack.  I got two loaves last trip and one promptly went missing.  I found the empty wrapper in my son's room, which isn't too bad considering all the other stuff I could have probably discovered in there

    But where was the rubber?


    i couldn't eat it straight up untoasted, but toast that bread and slather some butter on it and I'm happier than an Okie in a meth lab (or a braums).  

    On 6/11/2018 at 6:17 AM, South Austin said:

    As do I. But it's particularly challenging at our HEB. 

    Not at the HEB off Kuykendal in Spring/The Woodlands.  Especially on a Soccer-mom Saturday, it's Milf Central!  

    On 6/11/2018 at 7:13 AM, CooterBrown said:


    You gotta like tattoos at the gimp.

    There was a mother daughter combo there yesterday that I tagged for a nice executive three way. Probably 40 & 20 respectively.


    You tagged them with your price sticker gun?

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