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Posts posted by AnTiM

  1. ...due to our pos defense and the circus in D.C.    Unless it is just a tv effect, I have seen only one football field with worse looking turf than ours. Is that possible?  And does the band really need to be playing something after nearly every last damn play?

  2. I was a kid when CBS owned the Yankees and they were the only game on weekend tv, so I have despised them ever since.  Yogi Berra was the best clutch hitter I ever saw when the game was on the line and Altuve is just as good.  Go Stros

  3. I can not escape the thought that Hitler started out doing great things for his country and then somewhere along the way he got a little off track.  I wonder if Trump and his minions are capable of killing millions of people to get what he wants.

  4. Jeezus, somebody get Trump out of office.  I knew at least thirty years ago that he was a liar, con artist, and crooked as they come.  How in hell did the American people ever put this jerk in office?  At least now he is revealing his true colors.

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