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Everything posted by TheFlagship

  1. It’s really not that insane. It’s only $25M a year which is what A-Rod got from the Rangers and MLB revenues have doubled since then. Sure it’s a lot of years, but the actual dollar value is very reasonable. also yeah he’s pretty good
  2. Saw an interesting point on twitter - do you think different about 13 years if the NL adopts the DH in the next CBA?
  3. This. Witten is a Cowboys legend, but this team needs some new blood at TE
  4. Also possible the Dodgers could feel threatened by San Diego now, at least long term. Plus with Arenado signing his extension, there won’t be many upgrades in the FA market next offseason, so it makes sense to pony up for Harper now.
  5. Yeah it would be very unlike Friedman to do a mega deal, so I remain skeptical he’ll go to LA
  6. Cespedes but then he got Mets’d. The Dodgers have plenty of money they shouldn’t worry about luxury tax
  7. I’m all for Machado, Harper and Arenado being in the same division for the next 8 years. Would be less than ideal for Beau’s team though.
  8. Miles Mikolas gets paid too. 4 yr 68M extension. If you would’ve told me this in 2014 when I watched this guy get shelled every start, I would’ve never believed you.
  9. Woodward is getting a lot of praise so far for his work with the young hitters. I think the players disliked Banny a lot more than we were led to believe. Seemed like he was peak grumpy old man. I still believe there is All-Star potential to unlock with Gallo, Maz and Rougie but it’s really a put up or shut up year for all 3. The future would sure look brighter if they had good years...
  10. Not quite sure where he plays, but the Twins have an interesting and deep lineup
  11. Cano will probably tail off but he’s done fine for the first half of the contract at least
  12. Bryant and Rizzo should def be better, but I think Schwarber and Contreras are who they are. Can you count on Baez repeating his MVP caliber season? Correct me if I’m wrong, but the problem for the Cubs is they are relying on old pitchers not dropping off precipitously (Lester and Hamels) and guys coming off injury or down years (Darvish and Q). Their bullpen should be good.
  13. But at the same time, the owners are making more money. The tv deals are huge. Yet payrolls are going down! And teams aren’t paying guys past their early 30s but at the same are manipulating the service time of prospects to delay their free agency a year. It doesn’t smell right. As a baseball fan, I want to see the Harpers and Machados play. Frankly, I don’t care if they’re overpaid and some billionaire shmuck like Hal Steinbrenner doesn’t get the ROI he wants.
  14. I’m a big fan of using data in sports for use in predictive decision making, but college football is too random to build an accurate model. In most cases, you’re talking about 19-20 year old kids that are still learning and still developing on a weekly, if not daily basis. What occurred in the past is going to be less predictive of the future than a model for any pro league. The rosters are also giant so it’s difficult to predict and project playing time and samples are so small, it can be challenging to quantify actual player skill. I admire his intent in trying to quantify results and I think it does portray what happened fairly well, but college football is often random as fuck as we know, and I can’t buy into any predictive value being derived from S&P. I’ll leave that for aggy suckers
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