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Posts posted by destroya

  1. We miss the Austin of our youth because we miss our youth. But it doesn’t hurt that the Austin of our youth was smaller, cheaper and had less traffic. 

    But, yeah, Austin Stories. My then girlfriend’s roommate was on the show. It was pretty bad, but it’s a nice time capsule of the last days of old Austin. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. 1 minute ago, lonestar3 said:

    OK, it was a light-hearted commentary on an Internet message board poster’s recruiting priorities.

    But I do appreciate your timely reply. I’ll be sure to vet all my future comments through you to make sure I get your seal of approval.

    You might also want to alert the coaches. 

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  3. This is a tough one. He had the most sincere voice in rock and roll. Lucky to have seen him a few times during his renaissance. He still put on a great show. 

    I know what I’ll be listening to all weekend. Thanks for giving us all you had, Roky. 

  4. 10 hours ago, boknowstecmo said:

    We'll get to buy beer at 10am on Sundays now, so that's something I guess.

    Unfortunately that didn’t pass.

    The language allowing 10 am sales was amended onto the TABC sunset bill on the House floor. It was removed by the Senate and didn’t make it into the conference committee report.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Baconboy said:

    They only saw the light only once it made it out of committee and onto the floor where all of their votes would be seen by the public. Prior to that it barely made it out of committee passing by only two or so votes. It was a UT grad senator, Dawn Buckingham (R - Lakeway), that I believe had a lot to do with it getting passed. 

    The beer to go bill never made it out of committee. It was amended onto the TABC sunset bill on the floor of the House. The Senate then lowered the amount one can buy from 2 cases to 1 case.  What passed today was the conference committee report that reconciled the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. 

  6. Anyone have any experience with record cleaning machines?  Amazon has an ultrasonic cleaner, for under $700, that can clean 5 records at a time.  A lot of other ultrasonic cleaners go for over $4000.

  7. 44 minutes ago, smuggs said:


    I have firearms in my safe that I can access within seconds. I also realize the stupidity of running into the yard, guns blazing, to confront a "mob" of people.

    Do you think this would have turned out well for the homeowner if the teens had real firearms?

    Call the cops, stay inside your locked house with your family, and rain fire on any moron that actually tries to enter your home.

    I agree with you and would have done the same thing.  But when a group of folks show up in the middle of the night to a house looking to fight the homeowner's son and vandalize his house, getting shot and killed is a real possibility.

  8. Just now, BigHorn'13 said:

    It's because paintball guns aren't deadly and the one kid was there to slap box. The laws can't protect you from not being a mind reader. 

    Again, why should he be responsible for guessing their intent? Did he know they only had paintball guns and that the would be combatants would follow the Marquess of Queensberry Rules.

    I fully admit that I don’t know all the facts and my stance is informed by the initial article. It sounds like the father has been detained, and it’s a different situation shooting at a fleeing vehicle. 

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  9. Whatever instrument you choose, I’d suggest taking a few months of lessons to build a solid foundation. Learning the basic chords, the major scale and how the notes relate to each other within the major scale will make it so much easier and faster to develop and will ultimately make you a better player.

    Playing scales and all the basic stuff is admittedly boring but it’s good to get it out of the way when you’re a beginner.

  10. This shit fucking sucks.  I've resigned myself to hoping that CDC has done a thorough evaluation of the program and has come to the conclusion that Shaka is the best person to lead team.  It's a thin thread of hope, but it's all I got.

  11. Why not both? Making a lot of money doesn’t mean you have a lot of money.

    I’d guess he makes a solid low to mid six figure income but hasn’t accumulated any real wealth cause he blows his money on stupid shit...like a lot of other folks. Or not. Maybe he’s a cheap fat fuck who’s lives his best life in a sea of strip malls and all you can eat buffets and has saved 50% of his post tax earnings for the past 15 years. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Wasn’t there a state rep from San Antonio that got popped for dui for driving up on the sidewalk of the Lamar st bridge a while back?  Nice young lady?

    El Paso. Can’t remember her name but she’s no longer in the Legislature. 

