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Sidney Sherman

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Posts posted by Sidney Sherman

  1. 3 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:


    Coulda woulda wahhh fuck you Curr. Your team was also getting the game handed to them by the officials.

    2 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    Can we talk about the fact that Draymond got dunked on again by Harden, got a dunk rejected by Capela, and fumbled away a chance at the win?

    Capela and Harden also got blocks on Defense. Look at the scores of these games... Rockets clutch city has turned into lock it the fuck down city.

  2. Also, Harden may have gotten a concussion again on that dunk on Draymond when Draymonds offhand pushed Harden down from his face. Hardens head has bounced off the floor twice in this series pretty hard.

  3. 2 minutes ago, TexMexBuddha said:

    That's what it looked like to me too. He rolled his thigh on that play.

    Hell yeah! Gutsy win by the Rockets. EG was MVP for sure.

    And you gotta feel good winning with meh offensive contribution by Harden. But dance with the one that brung ya, he will have his night over the next two.

    Go Rockets!

    Yup. Wonder how the two min report will bullshit this one. They video reviewed a correct call and changed it to the incorrect call on that Draymond Green out of bounds play.

    Good thing the Rockets had some Karma built up. Shimmy on their ass.

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  4. I think it may just be a cramp honestly. Dude needs to get a nice long sleep and rest his back from carrying the team this whole game. 

    Lol so the stage is set. How does the script read? Both former confrence champs are backed against the wall. Do the Lebrons make it to the finals? Do the Durants?

  5. Just now, BigOrange1 said:

    uh, that looked like draymond's hand....

    Yup. The announcers are STUNNED they are rigging this game so sloppily. Honestly fuck the NBA. I cant stand this obvious scripted game.

  6. 1 minute ago, Stringer said:

    Oh my fuck.  Let CP3 run the offense.  Am I on crazy pills?

    What offense? They stopped running PnR as soon as the series started for some dumb reason. They dont run off ball screens or plays. They dont have movement. Literally just ISO and find an open man or take the shot.

    Lol EG has literally saved the Rockets season with this game. Hes goin off.

  7. 3 minutes ago, elfenix said:

    nba is such a fucking joke

    Been saying this for a while. I understand it's a difficult game to officiate. But when all the calls go one way or another it's too obvious it's scripted.

  8. 1 minute ago, TonyTexas said:

    That call on Trevor was as bad as it gets.

    Its been like that the whole series. What kind of retarded league rigs the games for the same two teams to play every finals for 4 year in a row lol.

  9. 1 minute ago, Stringer said:

    Uhhhhh.  Foul where?

    "Superstar call" you know. Its a thing, the NBA literally just rigs games. This one is gonna be rigged. Its so obvious. Two guys sandwich Ariza and he gets called for a foul. The NBA is total shit.

  10. Lol the Warriors are going to just ride these whistles the rest of the game. This ones gonna be a mess at the end. Both teams playing like trash, one team getting touch fouls. One team getting hacked without getting calls.

  11. 4th Quarter need to just ride CP3 and actually move on offense. Capela+PJ should be cutting and snaging boards. Gerald Green and Eric Gordon should be hitting 3s. Harden can come play too if somebody gives him a bump of coke or whatever the fuck he needs to play.

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