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Posts posted by wildcat09

  1. 10 hours ago, tx ind said:

    At this point there was little chance it would go to court before the election.  Trump can sweat it out as it's an unknown hanging over his head and Jack Smith can figure out his case.

    After SCOTUS's ruling, there was no chance the trial would start before the election. Might as well take all the time they can get to figure out how best to argue the case and whether they should go ahead and charge him for more shit (like insurrection).  

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  2. 12 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    I mean, I get it, she's truly awful. But if you were putting out a casting call for a female Trump, she wouldn't even have to audition. She is Trump. Just trying to wrap my head around the voters who see through her grift but can't connect the dots on Trump.

    For a sizeable chunk of the population, that behavior is good when a white man does it and bad when anyone else does it.

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  3. Hah, I was looking back for some old posts of mine where I'd made similar arguments about how the party should actually moderate when it needs to and I basically said they need to run people like Walz nearly two years ago even though I didn't know who he was


    Dems need some moderate candidates to run in moderate districts. But "moderate" doesn't mean Republican-lite candidates that run against the Democratic party.  Find some people that embrace universal values and know that the path to winning is attacking Republicans for being weird freaks who hate the American people, not explaining why they're a nicer Republican and nothing like the rest of those horrible Dems.

    I love it when I'm proven right. It's so awesome. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, immamac said:

    No, the national guard has already resolved the matter. He retired as master sergeant because hd didn't take a class to retire as his served rank or some stupid shit I don't pretend to know about the military but it was pretty plain that he achieved and served at the rank and retired at a lower one cuz of paperwork shit

    Which is extremely fucking relatable to pretty much anyone. Only someone like JD Vance who has had his entire life paid for by billionaires wouldn't get it. 

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  5. Just now, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

    alternatively, just get rid of lobbyists and that stupid idea that a corporation is a person which can donate to a political party. In fact, cap the total income of any politician at the poverty limit while holding office. Force them to live off of government programs just like any other poor person. That'll remove incentive for those looking to line pockets to get into politics, and force those who make laws and regulations to live under them.

    Actually, that'd make them more likely to take bribes.

    One of the (very many) problems we have is that being an elected representative is actually not a good way to get ahead for yourself and your family in American society. Hell these days if you're a decent person but you've got some student debt and a mortgage for a house actually IN a major city you NEED a higher paying job than House rep. Because it doesn't actually pay all that well, most of the people running for elected office are those who just do it for attention and/or those who do it so they can sell their votes. 

    Shit, look at what being a Texas legislator pays and try telling me with a straight face that we're doing it right here in Texas. We get what we pay for. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, Thatguy said:


    Man, @Captainant is right. We have regressed. After years of middle class growth we have stripped ourselves backwards into another Gilded Age. Policies and programs that we had all my life are now gone. In that regression what used to be normal shit everyone could agree on is now touted as "progressive".

    And there was a time in our history where policies like free school lunch WERE actually new and very progressive. Hell, there was a time in our history where public education was new and very progressive. People quite literally fought and died to have a weekend.  The whole idea about what is "moderate" or in the "center" isn't actually about any specific policies at all but about how most people want to view themselves. Most people aren't comfortable thinking of themselves as part of an extreme and so they don't want to support ideas that people around them who they like and respect think are extreme.

    The right built up such a big right-wing propaganda machine that they managed to convince millions of people that feeding kids at school is dangerous extremism.  Tons of communities now believe that because it's what the people they trust on TV say and what their friends and family and neighbors say. But that's actually a very easy bubble to pierce and you do it like Walz has: when challenged on it you stand firm and say something like "what a monster, kids got food and now can learn!" It's easy to show there's not some great harm in feeding kids, and it's not like it's too fucking expensive.  There are all sorts of other issues like this too that the Dems should be more aggressively championing instead of running away from, but the prior generation of Democratic leadership was too traumatized from coming up under Reaganism too know how to fight.

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  7. 1 hour ago, mdmost said:

    Bros, we are so far away from that sinking feeling of inevitability when Biden froze at the debate. We're going to destroy Trump once and for all. 

    We're going to beat the shit out of him and probably his supporters too when they try a coup again and then we're going to replace Garland with a real AG and Trump's going to actually get charged and convicted for serious federal crimes and he's going to die cold and alone in federal prison.  

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