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Everything posted by Welshy

  1. Meh. Little harsh. I'm not about to defend him, but compared to Trump? c'mon. Wrong on a great many things, intellectually lazy and way over his head, he was/is a thousand miles from Trump. I could have a conversation with Bush, because he's a human I can relate with, even if he's a dumbass. Fuck, the Obamas were friends with Dub. Trump is a sociopath, and not a very smart one. The cult of personality around him is because the world is full of stupid people. In the US, they have been marginalized and ignored for decades. They are angry. Trump has tapped into it. It's deliberate (by his handlers) and mercenary. Bush was just not that guy, though roe and others moved into that space.
  2. So I just learned about Kristi Noem. I'm not reading 4 pages of the Kristi Noem thread , but that woman is unhinged.
  3. Louis C.K still makes me sad. Funniest person ever. Huge creepy POS. Makes me disappoint.
  4. I've never watched one. 10 minutes in, I wish that were still true. Press people are not funny.
  5. Ambient temperature or sink access (to your warm water sink). https://hellotushy.com/products/warm-water-bidet-tushy-spa?variant=32135873658922
  6. Welshy


    Just watched. Amazing in some really subtle ways. I cannot fathom being a Trans Jew in Nazi Germany. The first 3 Trans operations in 19 fucking 30 something blows my mind. Not that it happened, but that Trans people were so desperate to reconcile who they were that they would undergo what I have to assume was the most experimental, ham-fisted, life altering surgeries blows my mind. 100 fucking years ago. Jesus. It gave me a real moment of understanding for Trans issues. Or my lack of understanding of Trans issues. I paused the documentary to process why I was more appalled by that part than some of the other appalling shit being depicted. My conclusion is I'm mentally comfortable with Gay, but have been subliminally skeptical of Trans. Seeing that level of desperation tells me I just don't understand. Any other recommendations?
  7. For sure. But I'd have a beer with Bush. I wouldn't piss on Trump if he were on fire.
  8. I listened to the Smartless podcast with Clinton, Obama and Biden today. Interesting in that Biden is finally getting engaged in a way that gets his messages out.
  9. Make Em Eat Taco Bell negged me. MAOR
  10. Sorry, fuck you twice.
  11. Enshitification. Site was so much better without all the Karens and Kevins. 5 of them on both political sides are a constant, never-ending beatdown for all the rest. It's a slog to read anything. Brian F, Taco...these people enshitify everything...constantly...for everyone. Just ban them all. I don't think many of these assholes went to UT, but they thread police a ridiculous amount of communication and discussion. It's insanity. Fuck you.
  12. Batshit crazy 2000 called. They want their expectations back.
  13. After more than 50 arrests were made at a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Texas on Wednesday, professors joined students for another walkout and protest Thursday. The Palestine Solidarity Committee, the registered student organization and chapter of Students for Justice at Palestine, organized Wednesday's walkout and intent to take over the South Lawn by the UT Tower. They were immediately met by local police and Texas Department of Public Safety troopers. The state agency said in a post on X, formerly Twitter, that it had responded to the campus at the request of the university and the direction of Gov. Greg Abbott. Fifty-seven people were booked into the Travis County Jail in connection to the protest, Travis County sheriff's office spokesperson Kristen Dark said Thursday morning. All have had their charges disposed, Dark said, but it was unclear how many people had been released from the jail as of Thursday morning. UT says almost 26 people who were arrested Wednesday were not affiliated with university In a statement shared by UT spokesperson Brian Davis, the university said 26 of the 55 people "who violated Institutional Rules and were ultimately arrested" during Wednesday's protest were not affiliated with UT. The statement also criticized the nature of the protest, saying it "sought to follow the playbook of the national campaign to paralyze the operations of universities across the country." https://www.statesman.com/story/news/education/2024/04/25/ut-austin-professors-students-pro-palestinian-protest-campus-live-updates/73450483007/
  14. Jesus Christ <<<ducks>>>>
  15. Looking for the UT-Abbot thread, wandered into the Trolling 101 thread.
  16. Take it to the Enshittening thread? Jesus.
  17. Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls. The Other Guys, hands down. Should have won the Oscar for best supporting of the best supporting actor's supporting actor.
  18. Lemme see your war face is amazing. I need to rewatch FMJ.
  19. Everyone has an opinion, including you and an economist named Emily Oster. I don't have any problem with that, truly, but it's just not accurate. Formula is a godsend. It's fantastic in countless ways and there shouldn't be any judgment for someone who choses to use or has to use formula, but breast feeding is better. There is a definitive, factual downside. For giggles I added a WHO study and results about the marketing and biased science of an insanely profitable formula industry in addition to some papers, articles and studies from: John's Hopkins, National Library of Medicine, WebMD, Mount Sinai, the WHO and Harvard. The FDA finds decreased risk of food allergies and lower risk of obesity with breastfeeding. https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/23-02-2022-new-who-research-urges-an-end-to-aggressive-formula-milk-marketing-that-discourages-breastfeeding https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/why-we-shouldnt-demonize-formula-feeding-2018040313557 https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/special-topic/breastfeeding-vs-formula-feeding https://www.webmd.com/baby/breastfeeding-vs-formula-feeding https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4882692/ https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/breastfeeding-your-baby/breast-milk-is-the-best-milk#:~ https://www.fda.gov/food/social-and-behavioral-science-research-food/consumer-research-infant-formula-and-infant-feeding
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