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Don Hornleone

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Everything posted by Don Hornleone

  1. Why do we keep faking to nobody. Card and BIjan need to get that shit figured out.
  2. Going for it on 4th and medium at your own 40, down 7 with 12 minutes left…
  3. Huston is routinely getting his ass kicked.
  4. I’m starting to think we blew our entire wad of will and aggressiveness in the Bama game.
  5. Agree. Unless he is completely lost in pass protect, I’d like to see him play.
  6. Our interior OL run blocking is horrendous.
  7. It’s fucking lame they don’t even mention Doak Walker award winner D’Onta Foreman.
  8. Huston got whipped. but still’ that play call was atrocious.
  9. Even though that’s a 2A school, the talent gap is evident. And especially without Randall, I’m surprised Arch even kept it close.
  10. Bruh, a 6 yard completion for UTSA sounds like the miracle on ice call coming from Galindo.
  11. Apologies for starting other thread. Didn’t search. But yes, fuck him to the highest order.
  12. This fuck stick isn’t hiding the fact that he wants as close as game as possible. Thank god we won’t have to hear from him much longer.
  13. Jaylan Ford was pathetic on that play
  14. Very, very few QB’s his age can make that throw. And that doesn’t have shit to do with the talent he’s playing against. That is some god given arm skill.
  15. He flashed quite a bit in the first half but was definitely fatigued by the end of the game. They rarely ran to his side, so he was always in pursuit. In fact, I’m pretty sure he was the one who tracked down the DVille QB when he suffered that knee injury.
  16. “David Gbenda had a good day. “Running to the ball.” Oh… that’s nice. Doing the most minimalistic thing required of you. Maybe next week he can.. I don’t know… shed a block? Successfully tackle somebody?
  17. How is KB getting injured not part of Anwars notes?
  18. Alright Mr. Ewers. Ball is in your hands. Be smart, protect that MF’er, lead this team to the best of your abilities.
  19. Just for discussions sake, and realizing it’s only 1st week in the books, who are some guys you were hoping to hear pop off/ stand out, but haven’t heard much from yet? Not including transfers or true freshman. Mine is Ford, Sanders, and Crawford. Unless I missed it, haven’t seen much about these guys.
  20. My worries won’t start until next week this time and that’s only if we continue to hear that Ewers is still struggling to consistently get better. Obviously your going to have good and bad days, make mistakes, etc. But I’d like to hear some practice reports that indicate he was most certainly the better of the 2 that day(s). Also, curiously noticed they said Blue got the majority of the work once RoJo got hurt. Keep low usage on Brooks for precautionary reasons you think?
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