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Posts posted by Shmitty

  1. 3 hours ago, Dewey said:

    Perfect example of the blind leading the blind.

    He aint blind, he knows exactly what he is doing and it disgusts me.  

    2 hours ago, 52-80 said:

    i have to give them credit for scamming people out of tens of millions of dollars. 

    as long as its voluntary donation, i dont have a problem with it.  


    well...except the fact that these frauds arent tax.   


    tax em, and all will be good

    This, if any church or organization runs for profit or gets involved with political causes, they need to pay taxes.  

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Bullneck said:

    I had a job interview in June of 1995 in Addison back when I drove a truck with no A/C.  I think I might have stopped sweating by the time the interview was over. Amazingly, I got the job.


  3. 29 minutes ago, Larry T. Spider said:

    I would run up a credit card bill on repairs before I drove a car in Texas with no ac.

    I wish that were an option, with medical bills and starting a new career in insurance.  I'm driving a truck i bought for $1 off of a retired doctor and i'd rather sink any significant money into a new car.  Guess I'll have to earn the nickname of Talcum X this summer :P

  4. 1 minute ago, Surly Bevo said:

    Public transportation options work well for poors....

    Not in the McKinney/Frisco area.  And not if you are starting out in a new sales career.  

  5. Ladies and gentlemen (and those of you in between ;) ), here's the difference.  

    Gender/Sexual Orientation = on a spectrum because people can literally be born on the fence of both genders.  it may be super rare, but it does happen.  You have people born as hermaphrodites, or gay/lesbian/bi, etc.   

    Race = no one individual or generation morphs into a different race, they will always be the race they were born with.   





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  6. 9 hours ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

    Without knowing exactly how or if data is collected on school violence, there is a good chance you never were aware of anything that happened in a small town a thousand miles away from you unless the national news covered it.  Now, anybody can know anything happening anywhere in the world.  

    I was joking 

  7. 5 hours ago, TKthunder2 said:

    So honest question, how is that business model illegal?  Yes it’s seedy but it’s simply posting publicly available information and charging a fee to have your information removed.  Was paying to have your phone number unlisted also considered extortion?

    How was it not illegal?  It's quite unethical.  

  8. 10 hours ago, austingirl said:

    Shmitty, are you going to provide any context to why you're negging everything I post?

    Damn, you could tell it was me?  Sorry, but the preachy-hi-horse, anti-male attitude doesn't jive.  And no, that doesn't mean I condone how some men treat women.    

    10 hours ago, Larry T. Spider said:

    Because you are a chick and he has to take out his frustrations from his moms basement?

    No, I took out my frustrations from you're moms bedroom.  

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