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Everything posted by dcar00

  1. Fran is such a bitch holy fuck. they battle for position LIKE EVERY FUCKING PLAY IN THE GAME. AND THEN THE GUY FOULS DISU.
  2. that call shows the bullshit right there. he waits to call it because the ball went out.
  3. no foul on Disu of course. we are done. good job yormark
  4. abmas needs to step up. He has disappeared way too much this year.
  5. baylor game all over again. just folding like a cheap suit.
  6. officials absolutely decided this game. those 2 fouls on Disu were all I needed to see. Terry has no idea how to use TO's.
  7. call came in. get Disu out of the game we need KSU to make the tournament.
  8. holy shit. 4 on Disu. Disu was on the floor.
  9. even the first call on Disu this half was questionable. guys give forearm shove off's all the time
  10. that was weird that mitchell sat for long.
  11. 14 minutes in the bonus. This game is over. we will have 20 fouls this half
  12. refs just decided to make sure KSU had a chance at the end by being in the bonus at the 10min mark.
  13. well that's the plan from Yormark so yeah.
  14. Terry needed a TO after the Disu 2nd fouls to light the refs up
  15. Fran is such a bitch. fuck him. Disu gets mugged every time he gets the ball.
  16. here we go with the bullshit. That happens every fucking time to Disu. what the fuck is going on?
  17. bullshit call. That was all they were trying to do was get a foul on Disu
  18. if he really cared, he would have learned 7 languages
  19. If Mitchell could hit that FT line jumper regularly we'd be unstoppable.
  20. If you can hit, you don't sit. I'm more worried that we haven't been able to really get swing and miss pitchers but maybe OU hoarded them all. certainly it isn't like the Cat days where pitching dominated and slap hitters were errrywhere but I really expected our pitching to be top notch after a couple of years. They are very good but not elite. I'm no softball expert but it just seems we haven't had "elite" type pitchers except for Miranda.
  21. I think the philosophy he has is get hitters and swing and miss pitchers and then fielding doesn't matter. he's lacking in one area unfortunately. doesn't mean we can't be very good to great but not gonna be dominant.
  22. nah, he's looking at Fresno...
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