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Posts posted by aggie08

  1. 3 minutes ago, d2o said:

    Man, that supermax deal is looking like a better investment errday

    I can't even find it in me to make any jokes anymore.  It's just sad.  It's, by far, the worst contract in the league, and it hasn't even started yet!   Things are going to get very, very ugly there in the coming years, given Wall's personality type and Washington's willingness to air things out in the press.

  2. Just now, d2o said:

    I can't imagine that he would get a deal next summer that he couldn't get the summer after.    Only he would be 25M richer.    If he declines his option someone in his camp needs to kick the shit out of his agent.

    Yeah, I think the safe money would be him opting in, but that there's even a debate...yikes.

  3. 7 hours ago, Chad said:


    Harden's response was pretty much perfect and sums up why the backlash to his ball-hogging is so much less severe than it was for Russ (not just here among Rockets' fans, but nationally): self-awareness.

    Harden took Kobe's criticism, and essentially said, "He's right. We're not going to win playoff games playing like this. I'm doing what I have to now, but we need to get the other guys back and involved."  If that was Russ from 2 years ago, the response would have been some thinly veiled version of, "Fuck you, I'm gonna do me."

    • Like 2
  4. AD, from what I can tell, has been mostly professional, and he probably would suit up again if they asked them to.  Klutch has been pretty manipulative, and I'm sure that New Orleans feels like his camp hasn't been negotiating in good faith all season.  If they feel like being vindictive, they can ensure that Paul doesn't get what he wants.  Not a great situation to be in for any of the parties.

    ...but, New Orleans probably should have seen the writing on the wall the second he signed Paul, knowing this day would come if they were to drop out of serious playoff contention.

  5. 1 minute ago, d2o said:

    That would be great but those teams that are inquiring about trading for the player are asking his people if he would re-sign when his contract is up.   Its part of their due diligence. 

    And that information would probably get out.  But it wouldn't be as cut and dry as "here's Player X's list of preferred destinations directly from his agent."  Not that those requests have been shown to matter much, but I don't love players demanding trades publicly then expecting the team to do anything other than what's in their best interest.  Keep it quiet, and whatever leaks leaks.  Though, in the end, all I really care about is that the player honors his contract if their request isn't immediately met.  The Butler and Kawhi sabotages and Kyrie's alleged threat to sit out or have surgery bug me.

  6. Just now, d2o said:

    Wait what?    Barnes prolly sent that paper work accepting that option the day after he signed the contract. 

    Right?! That's what I thought.  But Lowe and Arnovitz think that there will be some teams sniffing around.  Either to pay him a little more, or to have him opt out, so they can lock him down for a longer 4/$80M type deal.  Craziness.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Llogg said:

    But fuck manipulating the process like this.

    I will say, using Kyrie's timely apology to LeBron to fire up the rumor mill with Kyrie to LA (and everywhere else) talk, until a notoriously media-reluctant player snaps and says something stupid, thus destabilizing Boston's position was pretty damn impressive. 

  8. Re: How much Klay is worth to the Warriors.

    Reportedly, there's real question whether or not Harrison Barnes will opt-in to his $25M option year.  He apparently may be able to get more elsewhere.  What???  The money is already insane, and it's only going to get crazier.  We'll see how much Harris can snag.  Some less-than superstar players who make $25M+: Whiteside, Beal, Wiggins, McCollum, Holiday, Porter, DeRozan, Millsap, Horford, Conley, Lowry, and Hayward.  Klay is absolutely toward the top end of the group, and almost certainly preferable to all of them to the Warriors.

    Obviously, you can say that a few of those are bad contracts, but the market for a highly skilled wing has never been higher.  I think the bidding probably starts at $27M, and Warriors would consider themselves very lucky if they can keep him under 30.  Klay has proven that he isn't KLAY without Steph next to him (they've tried to build a 2nd unit offense around Klay for 5 years, but the offense has always been meh without Steph on the court), but how much should that matter to the Warriors if they already have Steph signed long term?

  9. So the question is, if Boston falls apart or doesn't offer Tatum, does New Orleans still think they can get the same LAL deal in June that they can pry out of them by Thursday (or an equal or better deal from someone else)?

    I'd think so.  I think they remain calm and let the deadline pass.  With the added benefit of getting to tell Rich Paul and Klutch to take a hike for a few months.

