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Posts posted by lemonlime

  1. Redistribute about 50k votes nationally and the Dems would have lost the senate.  Didn’t Biden really only defeat trump by 100k or so in key states? Thinking Dems are in good position for ‘24 is 100% wrong. And as today, the ‘24 senate races look horrible for democrats. They need to work to change that.

    This. Although the only reason any of those election days for house, senate, or the presidency have even been close since maybe 2004 is because of gerrymandering and the outsize role of small states. Nationally, dem candidates have crushed the GQP in votes.

    So 2024 will be a bonanza of voter suppression.
  2. It’s over.  I asked for bets at 5-1 and got none. People talk shit but nobody will put their money on him.  As you said, the money folk have shoveled dirt on him.  It’s over.  

    You should check what year you placed the bet for.

    Dems are playing with fire if they want trump as the GQP nominee. He won’t win, but he may cheat enough to take the office of presidential dictator. Either way, even if the dems keep technical control the country will be destroyed. You don’t flirt with fascists.
  3. Trump will be the GQP nominee in 2024. Unless he dies. You don’t go from raising flags for a living person who you worship to turning on them. You just don’t. Anyone applying logic to the situation is misguided. This is all about emotions, worshiping false idols, and marks lacking the psychological ability to ever admit they were conned. Trump could be sitting in federal prison (spoiler he won’t be) and he would still be the nominee.

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  4. Until the rank and file fully abandon him, I do not believe it.   The crazies outvote the moderates in the presidential primaries. 
    These same people were against him in 2016 until he won the primary.  They fall in line so easily. 

    It’s a cult. There’s no logic to whether the GQP breaks from him. They won’t. Unless and until their members are deprogrammed. Which isn’t happening because of polls, or common sense, or moderation.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  5. 2 minutes ago, RabidM said:

    How much of Atlanta has yet to report though? .9% is a pretty big chunk of votes at this point. 

    I'm loathe to predict anything, other than overall dems got way more votes than the GQP across the country.  And because of gerrymandering and voter suppression this will be way closer than it should be, and we're still overall screwed because there's just going to be more GQP gerrymandering and voter suppression and refusal to accept election results.

    But looking at the map, Warnock has 49.4% with 94% in.  Of the 6% remaining, almost all of it is from heavily Democratic areas.  It's certainly possible he'll get over 50%.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. Just now, Js1 said:

    Fetterman wins. Barnes barely falls. GA go to runoff. NV TBD bc they aren’t gonna tell us anything 

    House single digit R majority. Maybe Dems can hold if they sweep the tossups and flip a bunch of CA races 

    Have they called WI yet?  It looks to me like Johnson's ahead, but a lot (most?) of what's outstanding is Milwaukee.

  7. 2 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    1. No fucking shit.

    2. If they didn’t realize before that he was a loser who harms their party after HE ALREADY COST THEM THE PRESIDENCY AND ALL OF CONGRESS, then I’m not sure they’ll learn this time.  

    Spoiler: they won't.  It's a cult.  Not a political party.  They still support him after he stole top secret government documents, tried to overthrow the government, and supported Putin.  Nothing will stop them from worshiping trump, unless he does us all a favor and chokes on a Big Mac.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Incredulity said:

    "What's a few more murders here and there.  Not as bad as the 70's so don't be so sensitive."- Surly Leftists

    Also brought to you by the people who think it's humorous that someone bashed the Speaker of the House's husband's head in with a hammer.

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  9. 31 minutes ago, DanRydell said:

    I didn’t hear Dwight’s name brought up at all. Did I miss something or was this just a terrible edit?

    I think they mentioned it in passing.  The problem with this season is that the editing is only about all the twists/advantages and challenges.  I am completely lost on who's alligned with who and why and what the dynamics are.  It's just a group of random people with a bunch of random advantages.  



    I've been receiving multiple texts almost identical to this.  In NJ.  I live in a town that Biden won by about 80 points and don't buy their explanation that this was a mistake.  If it was a mistake, why didn't they text me the correct polling place?

  11. If you want to discuss politicians' using their positions to profit, why don't you start a thread about it?  It shouldn't be on here, a thread about Nancy Pelosi, who hasn't been specifically accused of self dealing, other than by the alternative facts folks, and they did so three days after her husband had his skull bashed in during an assassination attempt on her, in an attempt to deflect from the fact that the GQP has become a fascist organization.

    I'm sure there's plenty of self dealing, and it's unethical, and we should do something about it.  But maybe not randomly discussing it on the Nancy Pelosi thread.

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  12. Rented a car for a few weeks in Scotland.  I actually thought driving in the  towns was easier in a way---when I was out in the country it was easy to subconsciously get more into old habits and start driving toward the right side of the road.  In traffic, it was much easier just to see what everyone else was doing and follow them.  I'm sure driving in London would be a nightmare, though.  Also, I recommend getting an automatic.  Rented a manual, thought it would be no problem since I've had tons of stick shift cars, but shifting with my left hand was one extra thing to think about, in addition to all the other differences of driving on the left.

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