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  1. Look at my picture. My friend and I who are in it looked at each other open-mouthed after watching him break a long run for a score right up that sideline. We knew we had never seen a player like VY.
  2. Fine with me, as long as they are playing "The Death March".
  3. At my rather advanced age, seeing this wacko bitch and her ilk leading our country to destruction compared to what we accomplished in my youth is beyond depressing. These nutcases can not be gone soon enough.
  4. I wonder what Lee Harvey Oswald's service record was like?
  5. If the fart can't be lit, it might be shit.
  6. Mumble, mumble...something in an oath when joining the military about swearing to protect and defend...sentence should be doubled at the very least.
  7. It could be worse, folks. Let's just hope the jury is nowhere close to being "a jury of his peers".
  8. ...and the truth will set you free.
  9. That's no drive, only a putt.😁
  10. Just please let me live long enough to see this sorry bastard actually convicted of a major crime. Forty years is long enough to wait.
  11. And people pay a dollar for three swallows of water without turning a hair. Fuck my life.
  12. Check out this 20 minute piece that is even more damning.http://youtu.be/OcyuQzxe
  13. Meidas Touch statement says donald JAIL trump is in clear violation of laws regarding his numerous comments today about this item.
  14. No, no, no we will not nevermind the triple negative there.
  15. I am amazed that I instantly recalled the name Oddjob from Goldfinger. So why can I not remember where in the hell I parked my car?
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