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Everything posted by derpyhorndog

  1. Joined less than 24 hours ago. Two posts, both about this purported poker game. Uses asterisks to censor out aggy in both. Yep, he's one of them.
  2. Shelley is headed to FL on the 26th.
  3. Let's say we assume there's a behind-curtains plan in place and that Urban will not be re-signing with Fox because he's taking the UT gig. If that's the case, obviously Fox would have already been give a heads up. Also, would think it would be in their and Urban's best interest to take his approach to date of simply ignoring (read: actively avoiding) the elephant in the room...at least until they have his replacement. And if that's how it plays out, silence from Fox & UM + insider rumors would be all we have to read into starting Sunday. But I could certainly be wrong and that type of development would be a big focus of national media and Fox would address it. Just curious how others think that would unfold, because shit's about to go down one way or another here very soon.
  4. This is verified fact, so I hear from my unimpeachable sources, who tell me that I am in fact the derpy Mcderpster - a poor bastard who is without a doubt "still not killed and very much alive and a human being heading into 2021." Truth is the work I neglected for the better part of two weeks while tracking flights and talking barbeque and butts piled up to the point where I've had a miserable, sleep-deprived week or so - should come as no surprise that companies push to close M&A deals before the end of a calendar/tax year (especially heading into a year of regime change in the White House #nocr). At the end of the day I just don't have the BDE needed right now to participate at the moment (outside of the plane @closetojumping mentions). I'll quickly skim for any new nuggets about once a day, and have got to say that you bastards (and lady, @Nicole44) continue to outdo yourself in keeping momentum in spite of no developments, the levels of BDE in here are so inspiring that they break the ceiling of the Dichter scale. All that said, definitely @ me if there's a situation that calls for some FlightAware. And re my gentleman's agreement with CTJ, part of that is that he decides when/if to reveal specifics of what's currently in confidence re that plane, but I will say that I've dug into its ownership/ties (will stop at that) and as of today it had repeated a pattern of flights paths to interesting out-of-state locations.
  5. Would those agreements not be subject to open records requests?
  6. How’s that group chat been lately?
  7. Good point. To add to that, you have to consider that if a new coach is brought in in late December or January, by that point many other schools will have signed their full allocation of players for a particular position. Unless someone is an elite talent (which we don't have much of in this class) that another school would make room for, it would likely be difficult to find a transfer spot at a comparable P5 (at least for the 2021 season).
  8. Re a possible CDC vote of confidence, the logical side of my brain tells me we've gone too far in this game for him to do a 180 and and truly expect that fixes the issue, best it could do IMO is provide a bandaid until NSD 1. Further, if that's the plan at this point and we're to believe the 9.95 leaks re keeping Herman are CDC-influenced, why the fuck would CDC choose to message that through Ketch and other online rags? In other words, why wouldn't he just get it out there himself? As a trial balloon to gauge UT fans' reactions? Have a hard time believing that, as it's pretty clear how most feel about retaining Herman and, frankly, don't think the AD gives a shit what message board sentiment is so long as DKR seats are filled. The emotional side of my brain says fuck that shit, there will be no public vote of confidence because it doesn't fit my desired narrative and it'd be a stupid fucking decision.
  9. Correct. And in my mind the two things are separate. You can dismiss the lack of public displays of support up until, say, the beginning of this week, as CDC strategy for taking a swing at Urban and laying the groundwork to reel him in and transition coaches. But if we're to believe Urban has truly become "no" and CDC has switched courses to bringing back Herman sometime in the last few days, that switch would logically involve publicly supporting him now. The verifiable fact is that CDC has stayed the court of no public support despite the change in circumstances being reported. It doesn't line up. Edit: See CTJ is suggesting the above might change near-term. If that happens, the above obviously goes out the window. But until then, fishy.
  10. I think what's most telling is the "endorsement" via 9.95'ers yet complete lack of direct public support, not so much as a tweet.
  11. (A) Ketch doesn’t know shit, said nothing of substance and was even inaccurate in that I don’t believe anyone has reported that Urban gave us a hard “no,” yet he took that unsubstantiated leap in that post. (B) He and/or OB interns clearly scour this threat because about half of it read like it was targeted directly at the surly crews.
  12. No one rep me - count is at 666. When we get to page 666 of this thread, something in the cosmos will align and cause it to happen. I can feel it in my jimmies. Edit: Already busted. Carry on as normal. Or neg me back into alignment, your choice.
  13. Spoiler alert: He's not going to respond. His MO is to drop a curiosity bomb with no context every once in a while and sit back and watch us stir. Maybe we'll get three ninja emojis. Maybe.
  14. @hornfromdallas, do you intentionally fuzz up these pictures post-shot or do avoid that step by taking them all with a potato?
  15. Not sure it's a good thing that this is now picking up steam in the media again. I'd honestly prefer the speculation be contained to the degenerate trust tree that is this thread.
  16. Potentially worse, the end of the CFP.
  17. Truly cancelled - declared a no contest and won’t be rescheduled. Regular season, fin.
  18. That our facilities/infrastructure are behind those of our peers but that it's something that's being improved (SEZ) and can be further improved by throwing money at it? eyeroll.gif
  19. Would someone with that mentality discuss a potential HC opportunity over the course of three months, ultimately negotiating down to the finest of details, if he didn't think said opportunity was "perfect, perfect, perfect situation" material?
  20. Clickity mother fuckin' clack. At what point can those that have hung around this whole time take off our tinfoil hats and be accepted into broader society?
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