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Posts posted by dcar00

  1. I'm just asking for fairness in the reviews. it was clear they ignored when we were close and Herman has to be more involved in getting them to review.  I know it comes from the booth but the booth is watch the game/sideline real time.  we are doing ourselves a disservice by standing there passively looking at our playsheet when you have actual CLOWNS on the field running the game.

  2. 20 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:


    Oh JFC. Doesn’t require being a psychic. The rule is phrased that way for roughing. How is roughing ever thrown if not by psychics? How did they know it was obvious?

    As to the physics, NFL QBs can throw in the 50-60 mph range. Let’s say Grier threw this pass at 35 mph. That means it goes 51 feet per second so it was outside the tackle box less than a quarter second after leaving his hand. The still shot has the ball just off his fingers and the Texas player hasn’t touched Grier yet. Hence by the time he horsecollared him, the ball was outside the tackle box, making it a penalty to horsecollar the QB.


    see, I told you that you were the expert.  good job. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, BabaYaga said:

    Jesus Christ this!  What a bunch of bleeding gashes our fans have become.  We got tea-bagged on our own goddamn field and we're quibbling over taunting?  Has there ever in the history of ever been a team come to Austin, score and/or win the game...and NOT throwing the fucking horns down?  Know what we used to do?  Beat the shit out of these school and bitch that the score was too close....

    what the hell are you talking about? screaming at clouds.  we are actually saying change the fucking rule so they can do whatever the fuck they want towards our fans/their fans or their own team,  horns down, shhh, double bird, hand on crotch, smoke meth, whatever,  we don't care just make it so dipshit referees don't have a chance to do stupid shit.


  4. 15 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:


    Not wrong when I’m using and quoting the rules. I admitted happily I was wrong about how the penalty was announced.

    The rule says you can’t pull the QB down if it’s obvious the ball has been thrown. That’s debatable on this play I agree.

    It also says you can’t horsecollar the QB if the ball has left the tackle box. How long do you think a ball thrown by Grier takes to go 12 feet?


    don't know.  you are the psychic and physics expert on the thread.

  5. Just now, TXSooner518 said:

    You don't think he knew Grier threw?  Roughing the passer includes throwing the QB down when it is obvious the ball has been thrown. The rule also does not include the term egregiously late.

    Now you are a sooner pshycic.  whatever.

  6. 3 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:

    Dude was off the block well before he grabbed Grier man.


     he was getting blocked, disengaged, reached out. show a video of it. tell me where the ball is when he actually touches the ball.  the guy is in the pocket, it isn't late.  Its a bad call and every one knows it.  they can just change the rule and say no horsecollar at all anywhere.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, TXSooner518 said:

    I think the hit was late, and was "overly impactful" if that makes sense. Like if you get to the QB right as he throws it won't get flagged but if you do that, then pick him up and drive him through the ground it will. I think they should have just said "roughing the passer" or "unnecessary roughness" depending on how horsecollar applies when you aren't a ball carrier.  If I'm a DB, and I want a WR out of the way and he has his back to me, can I grab him by the collar and pull him down? 

    it wasn't late and the dude was getting blocked while doing it.  there is a reason they specifically allow the exception for in the pocket/between the tackles.  It was a missed call.  end of story.  its fine.  they suck at officiating and one day for us it won't matter.

  8. 20 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:

    Once he has passed, I don't think he is a "potential passer."  I think the exception would mean you can tackle the QB by the collar when he has the ball. Interesting question though.

    if there is a hit(not horsecollar) after the ball leaves the hand the official has to make a determination if it was egregiously late.  his horsecollar wasn't egregiously late therefore he is still a potential passer.  

    I get what you are saying but in my opinion they completely screwed the call. it should not have been flagged or they need to change the rule to say anytime after the ball has left the hand of the QB AND it should be reviewable.  game changer.  look guys are going to get hurt.  change the rule that says no horsecollar anywhere at anytime.  

    Sam got horsecollared last year running in the open field on the sideline late and no call. can't remember the game but these officials are high school level so I expect it.

    It sucks we aren't good enough to overcome these kinds of calls but maybe we will get there.

  9. 2 minutes ago, texaslong said:

    That's the part that nobody in the national media is talking about. They are all talking about Herman. Holgorsen is the reason why it was called in the first place. He spent his pre-game conversing with the refs to make sure it was okay to do it. Hey refs just wanted to make sure we won't be flagged for being a little bit classless today. What a pussy for even asking. If you had to ask for permission, you were the bigger pussy. 

    well talking about a known drunk HC for WVU being a pussy isn't going to drive many clicks....

  10. Just now, TXSooner518 said:

    On which part?  

    1) The penalty called was "roughing the passer".  He made the personal foul gesture, then the roughing the passer gesture. He then said horsecollar.

    2) The rule quoted above clearly describes that it doesn't apply to a ballcarrier in the pocket.

    3) Grier was not a ball carrier at the time of the penalty.


    you are wrong. potential passer as well. he wasn't late.  good news is you might have a career as a Big 12 Associate Director.

