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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Pam Cummings

  1. 9 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    It was clearly explained to you on a post just above and you apparently have the intelligence of a 12 year old and can’t understand the basic concept, so the response was aimed perfectly at your level of intellect. 

    Calm Down Al Pacino GIF

  2. I absolutely believe Scottie has the talent to dominate for awhile. However....we've done this before. Rory was supposed to reel off 10 majors. DJ looked unstoppable for a bit. Jordan was hot for awhile. Morikawa looked dominant for a stretch, as did Rahm. Everyone cools off eventually. And Scottie is a family man, not obsessed with golf the way Tiger was. I think he can accomplish a lot but it's just so hard to do.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  3. 17 minutes ago, heso said:

    To be somewhat fair to Rory, Jay trotted him and Rahm out there as the mouthpieces for staying in the PGA, while secretly working on a merger without telling anyone. 

    Of all the guys that made the jump, he was the only significant surprise. 

    Jay’s mismanagement of the tour and the LIV fight as a whole put himself and the tour in an impossible situation. But I can somewhat understand Rory and Rahm’s ire with the situation he put them in. 

    Again....what is Jay Monahan supposed to do? He doesn't have a faucet of endless money. His hand was forced. I don't see anyone else stepping up with better ideas.


    I wonder what the citizens of Saudi Arabia think of their funds being used to pay a bunch of golfing dorks billions of dollars for nobody to watch? I wonder if they are allowed to voice their opinion about all of this?

  4. 8 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Ok how about this. You've worked your ass off to compete and get where you are today, and probably already have $200-$300 million, and will continue to make fuckloads of money for the next 20 years. And knowing that you can sleep well at night because you didn't take money to join a scam organization. 


    Also, not completely fucking over the organization that gave you a platform and allowed you to do what you love for a living in the first place.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. 14 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    I'm too lazy to research but I think most of the rumors of defection have come true. I don't doubt that the ones which didn't come true were players actually considering the jump but reneged for whatever reasons. After Rahm left, Rory definitely changed his tune on LIV, taking a much softer stance. I think he wants the perverse sum of money from LIV thinking/hoping there will be a merger in the future and all will be forgiven. 

    If someone were dangling $850M in front of me for simply entertaining people by "competing" in golf, I'd sure the fuck sign. But I would know that I sold out and would be ostracized and be labeled a dick by most of my peers and fans. 

    Nah. They've rumored all the top players. Morikawa, Spieth, Scheffler, Schauffele, et al. The only big name that was a surprising jump, and it was based on his previous comments, was Rahm. Everyone else that jumped wasn't really a surprise.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. This is just what liv does. They are desperate for attention. As soon as it gets quiet, make up some grandiose rumor about high profile tour players jumping to their tour. It's such a joke.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 2 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    they looked like dorks

    they play 3 rounds on soft courses = soft players 

    The longer the tournament went the more they faded away....Bryson doesn't have the game for this course, he lit it up in the soft conditions on day 1 and then did nothing else.

  8. 4 hours ago, Nicole44 said:

    Something ain’t right. And it’s a shame bc he can make amazing shots that I’ve not seen many make. But his ground game is 💩 and he’s not consistent. I hate being critical of Jordan bc I’m a huge fan but Scottie is playing otherworldly right now. I hope it continues. We need someone like a Tiger that scares everyone on the course. And just happens to be a good dude and a 🤘🏼🤘🏼

    Jordan's swing isn't good compared to the best ball strikers. Never has been. He's such an insane talent that he's gotten away with it. Compare his swing to Scottie, massive difference, Scottie makes a much better and wider turn and gets the club into perfect position, doesn't have to re route it. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. Cracks me up when modern coaches rage quit like Saban due to everyone being able to openly pay players now. Dude did nothing but illegally recruit every stud football player in the country for years knowing the NCAA would never come down on Alabama because of the money involved. Then wants to cry about lack of control by governing bodies. These fuckbags basically killed the NCAA and their ability to enforce anything but now want to bitch about the state of things. They were the ones in complete control as it all happened. Fuckin rich.

    • Hook 'Em 7
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  10. 4 hours ago, Dutchrudder said:

    Good for him. Crazy to think that Jrue and Dame are both 33. Milwaukee will be paying Dame about 20m a year more for the next 4 years vs what Boston will be paying Jrue. 

    Jrue Holiday agrees to 4-year, $135M extension with Celtics


    The Bucks look really bad right now. Not only did they trade for and go all-in with an overrated player, but they may have put Boston over the top in the process.

  11. Lol, I like how the guy is asking "how is my going out of my way to say stuff that I know for a fact will bother a specific poster bullying?" 


    We all have our opinions on the Beard situation. Derka especially was very upset about what happened. His favorite sport was in prime position with what seemed like the perfect coach and it was all ripped away. He obviously had a hard time processing that Beard's dumb ass did it to himself. And he isn't the only one who has doubts about Terry either. But the things you posted weren't legit criticisms of Beard or legit defense of Terry. You posted the things you did specifically to rile him up and you know it.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  12. The men's game is incredibly boring now. Why would a top tier basketball recruit go to a school, where they have classes and other things distracting them from what they're actually interested in? They can just go overseas or go to the G league and get paid and not have to worry about school. And the NBA teams are happy to get their hooks in guys as early as possible. I just don't see the college game ever being super interesting again.

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