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Posts posted by AnTiM

  1. I only know that listening to his shit during the last aggy game makes me want to throw a brick through the screen.  How this pos ever got a job announcing football games just proves that tv execs know jack shit about broadcasting.  Rot in Hell, CJK5H

  2. At least Trump has admitted that maybe Dr. Fauci knows more about covid than he does, so maybe there is still some hope that....who am I trying to kid?  Hand me the shit sandwich so I can take a bite, please.

  3. l feel like the character in "Independence Day" who says "I've been sayin' it for ten damn years.  Haven't I been sayin' it, Miguel?"  Except I've been sayin' it for more like thirty years.  How in Hell does this clown Trump fool so many people?

  4. Well Hell, Yankee Stadium has to go.  That word Yankee offends my lower US upbringing.  Can't say southern without offending some jerk.  Statue of Liberty has to go as well, can't have some pyromaniac woman running around with a lighted torch in her hand.  Let's just let these crazy mfers tear shit up until there's nothing left, then we will be able to tell which ones need to have their asses kicked.

  5. Several month ago I read an interesting article about this subject, I think in the American-Statesman.  It was highly informative, provided by someone who went through the signup process.  Now I am kicking myself for not saving it.  I would appreciate input from anyone who knows about this article, or has similar information about the process.

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