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Everything posted by Hermanator

  1. You and everyone like you are brainwashed, and were used as "useful idiots" to further a republican agenda of tearing down democracy to install an oligarchy where their corruption has no bounds. Everyone else besides you can see it, and you keep right asking being a willing victim of it even as trump lines up the richest oligarchs in the world right behind him at his inauguration. Every one of you needs to watch this on repeat until you fucking get it
  2. But MEXICO is gonna pay for it! *** Until Mexico tells trump to go fuck himself. Then Americans pay for it with their devalued currency after trump adds $30 trillion in deficit in 2025***
  3. Yes. The jackass talked about it before the election. And the stupids in Florida, NC, OK, Texas, Missouri, Louisiana, and other red states that get regularly with natural disasters still voted for him. At this point, why would states send in money to the Fed? If all benefit and relief programs are cut, why send them any money at all? Keep it to attempt to pay for your own disasters
  4. Yes, it means the culpability trump has of a recession hits this year would be from his actions then, but Democrats should hammer him like he caused it with his stupidity now. Because Americans are too stupid to realize the truth. Churn out as much propaganda as possible demonizing him and republicans for burning down the economy with their stupidity and corruption.
  5. Heard him a bit on coffee and football and he's gotten a lot better. He used to be clumsy as hell on 247 back a decade ago like CJ is now. Guess he improved his game
  6. Yeah, but the other 2 who were implicated were Santo Trafficante of the Florida mob and Carlos Marcello of New Orleans. So Giancana was the closest thing, and at least they had a baseball team the Yankees played against. And, everyone knows all Italians are mafiosos and know each other anyway
  7. His name was "DiMaggio" and he played for the NY Yankees. You think he couldn't just call up Sam Giancana any time he wanted?
  8. CIA: "Sure Mr. President, here's the sealed files on the JFK assassination." Sealed Files: 50,000 words saying Oswald did it
  9. That's what I'm hinting at, the big investment hitters don't want the confidence in short term investment to tank so, so they'll try anything to bullshit their way out of it. Having the big banks/firms going out of their way to talk about a soft landing makes me wonder if a serious 2-4 year recession for the mid to back half of 2025 is imminent. History definitely says so, as there hasn't been a case of an inverted yield curve period that didn't trigger at least a minor recession, in the 6 to 12 month period after reverting to normal, for at least 50 years I believe. Trying to decide where to hide my money to see if it happens, then buy in on the crash if it does. Democrats better be preparing to hammer the shit out of trump and Republicans for causing it if it happens, even though it would have been their actions from 2017 to 2021 that would be culpable not now. But "we the people" are far too gullible and ignorant to understand any of that.
  10. Speaking of this, what are the thoughts about the three plus year long inverted yield curve in the bond market that recently reverted in September/ October? People like JP Morgan/Chase are trying to say that everything is ok due to the Fed navigating a soft landing, but in the 60-year history of reverted yield curves signaling a recession, the danger zone is usually in that 6 to 12 month time frame.
  11. This is probably the best way I've heard it spoken about yet.
  12. Then why does Bobby have a partnership with the assholes here? I can't think of who else they would add that would make any sense. Gerry and CJ are already overkill and basically just repeat each other about recruiting 30 times a week. Then Rod and Erin Hogan do the same in the evening. I've gotten to where I'll watch a coffee and football on Tuesday and on Friday. No need to watch anything else there.
  13. Why is trump president? Because this is America
  14. Name one Biden EO that attempted an unconstitutional action, much less attempting to overturn full blown amendments to the Constitution. You're the worst kind of annoying cunt with stupid shit like this. False equivalency garbage masquerading as cheeky bullshit.
  15. There's no competent lawyers working on this shit from that side. Bunch of low rent retards. Might as well go ahead and put the Supreme Court to the test and find out right off the bat if the likes of Roberts, Barrett, Cavanaugh, and Gorsuch will bend the knee to dictator trump. Firing out useless garbage EOs trying to overturn amendments should get laughed out of the courts. If it doesn't then we know for a fact the fix is in and authoritarianism is in. At that point EOs will just be "King's decree" from this idiot. So file the suits against this nonsense and put these fuckers to the test.
  16. And of course he does in the most awkward, uncoordinated, tarded way possible You better check your math, sir
  17. Nope, Annie is not ok. Not only can she still not afford eggs, she spent thousand of dollars to travel to DC for an inauguration she couldn't get into. And she's about to lose her disability, social security, and Medicaid benefits
  18. Price now 1/20 on I45 between Dallas and Houston. The Republican/Trump fuckery has begun
  19. Just quickly skimmed over the last few pages of this thread, since I hadn't clicked on it in almost a week, and just came to the realization this is what entering a dystopian futuristic totalitarian hell hole would have looked like to people in 1987. We have arrived. I think I'm mostly just going to check out. The small battles will forever be ongoing, but it's become apparent to me the war has been lost. Whatever will happen on a national scale, or even state-wide/local scale, is completely out of my control. Just have to hope the every day, normal day to day life doesn't change too much in the coming years, but even if it does we'll just have to deal with it like in 2020. Good luck to everyone here.
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