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Seasick Sailor

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Everything posted by Seasick Sailor

  1. To be fair, Mariners "fans" have only been watching baseball for about 4 months.
  2. Good thing Boone pinch ran for Stanton. You'd hate not to have a .186 hitter leading off the bottom of the tenth when you're down by 2.
  3. Altuve and Pena will be two of the most important hitters going forward. Servais, even if just for job preservation reasons, can't afford to pitch to Yordan anymore. He's shown that he will walk him and move a runner into scoring position even when the man on second represents a critical run. Altuve and Pena need to get on base by any means necessary to force a tough decision. Then Bregs and Tucker need to make them pay. If we can get Bregs and Tucker ABs with runners on first and second as opposed to just with Yordan on first, we will be in good shape. And, if Servais decides to pitch to Yordan, well, that fuck stick deserves what's coming to him.
  4. Didn't throw a single fucking strike. Goddamn it, Montero. Ball 7
  5. Gifted him that strike call. Montero needs to throw some fucking strikes.
  6. Imagine if someone told you in 2021 that Bryan Abreu would be pitching the 7th in a one run playoff game and you'd be fine with it. *and of course he's doing his best 2021 Abreu impression. fuck
  7. I'd pinch hit for Maldy here. I get leaving him in while Framber is on the mound. We need the better bat now though.
  8. Just be glad Maton punched his locker after a meaningless game.
  9. I'd get someone up here. We can't afford a meltdown.
  10. Think I would have taken a mound visit there. Framber seems to be frustrated.
  11. Hard to argue with Diaz over Mancini, although I do think at least some of Mancini's issues are BABIP related.
  12. Really don't care if it's already been posted. Hang this is the fucking Louvre:
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