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Posts posted by AnTiM

  1. 7 hours ago, coachherman'sgrill said:

    Thats bad ass but like usual, I have no idea what they are doing. Prison yard time?

    The object is to kick the ball or kick the opponent in the shins.  Where is the ball?  To Hell with the ball, let's start the game.

  2. 8 hours ago, Brian Fantana said:

    This is such a horse shit take and I'm honestly so sick of reading it in this thread and elsewhere.

    The hatred experienced on both sides has been slowly building over the past hundred years. It is learned behavior. Palestinians don't have hatred for Jews and a primal need to kill them baked into their fucking DNA, and Israelis don't have the primal need to oppress or kill Palestinians baked into theirs. This is all learned behavior. It can very goddamned well be unlearned. It is not an easy thing at all, and it absolutely would take a lot of time (decades) and concessions that the current Israeli government led by this coalition of absolute psychos is not likely to be willing to make on their own, but it abso-fucking-lutely can be done.

    When you say shit like this, you know exactly what you're saying. Israelis won't leave and the Palestinians can't. There's only one side that has the capability to wipe out the other. You know what you're saying. It's probably not intentional, but it's there.

    So if Israel leaves the area, that would not help the problem.  Now who is saying shit like this.

  3. 7 hours ago, F250 said:

    Username checks out. ATM

    Apparently you missed the post where I pointed out that it is a combination of "anti" and "ATM", ATM being the logo of Texas A&M. 

  4. Argue all you like, there will be no peace until all of one side or the other are dead or leave the area.  Like it or don't, that is simply the sorry assed fact. 

  5. Mention of imperial Japan is a reminder that they did not quit until faced with complete extinction, while Nazi Germany was reduced to complete rubble and all resistance killed, fled the country or taken prisoner.  Now they are among the world leaders in production and policy.  Maybe the same "cure" is the only possibility left now, not only for Hamas, the Palestinians, Iran but for every other POS group shouting "Death to Fill in the Blank".

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. First time ever that I felt we were doomed after the opening kickoff.  Got nailed trying to return it, OU was super excited, our guys looked stunned and they kicked our ass the rest of the game.  Just piss poor attitude, whatever the reason.

  7. 11 minutes ago, troph said:

    Permanent inability to conduct business seems over the top to me. Send him to jail if it’s that bad. But taking the ability to start over away to me goes even farther. 

    Seems to me that the problem here is a person who has a permanent inability to run a business in a legal manner.  He has done it repeatedly, why let him do it again?

    • Hook 'Em 6
  8. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Counterpoint: I'm sick of the empowered and weaponized mentally ill being allowed - fuck, being EMPOWERED AND ENABLED BY THE MAGA MOVEMENT - to fuck over our country. 

    If he was on the corner yelling at clouds, I'd feel bad for him.  He's made millions, and has spent it trying to destroy our democracy.  Suffering is too good for him.  Hell is too good for him.

    This:  Sometimes a sorry assed person gets exactly what they deserve.  I see too many good people having problems to worry about the worthless ones.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Drool 1
  9. 8 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Well, I don't know.  But, Trump doesn't have a lot of fans in NY County, as he'll tell you whenever he gets the chance.  And some of the defenses they've raised are pretty technical, and, it's actually easier to appeal a bench verdict than a jury verdict.  So, it is possible they thought he'd fare better without.

    I dunno either, but my biggest fear is there would never be a jury that did not have at least one member who refused to convict his sorry ass.  Because, you know, MAGA!!!

  10. 1 hour ago, Thatguy said:

      My wife is currently ranting and losing her shit while I listen to this idiot talk......lol. The word moron has been used at least 7 times along with "I can't even". Now she is saying she seriously wonders what his IQ is. Yes, you are getting the play by play.

    Ask her why women are always in odd numbered groups, then tell her "because women never EVEN" and don't forget to duck.😁

    • Hook 'Em 1
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