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Everything posted by Halohal

  1. My thoughts exactly. Next will be the metaverse.
  2. Doing it, and doing it, and doing it again.
  3. Woo-hoo Julia shaves... Oh and score. Keep the rally real
  4. Little league pitcher imitating Garcia wind up pretty cool.
  5. Damn, sucks when kids are involved. Court definitely gonna step in.
  6. Halohal

    Austin FC

    Don't need SAP to tell me that sucks. Let's get one back
  7. Can't get a rbi without a yordan special
  8. Siri taunting off the bag almost gets out. Then does get out when he didn't have to run. Damn slouch
  9. Back to back doubles. For the love keep the pitcher in...
  10. Damn slouch in center wants to catch a ball like that but can't hit. Smh
  11. Stopped after 10sec and jumped twice to the end...
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