  10. 34 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    1. I saw Brady is awesome, but winning 6 Super Bowls isn't an argument ender like some people want it to be.
    2. You say nobody is saying that.
    3. I post verbatim quotes of two people saying that.
    4. You claim that they're not really saying that but they're really saying something else.
    5. You then follow up by asking if I'm saying something that I'm not saying.

    I read "argument ender" as you implying that "six rings" is all someone needs to say to "win" the argument.  Which, of course, I agree, that's not an argument ender in itself.  So I made the obvious point that there's much more being taken into consideration (yes, even by the people posting pictures of cartoon Brady's dick).  That's apparently not what you meant though, so I asked what exactly you're getting at.  If it came off as snarky or whatever, I apologize.  Just seeking clarification.

  11. 1 minute ago, Huckleberry said:

    They literally quoted just the Super Bowl accomplishments and then said "enough said." Now you are assuming all kinds of other aspects of their argument, which they didn't post or say, just so you can argue that nobody said "enough said." And yet you are accusing me of putting words in other people's mouths.


    I'm just trying to understand what point you're making.  I'm not even one of the people saying that Tom Brady is the GOAT, no argument. I think he is...but there's always an argument for everything.  I've acknowledged many, many, many times how lucky he was to wind up with Belichick, how many "lucky" breaks he's gotten throughout his career, the quality of the teams (well, at least the quality of the gameplan) around him, etc.  So what?

    Are we not allowed to declare a GOAT without first stating that we don't know all the variables because we'll never be able to know how so-and-so would have done in the same situation?How would you go about making a GOAT argument in any sport if not pointing out individual achievements that compare favorably with anyone's, with the "argument ender" of having unmatched and historic team success (and largely great individual performances within that success)?

    9 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    You're as maniacal about this conversation as you accuse Bone3421 of being.

    There's no need for hyperbole.

    • Like 1
  12. The current CBA makes it almost a slam dunk that a superstar will extend on with the team that drafted them after their rookie contract.  That's 7 years.  If you can't make a good enough sales' pitch in 7 years, you probably are never going to.  Is the argument that players are leaving or how they're leaving?  I have no problem with one, but, yes, the other is becoming disconcerting.

  13. 1 hour ago, sheeeit said:

    Jordan is best ever, imo.  2 deep starting all great team:


    Magic, Curry

    MJ, Kobe

    Lebron, Bird, KD

    Duncan, Barkley

    Kareem, Hakeem, Wilt

    Not bad.  Maybe I'd consider swapping Russell for Wilt, but that's about it.

    This is why I always laugh when Kobe fans get all bent out of shape when someone says that he's not in the Top 10.  The NBA's Top 9 is insane...almost impenetrable.  In some order:











    That tenth spot can only be one of KD, The Logo, Shaq, Kobe, Oscar, a couple of other guys that I'm probably spacing on.  There's no shame at all in being #13, or whatever.

    I agree with you that Steph is now the 2nd best point guard in NBA history (he's past Isiah, and I tend to think Oscar is a bit overrated), and he'll be lucky to crack the top 20.

  14. 19 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    This also reeks of a PR stunt by Davis/Rich Paul. What exactly can the Bucks, Knicks, or Clippers offer that can beat the Lakers' offer (which isn't that great, either)?

    "Put everyone on the table already, Magic, or we're going to convince New Orleans to take Khris Middleton!"

  15. 19 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    What the fuck is Magic Joshnson trying to do? Trading all that for Anthony Davis? Lmao. What a fucking idiot. 

    What is "all that" to you?  Kuzma is the only piece of real value to the Lakers in that proposed trade.

  16. 31 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    I realize this post is three days old and I didn't see the original tweet, but Vince Carter faked an injury and purposefully tanked to get the hell out of Toronto. It was one of the more despicable acts by an NBA player I can remember and he was reviled there for years.

    Yes, this.  He did all but take literal shits on the court at Air Canada center for months trying to force his way out.  

    I like the dude now, but I couldn't stand him back in the day.  Completely resurrected his image.

    People may hate DWade, but he's a much better player than Carter, has the better legacy, oh, and Carter doesn't even want to retire this year, so making him an honorary All-Star would have made zero sense.