    They called it because he went down weirdly and they forgot the rule about being in the pocket.  so did our stupid coaches as well.  they fucked up. its OK, just admit it Big 12.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:

    The horsecaller exception didn't apply, because Grier was no longer a ball carrier. They called roughing the passer, and the "color" they added was that the horse collar bring down after he threw was why they called it. It was sloppily explained. But the exception you list above has to do with there's no such call as horsecollar on a sack, it doesn't mean it can't be related to roughing, since the QB was no longer a "ball carrier."

    its only roughing if he was egregiously late which he wasn't and from the game play by play.

    3rd & 15 at TEX 37

    (0:15 - 1st) Grier, Will pass incomplete to Simms, Marcus, PENALTY TEXAS horse collar tackle (Roach, Malcolm) 15 yards to the TEXAS22, NO PLAY, 1ST DOWN WESTVIR.

  12. 7 minutes ago, slorch said:

    In English, again:

    If they simply do the horns down, fuck no it shouldn't be a penalty.

    If they run to someone( fans) or stand over a player doing it, then it should be.

    it should be easy... but of course, it's college football, so it will not be.

    In English, how far away from fans do you need to be? in the endone, just off the back, etc?  if you catch a ball at OSU and turn to fans or take few steps towards them and do guns down 10 feet away is it a foul?  again, my opinion is it shouldn't be a penalty unless done to player or coach or sideline. run to fans all you want, turn to fans all you want saying "are you not entertained while throwing the X", I don't care. just be fucking consistent in applying the rule

     Grier should not have been penalized for what he did after the 2pt conversion but I think he did throw the ball at the wall which I think is what got him the penalty.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Greg Davis Apologist said:

    I was kind of drunk at the time, but wasn't the penalty after the 2-point conversion? Or was it after the TD?

    early in the game it was after the TD. late game was after the 2pt.  I'm just providing a what if scenario on after a TD.

  14. 20 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    That entire situation of events is odd.   Were there players so damn on intent on doing the horns down that it was raised with the Holgo who thought it meaningful enough to discuss with officials and then gave the players permission?  The ability for a non-rival like WVU to do the horns down in our stadium is that damn important?  Bizarre.

    yes, actually they were.   he knows it fires his team up and its great for replays to show WVU players doing the horns down a bunch after scoring.  everyone thinks this is silly but an active Big 12 head coach thought it was important enough he wanted to know what would and wouldn't get flagged so he could tell his players what to do instead of just saying don't do that stupid shit on the field, save it for the sidelines or after the game. 

    WVU players "cmon coach what good is that? its not cool if you can't do it after burning a CB for a TD, dropping the ball as soon as possible after crossing the goal line and running towards a camera."  by the way, this applies to a ton of CFB players pretty much.

    Texas fans are used to it, most of us don't really care, its when actually penalties are called that it makes a difference.


  15. 3 minutes ago, slorch said:

    as an avowed hater of UT athletics in general, 

    #1. I have never done the Horns down, regardless of sobriety or any other factors.  It's dumb.

    #2. It should not be a penalty, but Grier deliberately ran to taunt fans.   IMHO, that was the penalty.  IT's college football and the "fuck you for yelling against me, we just scored" bit is part of the great fun for players at games. While I don't agree with validating your opponent by doing their hand signal, I don't think simply doing so should be a penalty. 

    #3,  If doing it upside down is offensive, then maybe the originators should have considered that before doing it in the first place.  This is aimed more towards offended aggy when you're not quite as reverent as they had hoped for.  Fuck them.  If you can't handle it, then don't dish it out.

    jesus christo, again, it isn't about what we find offensive, its about the taunting rule and applying it evenly/correctly.  by the way, they could start penalizing on the XP instead of KO which would have screwed WVU in going for 2. Why isn't the rule that way since it is the next play? because they don't really care about taunting all that much.  

    they get around that by saying the XP is an untimed play.


  16. 13 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    That is a bit strange considering the fact I have never seen that called on our opponents before Saturday.

    its been called on OU before and not just when they did it towards our players.  they usually do it on the sidelines to the cameras or their own fans when they score on their end now as they know officials are looking for it if it happens on our end.

  17. 37 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    It appears from the rule, that pointing a horns down at an opposing player would clearly be a violation.

    yes, that has been flagged for some time.  but it doesn't happen often as they know it will be flagged.  the question is doing towards fans/their own team on the field of play.

    I am sure holgo the drunk asked specifically if we don't do it towards bench or player will it be flagged?

  18. 4 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    Well I stand corrected. I don't see anything there related to taunting with hand signals. So I might be wrong here. But it helpfully says this:

    Not limited to? What a bunch of arbitrary crap.

    you are missing this one. so placing hand by ear is bad towards opposing spectators, which is a hand gesture/signal that is unspecific to a school, but not horns down which is specific to the school you are actually playing?  the whole thing is stupid.

    Inciting an opponent or spectators in any other way, such as simulating the firing of a weapon or placing a hand by the ear to request recognition. 

  19. Just now, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    It appears from the rule, that pointing a horns down at an opposing player would clearly be a violation.

    as would towards spectators who will be thusly incited. I picture monty python with a guy holding a spector back saying "he incited me, hie incited me!"

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