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Everything posted by TexasDPT

  1. Yay....our bench players get to play in a match
  2. Tuuuuurrrrriiible set by Shook.....
  3. Too many moving pieces to get anything going. Shook out, Jhennain , then Shook back in...Yaazie out, Kat in....Bri out, Orie in...
  4. Yep, team's hated past Texas teams for their 'attitude' and poor 'court behavior'... I'd rather have that than this complacent shit.
  5. Yes, I think Butler's had 3 or 4 in this match.
  6. He has the #2 recruit in the 2017 Class just sitting on the bench in O'Neil....he should just burn her red-shirt.
  7. Fisbeck is a terrible setter. She runs with her hands up getting to balls and totally telegraphs where she is going....plus her location is worse than Shook's.
  8. Wow...Jhenna gets the start! And Shook's in the doghouse!
  9. Will be interesting to see if Shook gets the start in the 2nd.... Will she throw the team out of whack trying to adjust to her sets or will they let the team adapt to Jhenna's setting even though she doesn't provide a big block?
  10. Jhenna's location is actually pretty good...wonder if the hitters are actually trying to adjust to that...lol
  11. Our blocking has really sucked this year....
  12. TBH, I hope Jerritt gets a new setter next year...
  13. Yeah, saw that last game...just thought she'd be ready to go by now...but I'm ok with Logan playing all 6.
  14. Wow...5'8 Jhenna Gabriel in for Shook....
  15. Surprised Logan is playing all 6 rotations...I think the experience will help her long term.
  16. Welp...this is Sydney's shit game....Brionne had hers at TCU.
  17. Yeah, this team is not a very good road team...at all.
  18. Shook's sets to Johnson are way toooooo low.
  19. Yikes....Passing in the toilet.
  20. Shook and Morgan not on the same page... TO TX
  21. Ugh....Freshmen struggling... Logan hitting out...Sydney not passing well....
  22. I believe Tonya's first gig as a head coach at Georgia Tech didn't go the way she had hoped. That program actually went downhill with her in charge from what I remember. I was surprised Elliott immediately promoted her to Associate Head Coach after Salima left to return to Pedo State.
  23. No, I agree. Elliott and his staff just need to change their mindset, their practice routines, their training, or whatever.... to improve individual and team ball control and passing. Imagine what Texas would look like they had the same ball control and floor defense as TCU... Texas would be unstoppable.
  24. Yeah, it's not like Texas sucks...we just suck against teams with the same talent level...so until Elliott ever decides to retire, we're gonna be stuck with him.
  25. Glad we won but we probably didn't deserve it. This team continues to have glaring weaknesses that aren't being addressed. But the overall talent level covers up those weaknesses against tier 2 teams....but not against the elite teams.
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