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Posts posted by Hornlover

  1. 9 hours ago, Getafix said:


    On3 / Spiegelman bumped his Kobe RPM up to 80% ... 





    One of the $9.95ers said that Black was going to announce on Nov 29th, but that date may change.

    I can only assume that it might be a tad awkward for his brother to announce his intention to transfer to Texas - three days before his current team plays against Texas for the Big XII Championship.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  2. 1 hour ago, Fud said:

    Some potential startable transfer QBs I've come up with. Some of these are already in the portal, some might go to the draft, and some might get the NIL bag to stay put

    Who am I missing?

    Cam Ward

    Michael Pratt

    Riley Leonard

    Tyler Van Dyke

    Will Rogers

    Aidan Chiles

    Kaidon Salter

    Diego Pavia

    Conner Weigman

    Max Johnson

    Maliik Murphy

    Tyler Shough

    Ty Simpson

    Brendan Sorsby

  3. 47 minutes ago, Getafix said:


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    Plan 2024 alive and well when it comes to Texas A&M football

    Tarp (Aggie 247)

    As of a few weeks ago, Texas A&M’s plan was as follows:

    - Take advantage of a favorable schedule next season that excluded Alabama and Georgia and featured the program’s toughest games at home.

    - Beat Texas in 2024 and make a run at the College Football Playoff

    - Keep Aggies’ boss Jimbo Fisher around so that they could keep the roster together and in particular the 2022 recruiting class on campus

    - The opportunity cost of any type of buyout of Fisher could be better served by putting it towards improvements in the program and in particular NIL funding to help keep the roster and also eventually toward the 2024 recruiting class after they got on campus.

    However, the flaw in this plan turned out to be Fisher himself. He continued to lose football games despite being given everything he wanted and displayed no signs that he would change the way he did business.

    Ultimately, A&M decided that Fisher would not allow them to implement this plan due to his inability to win games on the field (something that most other people had decided a long time before this). This was even though it was expensive to part ways with him and that money could have used in other ways to shore up the team or that keeping the roster and recruiting class together became less likely and more of an issue.

    Thus, Plan 2024 as I like to call it was modified as follows:

    Switch out Fisher for another head coach and staff while keeping assistant head coach Elijah Robinson on hand to maintain as much of the roster and recruiting class as possible with an assistant where permitted from NIL.

    That’s it.

    In other words, A&M still has the same sense of urgency towards 2024 that it had before which means winning big next season and beating Texas.

    That means that A&M wants the new head coach is going to have to do the things that Jimbo Fisher couldn’t, namely develop talent and manage games well enough to win the contests that Fisher is perceived to have let slip away.

    Otherwise, A&M wouldn’t have earmarked the money it did towards removing Fisher.

    The talent is thought to be there to accomplish all of A&M’s goals for 2024. The coach was not.

    Thus, the new boss of A&M football is going to have to hit the ground running. They may be bringing in new systems both on and off the field and new personnel to implement them. However, even with a new coach, 2024 is not supposed to be a rebuilding year.

    I’m not even sure if I would characterize the intention to change things up as reloading.

    It’s going to have to be as painless of a transition as possible with key members of the roster being on board with the new guy (via an assist from Robinson). That’s because A&M doesn’t think that there are many rosters in college football more talented than what it has.

    The person coming in is going to be attracted to the job by the talent on hand but there is also going to have to be a perception on their end that the best parts of the roster remain intact in the off season to allow them to win big in 2024. There’s also going to have to be the perception that they’re going to have the resources to add to it and have a more complete group than what we witnessed in 2023.

    So if you’re looking for a new A&M football boss, all of those things are going to have to be in play on their end as well as A&M’s end.

    2024 remains now of never for A&M football.

    As a result, the person who A&M thinks can deliver on 2024 will probably be the one to replace Fisher because the next hire has no tomorrow beyond next season…and that’s because the people who actively wanted to or conceded that he needed to go probably won’t have much of a future beyond 2024 either if things don’t go according to plan.


    As a result, the person who A&M thinks can deliver on 2024 will probably be the one to replace Fisher because the next hire has no tomorrow beyond next season…and that’s because the people who actively wanted to or conceded that he needed to go probably won’t have much of a future beyond 2024 either if things don’t go according to plan.

    This mangling of the English language truly baffles me.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 29 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I’ve watched enough of Rogers to feel comfortable saying that his standing is a mystery to me. I cannot figure out why he is well regarded. He put up numbers in Leach’s system, but that’s the only positive I’ve ever seen. 

    "I've never met a man that I didn't like, but some people will never like me" - Will Rogers (probably)

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