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Everything posted by Welshy

  1. I don't know how to feel. What just happened?
  3. Any other QB on the Tech squad, and Tech wins this game.
  4. I take back everything I ever said about TCO womenz. Ech.
  5. You know, this is the shittiest game I've watched this year. By a long shot. Still, it's fascinating. Like watching a bee try to swim.
  6. Tech band pretty loud from upper deck on that touchdown. Wait. TCU. NM.
  7. HAHAHAHAHA - TCU offense moves the ball right down the field via massive, repeated forward fumbles.
  8. Pretty sure "wifability" is high in acceptance criteria for the womenz at TCU. The bar looks high.
  9. That bald dude in that hybrid jail/clown suit scared the shit out of me.
  10. TCU not good against the pass. Tech possessing the ball still blows my mind.
  11. I wonder if Pattersons pants chafe the back of his neck....
  12. 1. That intro hurt my emotions it was so bad. B. Must be all of 8 people in those stands. "It will be full sounds like a stretch" 3. Duffy will turn the ball over 3 times for a tech loss by 10. 41 - 31
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