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Everything posted by Crusher

  1. Trade and treaty agreements are exactly extortion when you get right down to it. Let's use the Obama/Iran nuclear deal as a prime example. Iran used it's nuclear development program as weapon that it would continue to develop unless we , the USA and the rest of the civilized world, would remove the sanctions and money restrictions against it's economy. It's economy being nothing but oil. So, what happened? We signed the treaty and sent a C-130 full of $US dollars in the sum of $150.000,00,000 to Iran. Yes...They extorted 150 billion dollars from us. Then kept doing exactly what they were doing before. There Is you your example of extortion on a Global government scale.
  2. Damn...Poked a hornets nest didn't I? Oh well, someone has to come in here every once in a while and break up this circle jerk.
  3. Yes I did. Here is where you can read it if you would like to refresh your memory. It's on the NPR link below: https://www.npr.org/2019/09/25/764164340/trump-asked-ukrainian-president-for-a-favor-on-biden-doj-says-no-charges
  4. We do that all the time. Ever heard of a treaty? Or a trade agreement? Dunce..
  5. First off there was no extortion. That was not in the transcript. No quid pro quo. Why do you make up shit? Who do you think you are, Adam Schiff?
  6. The FBI and DOJ have explained their spying on a Presidential candidate in 2016 as that they had an obligation to do their job and investigate the Trump campaign for possible ties to Russia based on the dossier. This erupted into the what we have been dealing with the last three years. Turns out that there was no collusion, but no one seems to have any problem with the Obama Administration going after a political opponent. Hey that's their job. Good on ya... Now, why would Trump have any less obligation to investigate Biden based on the information Trump has concerning Biden corruption in the Ukraine? How do we know Biden is not beholden to the Ukraine ? Can anyone say Kompromat? After the shit he pulled as VP while dealing with one of the most corrupt governments in the world . 145 on avg as the most corrupt country out of 175 during the time period in question. Weird how it can work both ways, huh? https://tradingeconomics.com/ukraine/corruption-rank Read this story below and tell me that there is no reason for this administration to check out Joe and Hunter Biden. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/463307-solomon-these-once-secret-memos-cast-doubt-on-joe-bidens-ukraine-story And if you are wondering about the The Hill and bias they lean left. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-hill/
  7. If the old fucker had sit it out and let the younger folks battle Trump, he would have been safe and his son would be rich well beyond his abilities. But no he had to step in. His own eagerness to show he could also be the leader not just the first VP to a half black man.
  8. I would say in their eagerness to get Trump the media has lifted the blizzard that hid Biden in the Ukraine and China in regards to Hunter. This guy was a Navy Lt who got dishonorably discharged from the Navy for cocaine use and all the sudden he is a global expert on energy and oil/gas who gets paid $83,000 a month from a Gas company that just happens to be being investigated by the Prosecutor the Daddy got fired.??? Then flies over to China on AF2 with the VP and gets $1.5 Billion for his new equity business that he has no experience in? Give me a break. This shit is out.
  9. I don't hear one word about Joe Biden in this. If this guy Serhiy Leshchenko is for real he would remember Joe Biden holding Ukraine hostage for $1 billion over the firing of one Ukrainian Prosecutor who just happened to be investigating Joe's son Hunter. Joe admits it.
  10. Astros will end up with home field in the World Series. They do have to find an answer for Miley. That fuck up should not even be on the playoff roster.
  11. Sweet emotions on this one... I like it. If you didn't care it wouldn't be any fun...
  12. A win is a win especially considering how Okies aggie little brother has had our number lately. A win is good and we are still a 1 loss team that can win out and fuck possibly fuck in the playoffs.
  13. I feel like I just had open heart surgery and this game was a dream while I was under. If the Horns didn't win I would die... Just do your job and we all get out alive.
  14. Two fumbled punts is completely unacceptable. It could cost us the game. Now Fake kick D. Do you even have one?
  15. Fuck man call a timeout Tom. D is getting tired. Give em a rest.
  16. Was that punter aiming for a Longhorn? Is he that good. If so we need one of those.
  17. I'd give you part of mine but I don't think you would get any good out of it...
  18. Go up and get that ball boy!! Hella of play on both ends!!
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