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Posts posted by Spur08

  1. 3 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    Except the Big 12 doesn't thump its chest about how much harder the conference is and that it just means more.

    So, again, the only way to dispute that it's not more difficult is by comparison..

    Just looking for the whole picture, folks. Seems ridiculous to have N = 1 regarding conferences.

  2. 6 hours ago, Dutch said:

    Prepare to be disappointed, as I'm not Surly 1%.  Not a Viking or anything really high-end. Just a "Frigidaire Professional Series."  Got last year's model at Lowe's for nearly half off, and my cousin and I installed it. The word "professional" makes it a professional one, right?  It does to me, at least.  Five burners, fully sealed, and all light within two clicks every time.  Gets really hot and holds a very low simmer equally as well.   I really like it, though admittedly this one is my only experience using gas.



    Did you do a lot of research?  Do any of these newer models have child locks?  Our current one doesn't and my 1.5 yr old is at the curiosity stage.  It makes me really nervous that she's going to turn the gas on one day and blow us all up.

  3. Warm up your neg cannons.....I am prepared for the punishment


    When cleaning out my deep freezer yesterday, I found a Costco prime brisket...from 3/17..(for $2.79/lb!)


    I'm trying to figure out what to do with it, but I suppose my first question should be - is it still good?  Cryo bag seems to be fine, doesn't look like there is any frost in the bag.

    I was thinking about grinding up some meat for burgers as we are having some buddies over NY day for lunch.  I wasn't planning on doing full brisket but is it possible with this well aged (joke) brisket?  Or will it just taste like ass?

  4. Asking for a friend. What would you do w the leftover bones of a prime rib post cook?

    The new Costco in McKinney has prime beef ribs for $4.99/lb.
    Sounds like we're neighbors. I live right down the road from it.
  5. Can we have a new rule...I get that you're gonna keep your purse and phone/phone charger out on my kitchen counter during your entire stay so that we all see you have an iPhone 6S or whatever with the fashionable cover.  And I love seeing your purse that has seen the floor of every public bathroom between Saint Louis and Austin on the very spot where I prepare my daughter's lunch on the weekends. 
    But can you finish your goddamn fucking Starbuck's iced latter mocha who-gives-a-fuck beverage already?  You arrived with it at 10:30a, totally a reasonable hour to have a large iced coffee drink.  You left it all over the house with your name sticker and price still on it so we know you enjoy complicated, $7 coffee drinks on the reg a la Kenny Powers.  And there it sits, all over my house after lunch, all the way into the evening.  With nary an ice cube left, just two tepid sips left at the very bottom.  And I find it every fucking hour on the hour in a different place, leaving a coffee stained ring every fucking place you go, with the straw clinging to the last inch of its mangled life.  And then as I clean up after dinner, I politely inquire if I can dispose of the cup along with the day's trash...you still have to fucking chime in..."Oh no, that's my go-to drink at Starbuck's...I'm still working on it, but thanks."  And I have to find that fucking syrupy disgrace the next fucking morning with the little remnant dots of where you took it to and fro about my home, like the jizz remnants of a woman who may have gone too far with Terry Crews.  But yes, this holiday season...may all we remember you get super awesome drinks at Starbuck's and milk them for a day while the rest of us proudly serve and drink Trader Joe's drip coffee made with love, frugality, and a deep respect for space and time.  
    Can I copy this post but with fucking spit cups?
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