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Posts posted by Hermanator

  1. He asked if coaches visit portal guys?

    Sark was at Bond's house the day after he entered the portal. Then Sark was at Niblack's house the day after he entered the portal. 

    This guy is a huge egotistical, self centered piece of work. Thankfully I can't think of a single person in my life that's as unlikeable as this dude is on 2 minute sound clips. 

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  2. 15 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Didn't bother NC State last night against Tech. You idiots keep making excuses for the opponents of the team you supposedly support.

    NC State is a team that caught fire and won the ACC, one of the best conferences in the country. Colorado State wasn't playing up to that level against that level of competition. Colorado State looked fatigued while NC State did a much better job of overcoming it. 

    Also I said our team played very well defensively and gave them credit. So you can stick that insult up your fat ass. Why be so abrasive to someone who hasn't been abrasive to you?

  3. 50 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Outside of Knecht they are also not a very good shooting team. Just like CSU outside of Stevens. However, Knecht is a much tougher guard than Stevens.

    That was also CSU's 5th game in 9 days so fatigue had to play a factor in how shot their legs were in the first half and how poorly they shot the ball. Won't get that advantage against Tennessee 

  4. It all just depends what your objectives and situation are. Have kids with you and want more city life? Stay around Waikiki or Ko Olina resorts and rent a car for a day or two to go on an excursion. 

    The wife and I are heading down in a couple of months but no kids and we're more for the adventure and hiking. We'll be renting a camper and roughing it a bit all over the island getting some Giovanni's shrimp and some other great places. 

    12 hours ago, Chopper said:



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    -If you’re driving on the North shore, hunt down Matsumoto’s shaved ice. 


    No way anyone from Hawaii would call it shaved ice. 

  5. 15 hours ago, JGrayDBU said:

    wow, just looked at the box score for our '22 game against Purdue.  They had a guy shoot 1 for 7 in FGs, who was sent to the Free Throw line 9 times.  

    Our entire starting starting lineup goes to the line ..........you got it........9 times.  How did Beard not get thrown out of the game, throwing the biggest fit ever?


    Purdue had us outsized big time and they attacked the interior often while we shied away from attacking the basket to avoid their shot blockers. 

    Teams aren't built identically and don't play identically so the raw free throw numbers will never tell the whole story. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. Why don't they say this is what voting for republicans and not voting for democrats gets you? They don't care about your rights whether it be guns or speech or anything else. They just want a christo-fascist state where you are forced to live by their twisted version of morality. 

    Would be pretty easy to flame them there and I don't see a downside to it. 

    5 hours ago, Boss Hogg said:

    Why not just implement age verification?

    Should you be forced to verify your identity to the government before being able to go to church? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 17 hours ago, Scary Stranger said:

    I’m actually pretty shocked we haven’t had any wailing about the patriarchy with the casual slaughter of the H’s female attendants. It fits the story, of course, but was still a bit shocking that they put it on film several times.

    I'm actually pretty shocked we haven't had any idiots from this broken culture shooting up theaters because they self-identified with a race of people waging genocide on a planet's indigenous population that happens to have dark skin. 

  8. Took the 16 yr old daughter to see it in IMAX yesterday during her spring break. I've heard of of the novels since I was a kid and how influential they were on Star Wars but I never cared to read it or knew anything else about it. A couple of years ago the daughters watched the first movie on TV while I did some work and just halfway paid attention. 

    It was a good movie. I was much more impressed with the artistic elements of how it was shot and cinematography than the plot or acting. The story is just ok. 

    The scenes where he shifted to black and white for the "coliseum" scene invoked 1930s Nazi imagery and was very well done. My favorite aspect of the cinematography. I wouldn't choose to watch it again but if for some reason the wife wants to see it I wouldn't turn it down. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. On 3/9/2024 at 11:35 PM, ATXbronco said:

    #keep your politics out of my sports

    Just posting a pic of 2 traitors to the United States


    We can't have nice things can we? You gotta post this garbage

  10. 11 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    They ain't gonna shut down or fuck with Chubb for him, even if they wanted too, lol.

    The CEO of Chubb is part of "them". He isn't going to collect on Trump if doing so would jeopardize his standing with him and potentially cost him favor. 

    That's exactly what just about all of these corporate America billionaires have been doing for the last 10 years. It's the entire reason why Trump is even in the position he's in now and not in a prison or cast away as an after thought. If they wanted him gone they would have leaned on republicans in Congress, who take bribes "campaign contributions" from them all the time, to impeach him the first time around. 

    They profit from Trump's evil ways. They enable him and have this entire time. It's why the only defense against him is the American people routing the republicans and trump in November. 

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