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Beau Vine

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Beau Vine

  1. 1 hour ago, Huckleberry said:

    If a guy overruns a base by a single step and is tagged trying to get back to it he's credited with that base, is he not?

    (c) When the batter attempts to make a two-base hit or a three-base
    hit by sliding, he must hold the last base to which he advances.
    If a batter-runner overslides and is tagged out before getting
    back to the base safely, he shall be credited with only as many
    bases as he attained safely. If a batter-runner overslides second
    base and is tagged out, the official scorer shall credited him
    with a one-base hit; if the batter-runner overslides third base and
    is tagged out, the official scorer shall credit him with a two-base
    Rule 9.06(c) Comment: If the batter-runner overruns second or
    third base and is tagged out trying to return, the official scorer
    shall credit the batter-runner with the last base he touched. If a
    batter-runner runs past second base after reaching that base on
    his feet, attempts to return and is tagged out, the official scorer
    shall credit the batter with a two-base hit.

    • Like 1
  2. I kinda like Adam Jones:


    Jones could have been part of the fire sale, too. But he decided not to waive his trade veto and instead will remain with the club for two months — at least until he becomes a free agent at season’s end. He made a personal decision to not uproot his family and isn’t apologizing for it.

    “When players walked out years ago and walked the picket lines and stuff, they did that for reasons like this. I earned this, and it’s my decision. I don’t have to explain it to nobody. It’s my decision. Thank you,” Jones said. “Here’s the thing about society, they always think they know what’s best for the next person. If someone wants to pay all my bills, trust me they can tell me what to do. Until then, shut the hell up.”


    • Like 3
  3. Come on, huck, part of being "safe" includes maintaining your position on the base.  You basically said that in your first post.

    So it's not the same thing as touching the base and then getting thrown out heading home.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    It was not a bang-bang play. He beat the throw by a mile. Second, I never argued that his right didn't come off the bag, I argued that none of the replays definitively showed that no part of his body was touching the bag while the tag was applied, which is a fact.

    Okie dokie!

    1.  You're not seeing everything the replay guys see.

    2.  Capture.jpg
    He's not on the base here.  

    3.  Even if they don't have a clear angle, they can synch up multiple camera angles to see that Freese has the tag on him here while he's off the base.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:


    and you don't have to change the replay rules, you need to change what constitutes safe/out. make the bag bigger, make the play end as soon as the slide beats the tag, whatever. 

    You want to make it like 1st base, where you can overrun it as long as you don't try to advance to the next base?

    • Like 1
  6. Derka, I don't like that situation at all either, but...

    1.  Replay on the whole is a great thing, and you can't write a rule that excuses something like that and only that.  

    2.  Never make the 1st or 3rd out at third base.  

  7. Also pretty solid of the Mets to ignore the 24-run deficit and rally for 3 in the 9th.  

    That's the kind of thing that can turn a team around.



  8. 25 runs is the most since that 30-3 Rangers-Orioles game.


    So position players pitching has legitimately gotten out of hand this season, and I'll bet Manfred's next project is putting a mercy rule into MLB.

    And he'll have more support for this from the clubs than he has for banning shifts.  

    (FTR, he has zero support for banning shifts, because he hasn't even bothered to speak to the MLBPA about it.)

  9. 11 minutes ago, G650 said:

    Well, I love cycling, and I don't seem to have nearly the opinion one way or another on one nut that you guys do. We've already had one guy compare him to Hitler.



    And I hope that maybe, just maybe, you would stop and think "Hmm. Maybe I am missing some info here that would be pertinent to my opinion". But nope.

    I hated the guys guts when he was winning cycling races because of his awfulness. These days he's pretty lucid and somewhat amusing. The fact he causes so much butthurt, yes butthurt (literally the most annoying people on the planet? You guys are running out of hyperbolics here), is just a bonus for entertainment. It lets me lazily needle guys like Rex into ridiculous responses with zero effort. I didn't even direct anything his direction and he felt it necessary to jump in and ask if I was retarded. Am I retarded? No, I just don't care that Lance Armstrong was an asshole that much. He is a somewhat dickish guy who happens to be pretty entertaining these days and pisses off American cyclists like no other, which speaking as a cyclist, is awesome, because I hate America cyclists.

    I think maybe if you reread those last few sentences you wrote, and think about them really hard, you might be able to figure out why everyone else on this thread thinks you're a hopeless tool. 

  10. I was about to drive home, but I don't think I can stand to be away from the computer for the next 25 minutes.


    And SHIT, Chris Archer to PIT is happening?!?!?!

  11. 4 hours ago, G650 said:

    The butthurt cup overruneth today. This is glorious. 

    There's zero butthurt here.  Butthurt implies you're upset about something happening that you didn't like. 

    I consider cycling to be on the same level as the WNBA.  I don't give a shit about it.  I don't care who wins or how they do.

    Even given that astronomical level of I-don't-give-a-shitedness, I keep hearing about Lance, and everything I hear about him tells me that he's a narcissist, a pathological liar, and a sociopath.  He's literally one of the most annoying people on the planet.


    I hope you think that's glorious, too.

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