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Everything posted by dcar00

  1. ha harden complaining about a foul. Luka needs learn to step into that shit. FT's killing us.
  2. if Luka was on the Lakers or Celtics he'd have 40 every night easy.
  3. fuck these refs. they just won't call a fucking foul on Luka. He's gonna get Dirk'd his whole career. Refs gonna give the shitty clippers the series and then they'll get swept.
  4. how can you argue that call....oh yeah, clippers. they are the new spurs.
  5. what the fuck was that? that isn't a walk, travel or double dribble. this is just shit. Kyrie needs to go nuclear or we are fucked.
  6. Luka is shooting like shit again. Kyrie needs to take over.
  7. I can't wait until Harden retires. he's such bullshit on so many levels...
  8. zubac with the immediate Tim Duncan look after running over Luka.
  9. interesting. the whole thing is a clusterfuck. bet that ump assumed it was reviewable and another ump told him it wasn't and then they did the ump scrum. Is the rule a Big 12 conf rule or an NCAA baseball rule for reviews?
  10. Glad Frampton and Foreigner are in. 2011 I was driving home from work, show me the way comes on the radio, and had seen that frampton was playing Moody theater. said fuck, never seen him so I'm going. still one of the best concerts I've seen.
  11. dcar00

    Bob Seger

    next Seger hit. "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'(ramblin', gamblin', sailboat man) '
  12. This is a major problem if this happened. do we have documentation of it? my thought is that Saarlac asked for 1st base ump(who has the call) to check with the other umps. That is the usual process when you argue a call. Of course, 1B ump can decline to check with others if he wants to. It is absolutely beyond stupid that you can't review that but you can review a hit batter. it should be reviewable because it is very easy to rectify if the ball does hit him.
  13. If you lose 4 games of a 7 game series by only 1 each, you have lost the series but you are still winning if you won the other games by more than 5 total.
  14. dcar00

    Bob Seger

    Live Bullet is easily a top 5 live album. the 3 album run from Night moves, Stranger in Town, Against the Wind is as solid a 3 album run as you'll find. Hit after Hit. reading the wiki - did not know he used the muscle shoals rhythm section for half the songs on those albums...
  15. I'm guessing the red ink is about dry
  16. apparently Woods only played the Heritage once. in 1999, and hit this shot.
  17. went last night. show was surprisingly good. hard to believe he is 69. the setlist was great and the eclectic nature of his/ants catalogue didn't make it feel like a greatest hits fest. The old Ants stuff actually stands a bit of the test of time. most everyone on the floor stood the entire show which says something. The band was finominal which made the concert to be honest. I was worried he'd be off due to being 3rd night in a row but he was good enough.
  18. the umpires fucked that up six ways from sunday. just review it and be done.
  19. while bizarro is somewhat true, I think you are overestimating how they can turn it on when things are on the line. This conference sucks ass which is why we are muddling our way through some of the series. I'll take the series wins but they don't really tell us much due to the competition.
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