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Everything posted by Crusher

  1. Fucking cats... Soon every set of blinds in your house will be destroyed.
  2. Never concerned about Elizabeth for sure. She is a liar.
  3. Trump will destroy her on the Fauxcahantas shit. Lieawatha OMG...
  4. Doesn't matter. There are many permutations of what that gun could have done if Mangan hadn't found it. From the time Chief Stupid got up and wiped her fat ass and left the gun in public she put in motion the potential for a horrible outcome. If you can arrest and charge a drunk driver who at the time of the arrest hadn't hurt anyone then you have to treat a police officer loosing their gun with the same seriousness.
  5. Possums. I fucking hate 'em. They do that growling thing and I am out..
  6. 100% agree. Just because something horrible didn't happen doesn't mean that Chief Stupid should walk. That would be like not charging a drunk driver with a DWI because they didn't actually have a wreck before they were caught.
  7. Well let's see.. Had the mentally disabled man had to take a piss and not a shit he may not have found the gun. Now, just theoretically, had this happened and the gun remained in the stall where the Police "Chief" left it and Mangan never saw the gun. Then the 10 yro found , played with and shot himself with the Chief's gun. What do you think the chances are that Chief Stupid would have been charged like the parents of a regular family who failed to secure their fire arms in a home?
  8. Who knew even big Kitties don't like water?
  9. Suck my own dick!!! Cause she so fine I would suck her daddies dick..
  10. That is pretty amazing. I had not read those articles. But, someone is telling a fib? He said she said?
  11. Yes we can. You'll be wrong all night and I will be right all night. Show me something that supports your position and I will read , listen or watch it. But you haven't shown me shit. It was a slam dunk that would have given Trump and the Dems a win!!! Wall and Dreamers ...Hell I would be all USA..USA...USA... But... The Dems fucked it up because they would not be a part of giving Trump any thing that looked like he was Presidential and keeping campaign promises.
  12. It wasn't even a deal on the Dems part. It was just doing what they claimed to believe in the past. Trump was ready. Give me the wall and you get Dreamer citizenship. Like Dennis said there was bi-partisan support. Did Trump Veto Dreamers for wall? No. He did not. It was never presented.
  13. Bullshit. It was Pelosi and Schumer in their bow to the resistance that killed that deal. No wall!!! https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/09/daca-deal-or-no-deal-trump-democrats-dreamers/539784/ In exchange for securing protections for the “Dreamers,” (the popular term for DACA recipients among immigration activists), Schumer and Pelosi said they would back a legislative package bolstering border security but “excluding the wall”—Trump’s prized proposal that Democrats have declared a nonstarter since before he took office. DACA for border security, no wall. That was the deal. It could have been done. Pelosi and Schumer had supported a wall in the past and refused to give in for the Dreamers over the resistance.
  14. Vice versa... Although I do believe that Trump would have negotiated a deal for DACA citizenship a year or so ago in exchange for the wall. The progressives on the left killed that. Trump used to be a Democrat. I think he would work with the Dems if they hadn't gone total TDS.
  15. Based on Mueller's performance in front of the House I would find it hard to believe that it was actually Mueller. Can we go back and change the title of a thread that was started over a year ago and has 600+ pages? He was lost most of the time about things he should have known if it were his report. Maybe we could change it to the Weismann report? https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/454185-how-mueller-deputy-andrew-weissmanns-offer-to-an-oligarch-could-boomerang
  16. Well, they could go about the business of running the country. You know what we pay them to do. Maybe negotiate some immigration reform for DACA path to citizenship? Really do something about the border crisis and amnesty laws instead using these people as political bombs to throw at each other. Most people aren't that political.They will get tired of the gridlock. For them it is not about Dems or Reps winning. It's about who is really going to do something for me and my situation? What ever happened to infrastructure rebuilding? What about a realistic plan for climate change? What about the Norks and the Iraqis nuclear ambitions? There is a lot of shit going on in the world and all we are talking about is the Dems trying to undo an election they lost 3 fucking years ago!!! Get over it!!! Beat Trump in 2020. If you can...
  17. Looks like he grabbed a beer and BBQ rib on the way through.
  18. I don't know either. Maybe he is an evil genius of the Bond type who is trying to destroy the planet? Perhaps a member of Kaos? Or.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysnlzDs8x_o
  19. Why would Trump.. An oblivious racist/ misogynist allow any uptick? I thought he hated these people?
  20. Beginning of time? Where are they now?
  21. I agree...Start with some of your Democrat heroes on the left. https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/19/politics/bernie-sanders-campaign-union-clash/index.html
  22. Well if Trump is such a racist, masochist , hater of brown skinned people wouldn't have stopped all the things were helping those people? How would they be better off now thatn they were under Obama? I don't understand.
  23. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/07/black-unemployment-rate-falls-to-5point9percent-ties-record-low-hit-this-year.html Looks good to me.. https://www.statista.com/statistics/192396/employment-rate-of-women-in-the-us-since-1990/ Looks good to me.. Going up from a low right in the middle of the Dems last chance at the controls. https://money.cnn.com/2017/12/08/news/economy/ivanka-trump-hispanic-unemployment-rate/index.html Trump must hate a lot of minorities? If I was a minority I would rather Trumps hate than Obamas love...
  24. If you can show me with real data how Trump has hurt any citizens of this country since he has taken office I will be more than willing to listen.
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