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Posts posted by TxTower

  1. Don't forget to stop and see the second largest ball of twine on the face of the earth.

    And don’t forget to see the House of Mud - “it’s only the largest free standing mud dwelling ever built, that’s all!”

    Don’t listen to Ellen.
    • Like 1
  2. You missed her point.  It wasn't that more FHA loans are non-performing than Fannie/Freddie loans, it was that FHA doesn't do workouts/mitigation, and  a much higher percentage of their non-performing loans become REO,

    She could’ve just said they were foreclosed upon without showboating the REO acronym, which would’ve been clear to everyone including slow ol Ben, the brain surgeon.

    More than likely she only has a passing knowledge of the issue and the terminology but go ahead and bitch about Ben.
  3. we won't even know if they are illegal. we'll just know that hey aren't citizens. and that will lead to rampant under-reporting, especially here in texas, where the non-citizen hispanic community has a rightful fear of what reprisal the executive branch will take against them, given stephen miller's penchant for separating families and deporting people who are actually here properly and legally.
    it's beyond clear what the intent is for the administration. and it's going to result in under-reporting. 

    Thanks for the thoughtful response Hayden.
    I do realize there is the possibility that my beloved Texas could suffer in terms of representation and funding due to under reporting of non-citizens but as you said they can still fill it out without even answering the question. I still question fundamentally if the purpose of the census is used to determine representation and funding for our citizens, why it should extend to non-citizens?

    If the only real non-political answer is “well they’re here so we just have to deal with it” that to me anyways is disappointing.
  4. Because the census is supposed to count Free Persons.

    Correction. The term is free Persons in the constitution and it is an antiquated term at best meant to exclude slaves. Yes that is how antiquated that term is.

    So it is your belief that the intent of the founding fathers was to count everyone living in the US - including those here illegally - for purposes of representation and federal funding?

    Does adding the citizenship question prevent illegals from answering the census?
    • Like 4

  5. The Russian government is an international crime syndicate/intelligence service that also happens to have a country and a military. 

    This is actually true. An FBI agent said basically the same thing in a 60 Minutes segment on criminal Russian hackers and how Russian intelligence uses them. Hard to tell between the Russian criminals and operatives these days as they are often one in the same.
  6. Yeah the IC has put out a full report on it and now the special counsel has said it too. The executive branch just doesn't care because it was for him.

    What do you mean the executive branch doesn’t care? The question was about our govt. The investigations into Russian meddling are continuing and hopefully there will be repercussions.

    That said, meddling in the foreign elections of others is nothing new. We do it too. See Obama administration meddling in Israel’s elections to stop Netenyahu from being re-elected.

    Russia has been meddling in our elections for decades. The just seem to have taken it to a new level this time around.
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