  13. 8 hours ago, Moby Ric said:

    I'm in as of today.  Cutting the drinking waaaaayyyyyyyyy back, and starting to eat healthy and exercise.  I feel like shit, and I am tired of feeling like shit.

    Good for you. I’ll echo my previous advice from last year’s thread. Will power is a muscle, so don’t overwhelm yourself by taking on too much at once. Tackle one or two new habits at a time and build from there. Maybe start walking a few days a week and cutting back on soft drinks. etc etc. 

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  14. 48 minutes ago, irishtexan said:


    This is kinda revisionist history. The whole underground/grunge/alternative scene was growing and bubbling for years. If it wasn't Nirvana it would have been Pearl Jam. That door was gonna get kicked down regardless. It happened to be Nirvana that did it. But people want to think that Nirvana basically picked everyone up and carried them into the mainstream, and that's not exactly true.

    Yeah that scene had been bubbling for years, but Nirvana opened the floodgates. Alice in Chains, didn't kick that door down, Soundgarden didn't kick it down. Jane's Addiction didn't. The Pixies didn't.  Of course, the reason Nirvana had the cultural impact they did is there were a ton of great bands right there with them; it was never just Nirvana.  Like you said, pop culture was primed for a change.  Nirvana was the spark, and all those other bands brought a hell of a lot of fuel to the explosion that followed.

    How old are you?  I was 16 when teen spirit caught fire in the fall of 91.  So my perspective is as a high schooler in the Houston suburbs.  Interested to see how your age and place informs your perspective.

  15. 2 hours ago, Parliament said:

    One of my classmates dropped "Smells Like Teen Spirit" into his boom box after gym class in early 1992 or so.  Cranked it all the way up.  EVERYBODY in ear shot stopped what they were doing and just listened.  Hair metal, simply, syrupy riffs and all the "W Bands" (Warrant, Winger, Whitesnake, White Lion, etc) were all killed on that day.  I'm not sure there has ever been a sharper break between 2 musical eras.

    Class of 93 here.  That's the thing about Nirvana, regardless of what you think about their music, they immediately and throughly killed an entire subgenre of rock and ushered in a completely new sound and look for kids.  They weren't the first Seattle band I heard, Alice and Chains was getting airplay during the summer of 91 and I first saw Soundgarden when the opened for GnR, but no other band from that era can match their impact on mainstream pop culture.

  16. 28 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    I just don't understand how Shaka can't see that his offensive philosophy doesn't work...

    In his four years here, I’ve seen nothing from Shaka that shows he even has an offensive philosophy.

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  17. 2 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    i don't have time to get into the rankings right now, but are they just based on talent, or do "years remaining" add to their value?  kind of like the value of a player in a baseball trade based on years of team control.  i guess it depends on need, but it seems like a fairly talented soph would have more value than a slightly more talented sr/grad transfer with 1 year remaining.

    The value of a grad transfer is they are immediately eligible and can be short term, plug and play solutions like Alex Anderson and Tre Watson.  Depending on the team's needs and roster that can either increase or decrease their value.

  18. Got a pair of Sonos 1s just before Christmas.  They're pretty cool for what they are, and I'm happy with them.  But over the past week, I started having an issue when playing songs off Tidal: halfway through the song, it jumps to the next one.  It plays fine when I'm playing songs on my phone, though (iPhone XS with a bunch of music on it). 

    My Sonos and Tidal apps are updated.  Any suggestions other than wait for an update that hopefully fixes it?

  19. 6 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    ... The reality is many in the fanbase don't care that much about basketball...

    Not disagreeing with you, but the guaranteed way to ensure that our fans continue not caring about basketball is to keep Shaka smart.  Winning is the only thing that will make fans give a damn, and it doesn't look like Shaka is the guy to make that happen.


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  20. 2 hours ago, Bevo said:

    Considering we want to keep Beck and want to hire Carrier and Beaty and we want to get Giles help, we need 3 positions to open up. I see W and the 2 wide receiver coaches as possibilities. So, best case scenario would be for Beck to slide over to QB coach and co-OC, Beaty to OC and TE, Carrier to WR coach and then bring in an extra DL coach. Hurtt I guess would be possible but he is with Seattle.

    But what do you think TH wants to do ?

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