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Posts posted by TxTower

  1. We just had our offices renovated and all new furniture put in. The interior designer brought by a couple bottles of Weller 12 year when she dropped off the last of the furniture today. May have to crack that open tonight to drown out the thought of the check I had to write her.

    Your interior designer is handing out W12 as favors to customers ?

    JHC - make it stop!
  2. Of the two I've tried (the 1910 and 1920), the 1910 is the clear choice.  I haven't been a huge fan of OF in the past simply because I get a medicinal taste up front with both the 1870 and the 1920.  But I didn't get that with the 1910, which is quite tasty.  Haven't tried the single barrel.  The OFBB is a unicorn for me -- someday I'll score a bottle.

    A friend bought me a bottle of the OF Original 1870 and I thought it was delicious. Lower proof than either the 1910 or the 1920 and so should be a good intro to the OF Whiskey Row series. With all the talk about 1910 and 1920 on here I was surprised by the quality of the 1870 version.


    Clear example of Bozo C rule #5.

  3. And this is the "student-athlete" that Kansas spent so much time and effort trying to get eligible.  What a fucking joke of a university.

    Hopefully this gets the NCAA off their ass and they take a harder look at what’s going on in Lawrence. This type of stuff is “bad for business”.
  4. A friend of mine, who is "in the industry" (behind the camera/production though), and who is black (relevant) was at a roundtable not long ago with a bunch of other minority producers/writers, and they got to talking about past movies in that vein (Blazing Saddles, etc.) that poke fun at movie-making, stereotypes, etc., and Tropic Thunder came up.  On a side note, when people talk about whether a Blazing Saddles could be made today, he pointed out that it was 100% a product of its time, and would not have the same impact now, given that it was so close to the major civil rights movements/events.   Also, Richard Pryor is dead.
    Anyways, it was divided, but several thought, if the right people were involved in directing, producing, or writing, that somebody could pull off the Downey character, and that it could be sold to a studio and audiences as long as it was crystal clear that you had the same situation/parody, where Downey is not portraying a black person, but is portraying a pretentious actor who takes method acting so seriously, that he thinks he can play a black character.  He said you'd have to have somebody like Jordan Peele involved.
    Then somebody brought up the Simple Jack character, and it was unanimous on whether or not you could do that today.
    Edit: and in a few interviews, Downey has mentioned that he caught little grief, because everybody was pissed about the Simple Jack character.

    Pretty sure Simple Jack was a poke at Sean Penn in I Am Sam.
    • Like 1
  5. Putin is never going to relinquish power. Dictators can never do so because it is the main action that risks their safety or position.  Say that Putin wants to relax in retirement. If the wrong person, from his view, gets elected, he could find himself in prison for life.  He will either die in office, or be involuntarily forced out.

    Putin knows that once he is no longer in power he’s as good as dead. Period.
  6. What is the cheapest bourbon you drink neat? ER10 ($30) for me. I can do regular Buffalo Trace ($25) but I’d rather drink something smoother. 

    I’ve been drinking a BT store pick and it’s delicious. But normally it’s Four Roses Small Batch for me.
  7. He got banned from Tigerdroppings for spamming their board

    Well that completes the envy trifecta:

    1. Win National Championship
    2. Celebrate in New Orleans
    3. Ban shitstain poster from website

    Come on CDC / Blacklab! Make it happen!
  8. A good conspiracy theory would take into account that all of that money and all of that power and all of that child rape is quite agnostic towards political affiliation

    Yep. This guy had so much dirt on so many people, the list of suspects is long and without political bias.
  9. How egregiously terrible of a coach must one be to fuck up a cancer comeback story so badly that he won’t even make a 68-team playoff?

    Yep. He’s totally blowing the feel good story of the year.
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