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Everything posted by derpyhorndog

  1. Way to spin it, dipshit. He met in-person with UT brass in October, never said he was first-hand negotiating the whole way. Don't care if you believe me, on to the next thing.
  2. I have reason to believe otherwise. @closetojumping
  3. As someone involved in negotiations for a living and that expects Urban has plenty of better and less taxing things to do with his time, agree to disagree.
  4. He met with UT brass, deal terms were proposed and negotiated. You don't even get to that point if it "was never a maybe."
  5. @closetojumping seems like a fitting time to spill what you knew regarding the search and the plane, no?
  6. Welp, boys and gal, the UOB thread was a fun ride. Hoping this Sark experiment goes well but, if not, look forward to seeing all of you fun-loving degenerates again in 3-4 years.
  7. Incoming flight from Tuscaloosa to Austin Exec, touches down at 5:30 local.
  8. Just so our Twitter accounting is properly set out. First post was RGL posting the (Jimmy Butler?) gif in response to Pollack's latest tweet about Sark turning down UT. Second post was Kirk Barton responding to that gif saying "LOL you might be on to something." Last post was RGL responding with the t-shirt joke, which I read as RGL taking a stance of "I know I'm right about Urban and you [Barton] are wrong, but want to say something complimentary to you so as to lessen the blow / play buddy-buddy [and still get my bet $$ from you]." To unsubscribe from Twitter facts, please PM derka.
  9. If Chip Brown's head spiders are his "sources" for this news, and Chip Brown pass that on to Chris Low, are Chris Low's "sources" Chip Brown and his head spiders? Sourceception.
  10. Negged. Noone needs you by Elon-proxy lecturing us about wishful thinking. Everyone who has stuck around in this thread has at some point over the last month questioned their mental stability, don't need you or Tesla dude swooping in with a "told you so". Fuck off to the Fire Sark thread.
  11. While I look for recent TX flight history to Tuscaloosa Regional, has anyone thrown out the idea that this Sark news may be a "trial balloon" of sorts, aimed at the UT fanbase and/or Urban? Frankly it seems very odd that since early December the coaching search has been kept incredibly close to the vest, so much so that our 9.95'ers know less than they normally do (which is really a feat). Yet moments after Herman is fired, everyone runs to their news outlet contacts and spills the beans, "yep, it's Sark."
  12. Shhhuuhhhnnnn. But yes, totally agree. This is not the day I choose to stop sniffing glue and believe FCB.
  13. Okay, now I that I've had about 10 minutes to digest the Sark after Dark rumors, because that's all they are at this point and fuck that shit, I am firmly back on the "it's Urban until someone else is announced by the University" platform. Fisterman and all cucks in here that can't cut even day crew levels of energy, GTFO and find another thread to circle jerk one another over being "right" and your proclaimed successor Sark. The group of believers in this trust tree of delusionals may have lost some members today, but we're not climbing down until the fat lady sings.
  14. This is where I'm at as well. Unfortunately? Fortunately? Sark would be a disappointing hire, does not jive with the unimpeachable rumor mill and wouldn't see to justify the waiting game we so clearly have been playing. Also, if the long-reported claim is to be believed that CDC would have not hired Herman due to his substance abuse concerns, seems odd that this would be the move.
  15. This could be the plane that took Shelley from Siesta Key/Sarasota to NOLA. On Thursday, it went from Sarasota to Pittsburgh (one of the curious stops the Kendra Scott plane made what seems like forever ago - I believe someone hundreds of pages back eventually made some connection to family there?). Early Friday afternoon it went Pittsburgh to NOLA, and it's currently on its way to Van Nuys/LA. The plane is Wheels-Up operated and I was able to track down it's tail number (N920UP) despite FlightAware not providing it: it's owned by Textron Financial Corporation, a publicly traded commercial financial company, so nothing juicy there. But that's a curious string of flights (and the only plane identified in much digging as having gone from Sarasota to NOLA in short order) and suggests Urban maybe on his way to LA.
  16. Has anyone ever seen Belichick and Shannahan in the same room? Just saying.
  17. A few going back to TX but none to Austin (San Antonio, Longview, Houston are a few of the destinations).
  18. Unfortunately not. Checked Bergstrom, Austin Executive and HSB all for scheduled arrivals as well as outbounds from both NOLA airports in case there were some pits stops on the way to Austin or itinerary fuckery.
  19. Just dug deep for a while and don't see any flights of interest currently scheduled from NOLA to Austin area. A few I'm keeping my eye given their origin, but none of them have anything in the upcoming log. Probably saw about three or four jets going from NOLA to Columbus over the next 24 hours, including the two mentioned in this thread. In short, wish I had something but if it's there it hasn't peeked its head quite yet. Also, if something's going down, the CTJ plane is not out and about.
  20. Here's one that flew in to NOLA from Columbus this afternoon, and at 11:06 p.m. tonight (shortly but safely after the tOSU game, absent OT) goes back to Columbus. Edit: It also goes on to Miami tomorrow afternoon. Last I was in the loop, spinnershells was in Sarasota. Any Twitter stalkers know her current/more recent whereabouts?
  21. Still here, still underwater with stuff. Been a lurking member of near-24-hour crew for a while but hoping to be more active again starting around 10:30 p.m. on NYD.
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