  17. 10 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    You must have these guys on ignore:


    Are you saying that you think that those guys would still be making lewd, matter-of-fact GOAT proclamations if Brady had 6 rings but individual accolades comparable to, say, Eli Manning?

    Of course they wouldn't. Of course it's a combination of things.

    What are you getting at? Tom Brady has individual success that rivals anyone who has ever played, but you'd prefer that people not take into account the team success--that dwarfs everyone else by miles--as their "tiebreaker"?

    • Like 1
  18. 23 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Who here thinks Troy Aikman was the best QB of the '90s? He's not even deserving of being in the discussion. And I say that as someone who was a huge fan back then.

    There are a lot of reasons to argue that Brady is the greatest QB ever. It's just that "six rings" isn't the argument ender that some people want it to be.

    Troy Aikman doesn't have multiple regular season MVPs, record setting offensive seasons, both individually and as a team, an undefeated season, the most game winning drives in playoff history, 30TDs/12INTs in his last 14 playoff games that include 4 Super Bowl appearances as he approached and entered his 40's, etc., etc., etc.

    No one anywhere is using six rings exclusively as an argument ender...combined with all the things above though, and it probably is.

  19. 1 minute ago, Vic Mackey said:

    But neither Bill nor Brady have won Super Bowls without each other. I get Bill as a coordinator but I am talking about at the top of their profession. Head coach. If there is debate about one, then why not the other? Honestly, I don't think there is any about Brady. No QB is ahead of him. 

    In terms of all sports, though, I don't know about that. You have Phil Jackson, Lombardi John Wooden, Bear Bryant, Nick Saban, Paul Brown. Popovich is up there. Red Auerbach.

    But if that is your competition, then you are one of the best ever of any sport.

    You're preaching to the choir. Neither Brady or BB would be what they are without the other, though both still would have been great. BB is too damn smart to have not caught on somewhere, it just might not have been New England, judging by how his year plus with Bledsoe was going. Just like Pop needed Duncan, BB needed Brady (or someone very similar). You can't just walk into any locker room and impart what we now know as Patriots' culture. You need skins on the wall, and a one-of-a-kind, humble, coachable superstar. Brady very quickly gave him that, and allowed the culture to take hold.

    And Brady, without BB, is still 6'4" 225 with an accurate and precise arm in any conditions, incredibly driven with a massive chip on his shoulder, deceptively shifty, and as intelligent as any quarterback who has ever played.

    ...I think he would have been okay.

  20. 26 minutes ago, TommyGufano said:

    Of course it isn't a criticism that he picks the open target. It's just commentary that the situation and circumstance for him to succeed is a lower degree of difficulty than many QBs. He's in a fantastic system with the greatest coach in the history of the sport.

    I feel like what one voice in this thread is mostly failing to communicate is an idea that is sort of along these lines: What if Brady was drafted by the Cleveland Browns and had 0 Super Bowl wins as a consequence. Would everyone in this thread who turns into the heart eyes emoji at the mention of his Super Bowls think he was a worse player for it? Or would they be analyzing a team game at a level that allows for evaluation/assessment/criticism of players, independent of team circumstance, that would recognize that Hypothetical Cleveland Browns Tom Brady is the same guy as New England Patriots Tom Brady? It seems like it's the former.

    To my eyes, Brady is the third best QB to come along since 1998 (that's a very high compliment, for the record). Now everyone can tell me I'm a moron for holding that opinion. Most accomplished quarterback? Without a fucking question. Greatest? Not for me.

    You would think that, if there existed a system that allows a very good quarterback to make low difficulty throws all the way down the field--regardless of who's catching the passes--in the biggest of moments routinely, more teams would run it. Weird.

  21. 1 hour ago, ATLLonghorn said:

    Pretty amazing how little anyone cares about nuance when the conversation is about Brady vs Montana when all last night proved was that Belichick is the greatest coach in football history.

    (Brady is the GOAT, by the way)

    I think it's largely because, whatever little debate there is about Brady, there's absolutely none about Belichick. That's been decided for some time now. The only "debate" left is is he the greatest coach in the history in any sport.

  22. 13 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    I think Romo had that one wrong. Was it McCourty on that one?

    Nevermind, I'm an idiot. Forgot that there's two McCourty's in the Patriots' defensive backfield. It was Jason on that play, with Devin coming into the screen late.

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