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  1. This thread moves too fast. When did it come out that he’s looking up at dolphin porn?
  2. Superhero

    Getting old sucks

    My right neck and shoulder has been hurting for the past 3-6 months. I'm attributing it to me sleeping on my right shoulder. I had my chrio and masseuse work on those muscles, and the pain got worse. I did a lot of stretching on Monday, and it got better, but the muscles on the right side of my neck are still painful. And another mystery pain was on Monday, the outboard ankle bone started hurting. I hobbled around the house in the evening and morning. I was thinking of working from home, but didn't want to be a big wuss. The pain went away by 10AM. No idea what caused it, or what I did to make it go away.
  3. Agree that Kamala's team need to fucking go on the offensive, calling Trump out on every issue, after every time he speaks. Biden is not doubt a gentleman, but you fight fire with fire. Retweet the shit The Lincoln Project and MeidasTouch puts out.
  4. He ded. Amazon contacted me to get rid of a RC batter charger that doesn't comply with _____ and would give me a refund. I still have it, but now thinking holy shit, I better get rid of it before it blows up my house.
  5. Number 5. Pilot G2 in 1.0mm all the way. Number 7 is for spitballin'.
  6. 8" floppy was what threw me off. I got my first XT computer in 1989 and never saw / knew of an 8" floppy disk. I remember spending hours trying to load up DOS just right so I could get what I wanted in the 640KB RAM.
  7. Shrimp in general can go EABOD. But then the Japanese gave us ebi tempura...
  8. F that. Not everyone should have an "engineer" in their occupation, looking at you "sanitation engineers", you collect the trash. You are a trash collector. Let's reserve the word for people who actually went to school for an engineering degree.
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