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Certifiably Surly
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wildcat09 last won the day on June 24 2022

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  1. Because Rex clearly missed our last conversation on this, I'll quote myself:
  2. Yes we’re all aware of his bullshit excuses. We’ve discussed this all before.
  3. The thing is that certain people don't consider Palestinians to be people.
  4. Hamas got a much smaller percentage of the vote in the last election held in Gaza, which was nearly 18 years ago, than Trump got in either of the last two elections and way way smaller than the Texas GOP gets every election. Using their views on and treatment of women as representative of how all Palestinians view and treat women makes much less sense than using the Texas GOP as representative of how all Americans view and treat women.
  5. I love how conservative men who want to ban the pill and lock up women who get abortions say shit like this.
  6. The engineers need to preemptively get gibbets. For public safety.
  7. Y'all know the violence at UCLA was overwhelmingly from counterprotesters, right?
  8. Reformed Johnny is really letting the old Johnny out on this shit, huh?
  9. How much longer before TB is proposing a spectrum of skull measurements for determining Jewishness?
  10. I dunno. I don't think I've seen the "I'm pro Israeli genocide of Gaza, but I'm also pro threatening the genocide of Jewish people as long as it's couched as genocide of Israeli people" before. That's pretty impressive.
  11. I'm starting to think TB is an expert troll.
  12. Cops love to blame someone else for their own failures. Every time we hear about some guy murdering his whole family, and for many mass shooters, it turns out that the cops had investigated them multiple times and simply ignored substantial evidence of criminal activity and refused to arrest them. This kid's mom reported the dad for abuse over 100 times and the cops only arrested him once before the kid died? That's on them.
  13. This is almost certainly total bullshit and it's really annoying that they just printed uncorroborated copaganda in this story.
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