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  1. I felt sorry for him at times myself, until I considered how much damage and misery he helped to create for our entire country. That's when I think he needs to be bullwhipped to death in public along with anyone who could have stopped him from doing it and failed to even try.
  2. Funnier than the scene from "Maude" that ends with "Water on water is a terrible sound to hear, but water on porcelain is music to the ear".
  3. Obviously a few folks in this thread who are too young to have ever jerked off to a Playboy picture... or tore the lingerie pictures from a Sears catalog.
  4. I see he violated his gag order at a speech in Wisconsin today. Somebody please slap this POS already.
  5. Let's just wait until a few heavily armed people show up determined to stop the trial and shoot a few dozen bystanders, cops, and legal staff. Then maybe we can decide how to handle it...not!
  6. No, that's when I tell him to go and blow himself for money.
  7. Let me know when he starts paying people who allow him to give them a blow job.
  8. Apparently for people who cannot count past 5?
  9. Look at my picture. My friend and I who are in it looked at each other open-mouthed after watching him break a long run for a score right up that sideline. We knew we had never seen a player like VY.
  10. Fine with me, as long as they are playing "The Death March".
  11. At my rather advanced age, seeing this wacko bitch and her ilk leading our country to destruction compared to what we accomplished in my youth is beyond depressing. These nutcases can not be gone soon enough.
  12. I wonder what Lee Harvey Oswald's service record was like?
  13. If the fart can't be lit, it might be shit.
  14. Mumble, mumble...something in an oath when joining the military about swearing to protect and defend...sentence should be doubled at the very least.
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