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Everything posted by TexasDPT

  1. Poor defensive back row and overall ball-control coaching.....they need to be trained to do more than just get a hard-driven ball up....they need to train to consistently pass it close to the net and up TO the setter....same goes for serve-receive.
  2. DS's don't get scholarships. Liberos do - Petersen, McCoy, Palmer (although she came in as a hybrid athlete that transitioned to Libero), Yogi, and Jennings. Kisner (my favorite Libero) was an in-state pick-up that started off as a DS and then became the starter when Jenning graduated. Rounsaville and Hahn and in-state pick-ups as well.
  3. When the 'littles' get a ball that is slowed down by the block, they pass it well. It's 2-3 feet off the net, and the setter has options. When they are digging balls that get past the block, they either don't get to it and if they do, it's not controlled well....the ball usually gets passed way off the net and behind the 10' line and then the offense becomes one dimensional and easy to stop because it's going to the left pin. It was different when we had players like Destinee, Haley, and Bailey who consistently hit over the block....but we don't have players like that anymore. Therefore, the staff needs to focus on developing a better defensive back row to stay IN-SYSTEM and have more hitting options.
  4. Yeah, don't know why they were hyping them up (Autumn/Claire)...they were playing like they have been all year....decent against crap teams and then they fold under pressure against good teams.
  5. Jhenna did an admirable job taking over the setter position....but we need a bigger setter who can LOCATE the ball just like her. Again, it goes back to floor defense if our block can't stop the opposing hitters. Jerritt, Erik, and Tonya need to wake the fuck up and start coaching our players up in this aspect of the game.
  6. Petersen's a keeper....but Rounsaville and Hahn need to graduate already
  7. We've been saying this for the past several years.....
  8. We need better blocking on the right pin
  9. Should have gone back row last play....Jhenna is starting to get predictable.
  10. I know Micaya likes to mix around her shots, but she needs to just go hard every ball....all of them do, but they need to do it by hitting high hands and off the block.
  11. Fuck! We need to slow down Jones-Perry.
  12. Dammit...we're getting blocked off the court at the end of this set.
  13. We need more consistent hitting from the middles to open up the outsides.
  14. All the Texas players just need to go up and bang the ball...stop this tipping shit.
  15. BYU runs a fast offense but our block needs to pick it up... Damn...Yaazie gets shuts down.
  16. Micaya needs to stop setting the ball to the other side!
  17. Team needs to pull it together or it's going to be a short night...
  18. Melani just turned 16 in September (and hopefully still growing) so I'm assuming she's going to be part of the 2020 class with: S - 6'1 Naomi Cabello OH - 6'2 Madison Williams L/DS - Nalani Iosia, Reilly Heinrich Even for her current thin frame, she puts a lot of heat on the ball, sees the court well, can abuse the block, is already a passing 6-rotation OH, and has a consistent jump serve. I think she can do well in the L2 position. Where she will get exposed is in her blocking, similarly as Amy Neal did. It will be interesting to see if she can transition form international to NCAA volleyball. Our team's history with smaller international OHs has kinda been a miss IMO (Pilar Victoria and Dariam Acevedo).
  19. Fisbeck is a tuuuurrrrriiiibbbbleee setter No wonder they lost so many matches on the European trip....
  20. I don't think Micaya has ever served that long in her career...9 times in a row.
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