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Beau Vine

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beau Vine

  1. Yes, you are.
  2. Ohio State's SS made 3 errors in one inning against ASU.
  3. Leading 13-11 right now. No pitching. The fat Japanese kid for Stanford can really hit.
  4. That's called "Couging it."
  5. High temp of 12 two days ago, but 50s now and LIFE IS GOOD AGAIN!
  6. You haven't noticed that Old Sleepy Eye is suing all the towns that have attempted to decriminalize weed?
  7. You're not part of the Turbo Team! Don't run! You don't run with us! We're the ones who run! Until you're a part of this Turbo Team, walk slowly!
  8. IMO, the fact that he still sucked after Helo talked mad shit about him is definitive, unassailable proof that he's done.
  9. Legit pass.
  10. It seems like a very steep discount, though... Is he getting $1M for 120 years?
  11. Bargaining stage of grief.
  12. username does NOT check out.
  13. This kind of thing used to happen all the time when I had cable or Directv/Dish, so I'm not sure what your point is. Whoever is providing your service has the business model of supplying the fewest relevant channels at the highest price possible.
  14. Wait till you hear who's President!
  15. You know what we call people who argue about tofu in the aggy thread?
  16. I think Sweden beats Canada. I also think Finland goes winless. Miro's injury kills them.
  17. Headlines that make you double-take:
  18. Burritos still delicious. Piss off.
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